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Clones keep dying any advice?


After a few days they just keel over and the stems are all mushy.

I'm taking the cuttings from a healthy mother that was also a clone of one I grew from seed.

I'm dipping the stems in rooting powder before I put them in rockwool cubes and place them on a heating pad.

I also trim the leaves back to reduce the transpiration requirement.

Am I watering them too often? Generally a couple of times a day as I don't want them to dry out.

I think I might try the water cloning method to see if that is more successful.


Bent Member
Yes, way to much water (ie. OGKushes only root in a dryer cube) and drop the heating pad unless its below 40 degrees there

get a dry cube and one damp but rung out, then never let your cubes get as lite as the dry cube. but your watering way to much for that strain based on the soggy stems


Active member
As said before, lower the watering frequency. I may water my clones once every five days or so.

Also, stop clipping the tips. I used to do this, but then realized it slowed all my strains down so I stopped.

As Headbandf1 said, drop the heating pad unless its really cold in your house. I have rooted clones in the low 60's without a pad. It just took a little longer. Unless your house gets below 60 or so, I wouldn't use one.

Don't spray your clones (not saying you do, just in case) it will delay rooting if they can find water on their leaves.

If you use a dome, take it off at least once a day (longer and longer) and leave it off after a few days if you can.

I just use water/lemon juice (soaked in rockwool) to clone and I get 100% success rates 99% of the time.

Hope this helps a bit

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
take plastic cups
fill them with coco, it holds more air and kinda hard to over water, I switched and it's better than peat
take long cuttings if you can, get 4 inch stems to stick in the cups
scar the stem on two sides
use Stem Root #1 as rooting powder
after getting your rooting powder all over the scared stem,
stick it in the coco, compact the coco down so the stem is firmly in
put it on a heat mat, make sure the cup is warm ie soil inside
keep the light about 15 inches away, does not need to be close
and you'll be rooted in about 5-10 days
no dome, don't cut the leaves back, just stick em in and keep em warm and they'll root for sure


Speed of Dark
I grow a sativa dominate tall plant, I had narrowed my choices down to 3 short plants and 2 tall plants.
I picked the plant I now use because the clones would all live every time, no matter I tried to kill them. And they were 2x as robust and large compared to the other 4 strains at every stage. I see all these clone threads and I have to wonder, is it the plant rather than the method? I have not lost a clone in over 2 years with this plant.
I have grown for 12 years, some strains yielded less than 50% survivors, consistantly, no matter the method. Some I lost the strain completely. I have not changed but the current plant will grow any cutting from anywhere on the plant, from a 1/2" tip stuck in a crouton size rockwool cube to a 4" branch in an 8 ounce cup.

I got lucky, smells like diesel and smokes OK. I've grown better, but I used to hate cloning and would stress every time. Now I have to take an extra toke for the high, but no stress will let me live longer, good trade. :kitty:


Active member
If the clones are thick and quite woody on the stems, peel back and trim off some of the outer layers to expose the marrow of the stem (about 2.5" long) then dip marrow in rooting hormone, then plant as normal. Unrooted clones don't like intense light, think soft cool whites.


Active member
-Low light level.
-Damp soil not wet or just water.
-Mostly just forget the thing is there.

Many methods work you must find the one for you.


Thanks for the suggestions. I think I'm going to take some more cuttings today and try them in small pots with vermiculite as a medium.


Registered User
The RW cubes are just fine... if you let em be. And as everyone else pointed out... it is just too wet & they are damping off. The vermiculite will work too... if you let it be.

Roots Excellerator is a great water inoculant to use as a preventative, just to suggest... ended my DO issues, which I think was coming from the tap water I used at the time. GL bro.