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Classic-Vintage-Antique Stoner Music


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

ahhh, classic stuff.......

Rainy Day Women #12 & 35
Dylan ~ April '66



Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

one simple line of lyrics (spoken)
by Edgar Winter, 'Frankenstein':
"In a laboratory once upon a time, at
work was a doctor named Frankenstein"

can't begin to tell you haw many joints & bong hits were consumed in celebration of this song, like I/we really needed another reason/excuse to blaze up :) the '70s was a great time to enjoy these bands live.

this is a good 12+ min version, 2007 Live at Rockpalast.


I've seen Edgar & Johnny separate and together many times, mostly in NYC; it was funny, you'd buy tickets for Johnny & Edgar would show up unannounced, and then of course vice versa :dunno: not complaining. Caught 2 EW/Rick Derringer too.

But in '96 @ the Moondance Jam (our local rockfest) Edgar did a 45 minute version of Frankenstein, he delivered the monster that night, I was astounded by his stamina, thought I'd witness him keel over.


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