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clones die right after clip


Fox farm soil, temps 80-87, cfl lights 3 75watt!! kush strain. As soon as i take the cut it dies within minutes. Plant is being feed straight water strictly for clones. Thanks or any help/advice given thank you!

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
are you spraying them with water and putting a dome on them?

Are the leaves turning yellow and drying up (dying that way) or the stem limping over and turning the top towards the ground(not really dead but look like they kicked the bucket) ?


Active member
try lower temps

water the plants sufficiently the day before making clones

mist the plants with water

use a dome

keep the lights far away from the clones

i keep a 15 watt t5 tube about 20 cm from my clones


you need to tell us your method to make these clones for people to be able to help, also take a pic and post it up. every detail is important, did you stick them right under the lights while they were still wet? which cloning system you using?


I just clip a stem from my mother plant! and put in a dome with a light a mist.They drop over all they way over. The cfl lights are for my mom not the clones. I'm talking about 15 mins after they hit they hit the rapid rooter!


Active member
the room temps are too high, but if you use a heat mat to keep the medium/roots at that temp, they will like it. Room 80F, heat mat set to: 85-90F. I also recommend a dome if you are not using one.

My advice would be to NOT clone in soil. Could be too hot or not retain water well where your cut needs it. Try Oasis cubes or Rapid Rooters/Root Riots (peat pucks) or rockwool cubes.

Even better: Aero. Oh yeah. 100% every time. and they explode like nothing else when they hit dirt with developed roots.


Active member
I just clip a stem from my mother plant! and put in a dome with a light a mist.They drop over all they way over. The cfl lights are for my mom not the clones. I'm talking about 15 mins after they hit they hit the rapid rooter!

cut the clone from the mother, then trim off half of each leaf that is left on... then take a razor blade and make a diagonal cut UNDERWATER.


Active member
make sure the mother plant is healthy and has been recently watered fully and given time to absorb the water... this will add to the tolerance of the clone... after preparing the clone, you should soak it in water with some superthrive or hormex... something with B1 and a rooting hormone.


cut the clone from the mother, then trim off half of each leaf that is left on... then take a razor blade and make a diagonal cut UNDERWATER.

make sure the mother plant is healthy and has been recently watered fully and given time to absorb the water... this will add to the tolerance of the clone... after preparing the clone, you should soak it in water with some superthrive or hormex... something with B1 and a rooting hormone.

listen to nomaad he's listing the important points that will determine success or failure. cut the big fan leafs right back so the clone has less leaf space to try keep hydrated. try and have it so a node is in the medium in the end as roots grow the fastest from wounds like where you cut off spare leaves or lower branches when trimming the clone. but it still works even if it's plain stalk in the medium. see how the leaves are cut back and those have already grown back quite a bit, i cut the big fan leaves right down.


also if you gonna use soil it should be empty of nutrients, no nutes till the roots show. that UNDERWATER cut with razor blade is also really important. if i do it above water i get only 70% success rate, if i cut underwater i'm getting 99%

personally i only put them under light once the leaves of the clones are dry again, i find the dome will keep them at ideal rh without them needing to be misted, inside a few hours the condensed water can be seen on the plastic walls of my cloning box.


What do they look like 24 hours later? They might pop right back up. If not, they aren't getting enough moisture. What does one do if you drop it into a glass of water?

"clip a stem" Scisssors and pruners "clip." Razor blades slice and cut. If you are using scissors or pruners, you are smashing the stem and that would prevent the uptake of water.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
I just clip a stem from my mother plant! and put in a dome with a light a mist.They drop over all they way over. The cfl lights are for my mom not the clones. I'm talking about 15 mins after they hit they hit the rapid rooter!

Without pics or sufficient info, I vote excessive plant material.

Plant survival requires transpiration. The bigger the plant or the cut, the more transpiration required. Transpiration requires roots and ... D'OH, Someone stole your roots. You can no longer transpire.

The key is to use a cut sufficiently small enough that it can survive without transpiration. Keeping cuts small and leaves well trimmed, I can root in 15% rh free of domes or mist.

On another note, Fox Farms is often too hot for mature plants and can fry a clone to a crisp. I'd soak and drain the FF for a couple of days before using it for clones.

Left: too much. Right: properly trimmed


Active member
When I am having really bad luck with cloning, I take cuts and put them in a glass of water. Let them sit in that glass of water for 24-48 hours. If they look great still after that, then use those in your cloning medium as you normally would.

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
the room temps are too high, but if you use a heat mat to keep the medium/roots at that temp, they will like it. Room 80F, heat mat set to: 85-90F. I also recommend a dome if you are not using one.

My advice would be to NOT clone in soil. Could be too hot or not retain water well where your cut needs it. Try Oasis cubes or Rapid Rooters/Root Riots (peat pucks) or rockwool cubes.

Even better: Aero. Oh yeah. 100% every time. and they explode like nothing else when they hit dirt with developed roots.

What's wrong with cloning in soil?




But yeh the temps are too high, I try to keep mine at 24C or 75F and like FreezerBoy said, the clones have to be trimmed well to reduce transpiration.

Cheers, no offence intended.


Active member

You don't need a machine to clone, there are several passive methods to produce a regular supply of rooted clones.

Save your dough and learn to clone without expensive machines that sometimes fail and always consume power.

Peace, SOG
i made a few different clone machines now and they can be made very easy and for $75 you can put together something that will blow ur mind in the results,i use to buy the power clone solution and clonex,intil one time i didnt have the money to buy some rooting solution and ever since the only thing i do use is cloning gel when i cut the clone and just water in the tote and i have roots started in 6/8 days everytime,iv tried every method of cloning and nothing works like a areoponic clone machine with air stones,you dont need a dome you dont have to worry about having to spray the clones all the time,they do use some power but very little,ask anybody thats used one before and i bet you will tell you there is nothing like it!!!

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