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clone lighting



I prefer to use T5 over cfls if I can.

Even an HID is ok if you maintain yoiur moisture levels.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
An HID is a poor choice and needless overkill.

The more light, the more transpiration. The more transpiration, the more water intake required but, wait, we have NO intake. Intake requires roots.

A 23W cfl is sufficient to cover several thousand clones. It will do it cheaper and with less stress on the plants.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
We have no intake? why do we spray then?

Two reasons.

1) You disconnected the unit from the intake system, aka roots.

2) Cuts are too large with too many leaves untrimmed under excess light. All these things kick the output system (leaves) into double overdrive. Minus adequate intake (roots) plant fall down... go boom.
Plants uptake plenty through their leaves, if not, then why do we foliar feed so much?

If you put clones under an HID light, they will need to be far away which will waste the lumen output difference. I have rooted plenty of clones on the floor of my veg room in a little space below a veg hydro tray. It is about 2' further away from the light and has plenty of light for clones, not enough really to veg plants.

I use cool white flouro's for clones, they are cheap and available everywhere.


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