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clone to seed question.


New member
i have what might be an odd question but here it goes. if you have a mother plant that has experienced some degradation from cloning that you then took a cutting flipped it male and then breed momma will the resulting plants from those seeds be reinvigorated or will that breeding continue with the degradation. the reason i ask this is is i bred a durban momma in this manner. i dont know if the mother did indeed have degradation or not but the plants from the resulting seeds are like holy shit much more vigorous! LOL. at present i have two 2+ foot tall babies in solo cups and there aint a bit of yellow. ( my friend wants to run em outdoor but wont come get em. im about to flower em for myself. not to mention the other 45 in real pots LOL that are insane. 3 weeks out of solo cups and i got fans bigger than my head. anyway i just wondered if thats whats going on that theyre doing soooo much better than when i grew em b4


Active member
Hey I’m no expert, but you basically selfed a plant - except with two clones instead of changing gender of one part of the plant. You are scrambling the DNA a little bit - selfing produces seeds that have access to all the moms DNA, not just the physical phenotype traits in the mom.
One explanation could be that if you’ve been keeping a mother for a while, it might be kind of unhappy unless you are root pruning and refreshing soil - the self seeds have a fresh start free of root stress and disease. A lot of care is needed to keep an annual plant in a perpetual veg state and happy.
Another explanation is maybe you’ve unlocked some extra vigorous genes that are recessive. Breeders do like vigor but it’s not their top concern as the bud is the most important. So the cut might have siblings that grow faster but the bud isn’t as good. If it’s a halfway decent breeder then you’d think they would be able to link the vigor to the bud potency they like if it’s possible - many gens of inbreeding means you get to see all of the genetic potential. Hate to say it but my plants that grow the fastest are not the most potent. So I’m guessing odds are against you that the plants you have going will be as potent as the original cut. If the weed from your seedlings is just as good as the original cut but they just grow way faster - it does make you wonder why the original breeder didn’t figure out how to combine those traits.

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