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Clean Dirt in the future? (Serious Discussion Only)


Active member

the fukushima debacle wasnt intentional, it is worse than that i believe

"IMO, the nuclear industry has the best of both worlds. The industry enjoys subsidy while lobbying to allow more self-checks than government checks."

this is EVERY industry just about, most importantly your food.

but, that was a great write-up discoB.....and keep yer range skills up;)

i dont hate our .gov or mistrust it because i understand what the role is: control.

dress accordingly.


grow hydro with sterile nutes!
problem solved as far as weed is concerned


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
The difference between the US setting off test bombs many years ago and all that active fissle material being incinerated in a massive chain reaction compared to whats occuring in Japan is that the radioactive particles are not being consumed in a nuclear reaction but simple being radiated out into the environment in an active fissle state where they can continue to radiate human cells once ingested or inhaled until they fizzle out which can be a very long time in some cases. (hundreds of years) This of course is where cell damage and cancer comes from primarily. The effects on the oceans and the food chain in general really concerns me and let us not forget we already have their radiation being found in our rainwater here in the west and they are even getting it on the east coast due to the rain cycles & the movement of moisture in the lower parts of the atmosphere which allows it to spread far & wide globally. Scary shit :peek:

For you guys ignoring this issue and laughing about it or calling people crazy for being a concerned human being, well just keep ignoring things and see what comes of it I can assure you those results are never good. We need to increase awareness about these very important issues and try to prevent them from occuring again in the future as well as do what we can to try to fix whats happening now. Be well everyone, and plant your Cannabis seeds far & wide maybe this plant will actually save our world after all. :canabis:
I don't have any problem with concerned individuals making impassioned pleas for a change. But having a quick look at the originating post I have to say that using unsubstantiated figures to back up a flimsy undetailed claim (less than a paragraph) about a serious issue is little better than trolling.

The environmental issue is far greater and more complex than that. Nuclear powers impact is nothing compared to the impact of fossil fuel on the planet. Mono culture agriculture and the transformation of the biosphere on a global scale .. bigger issue than nuclear power. Consumerism and the ever increasing population of cities and the concentration of pullutants from those cities. Manufacturing companies still produce high power using products instead of researching lower powered alternatives (encouraged by power producers who demand growth in sales of their product power/gasoline) Even tabacco usage causes more annual deaths than nuclear power.

Now this isn`t to say that we shouldn't discuss or have an opion on these subjects, its just that reserachers who study and carry out experiments to collect meaningful data and then analyse that data for conclusions have a far better understanding than we lay people ever will. Yet these scientists would also be the first to shoot down the silly simplified and meaningless claims of the OP. Cause and effect can no longer be taken to involve one or two factors, for example we now understand that epigenetics now explains diseases like cancer much better, but instaed of making the answer clearer, it brings greater questions. Epigenetics links the changing external environment with a changing internal (our bodies environment.

Don't fall into the trap of these hysterical posters, if you truly feel strongly about these issues join an organisation in your local area, making a difference. Wanking online in forums and spouting simplified crap science (if science at all) is just that .. wanking.

With claims like the OP uses it isn't About the problem, it is about the poster .. saying "look at me, I am important (look at my post count)". Crying wolf doesnt fool anyone any more. I compare that kind of opinion not with science, but akin to the wacko fringe cults who constantly portend the end of the world, and that they have special access to a solution that none of the rest of us do.

I call bullshit.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Or the guys posting wikipedia links anyone could take 2 seconds and look up, and casting stones at others lol

Since when do people post a thread about radiation in order to be critically judged by peers? (ones with 13 posts) I didn't think that was the purpose of threads like this one but hey who am I to judge others right ;)
You could say there is a fair point for criticism. At least I bothered to include some informational nodes that pointed in the direction of more informed views, the OP didn't even bother with that !!. But then I notice you have just gone for a personal attack, and not really made any attempt at a decent response. I also didnt make any great claims to knowledge, in fact my post was to highlight the fact that complex issues, dont have simple answers. I know enough about this subject to see some glimpse of the truly enourmous complexity involved.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Nope, just pointing out the usual pot calling the kettle black and you and some others attacking the guy for wanting to discuss something that clearly is affecting us all. Seems he did not live up to your very critical standards and I forgot you owned the place and were here to critique him and others my bad :bigeye:

Maybe some people are not fully aware of the dangers inherent to radiation being released on a large scale from these reactors and I see no harm in him wanting to discuss it - in anyway he see's it fit without needing shit from you or anyone else. Right? :good:
So if some idiot came on the boards and proposed some idiotic method of feeding nutrients to cannabis plants. Or suggested some other wierd or unfounded theory that may detrimentally affect other users you would say nothing? Just trundle on regardless?, no critique ? Somehow I doubt that ?

Moral relativism has a place, but it is a dirty word in science, and for good reason. One only has to see the ID proponants who start there theory on a premise and then cherry pick facts to fit the thesis. To NOT challenge such ideas is to show pitiful weakness to that insidious power of darkness "Ignorance". And yes I did use a wiki page again, but just so you can get the gist of my argument without me having to write a 25.000 word philosophical dissertation.

The man can have his opinion, and if it wasnt a serious one, or said in jest .. fine; but he is serious !


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Active member
not to worry the end is near anyhow . may 21 2011. any contamination of the enviroment is a cause for concern . but its not like you can really do anything . i expect china to have the next meltdown. i aint covering the inside of my garage with lead and filling it with soil just yet


Senior Member
lol so the OP is that nut spending his life savings across the country to warn us about his theory on the end of the world? maybe i would take your opinion a little more seriously if your signature wasn't a huge billboard for your crackpot paranoia and irrational doomsday theorys...

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