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click here, you wont regret it, shiver inducing poem.


So now, little man, you've grown tired of grass,
L.S.D., goofballs, cocaine and hash,
And someone, pretending to be a true friend,
Said, "I'll introduce you to Miss Heroin."
Well honey, before you start fooling with me,
Just let me inform you of how it will be.
For i will seduce you and make you my slave,
I've sent men much stronger than you to their graves,
You think you could never become a disgrace,
And end up addicted to Poppyseed waste.
So you"ll start inhaling me one afternoon,
You'll take me into your arms very soon,
And once i have entered deep down in your viens,
The crawling will nearly drive you insane.
You'll swindle your mother and just for a buck.
You'll turn into something vile and corrupt,
You'll mug and you'll steal for my narcotic charm,
And feel contentment when I'm in your arms.
The day, when you realize the monster you've grown,
You'll solemnly swear to leave me alone.
If you think you've got that mystical knack,
Then sweetie, just try getting me off your back.
The vomit, the cramps, your guts tied in knots,
The jangling nerves screaming for one more shot.
The hot chills and cold sweats. withdrawal pains,
Can only be saved by my little white grains.
There's no other way and there's no need to look,
For deep down inside you know you are hooked,
You'll desperately run to the pushers and then-
You'll welcome me back, to your arms once again.
And you will return (just as I foretold)!
I know that you'll give up your moral, your conscience, your heart,
And you will be mine until, "Death Do Us Part".

This poem was written by a girl from the Toronto area,
She gave this poem to friend to give to the world for her.
A few days later, she died of a heroin overdose.

this poem has been my anti-drug since i was 11.. i dont believe weed is a gateway drug but there are alot of weak people who blame others for there problems... anywho.. hope this poem gives someone out the a reason to never step it up...


New member
i dont believe weed is a gateway drug but there are alot of weak people who blame others for there problems... anywho.. hope this poem gives someone out the a reason to never step it up...

Wow, very powerful poem. Thanks for sharing it. Addiction is a bitch, but as you say, people like to blame others (both people and things) for their problems without taking responsibility for their actions. Opiate Addiction is no reason or excuse to act irresponsibly, or even worse, hurt others.
Wow, very powerful poem. Thanks for sharing it. Addiction is a bitch, but as you say, people like to blame others (both people and things) for their problems without taking responsibility for their actions. Opiate Addiction is no reason or excuse to act irresponsibly, or even worse, hurt others.

you speak the truth, but all too often all people have left is to blame the drug and addiction. ive seen it all too often and witnessed many people loose everything. most importantly the loss of their family. material can be re acquired but the pain and suffering tends to last forever.

its a heavy poem, i just want to get it out there, it was the anonymous autor's wishes. and it helped me so i hope it helps someone, and id like to keep it up near the top so more people get the chance to read it...

read it please....lol

I did and it rings true. I it is commonly said that hard drugs lead only to jail, institutions and death. I have lost friends to all three due to this concentrated chemical derivitive called heroine. Methadone is offered by our government to pacify addicts and get them off by wheenin. However methadone clinics are there to make $ not help addicts and some may even deny you methadone if you have other drugs (pot) in your system.

Great poem it was truly a gift from one suffering addict to others... and sends the proper message about what is in store for those who choose to use.


Active member
True true.. To bad. I only keep to beer and weed. Better say no right away, or suddenly you might be sucked into something bad.. :(

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