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Clarification of flowering cycle time


When people say the girl is done flowering in 8 weeks, is that 8 weeks from going into the flower room OR 8 weeks once it starts flowering? My first grow was closer to the 10 weeks in the flower room, with flowering starting after two weeks in the flower room.

Also, if that's the plants natural cycle, is there any way to speed up the cycle or shorten the time it is in the flowering room???



my plants are normally done by 9 weeks.. From the day i put them in 12/12..


its subjective to each breeder realy.

add atleast a week to the time they state.


Active member
Usually, when a breeder refers to an 8 or 9 week flowering plant, they mean from the time it starts to bloom... In nature, there is no exact day when all plants begin to flower, so you MUST judge by the initiation of flowers.
You could probably add 4-5 days onto whatever the estimated flowering cycle is to include the "transition".


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
It goes by 12/12 or whenever they get enough darkness to initiate flowers. It can't be sped up in any 'sure fire' way though you can do 12/12 from seed. I was never a fan of this since it cuts yield and sometimes potency, without much change to actually flowering time.

If you are really interested with quick finishing plants, look into AF's. If you are unfamiliar with them, an AF (Auto-Flowering) plant will flower regardless of light cycle, meaning you could keep the lights on 24/0 and they will flower. Since they flower so quickly you could go from seed to bud in ~60 days, which is about the same time it takes some plants to just flower.

I am a strong advocate of AF's for anyone who wants a fast plant. I suggest Bluestreak, and when they are available Sour 60 and/or Mossy Jem.

(Bluestreak and Sour60 are bred by Mdanzig)


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
You want to speed things up? Here's what you do. Grab a toothbrush and a spare set of scivvies. Head to your local BMW lot and pick up a R1200RT. Ride to Juneau and from there to Miami, Labrador, San Diego and back home. By the time you get home, plants will be done without you ever waiting a single day.

If you don't have 20 grand in your piggy bank, go to K-Mart and buy a case of ...



Active member
Shoot they sell that stuff there??? I need to get my hands on some-o-dat...

Freezerboy, where do you get all of those crazy pics?lol


Active member
can of worms...

flowering starts after about 1-2 weeks of 12/12 where the plant is showing bud formation. so yes it can be 9-10weeks for an 8week strain if counted from when you change the light cycle.
if you watch the trics they will match up with that.


the Flowering cycle starts from the moment they wake up on that first morning after the flip. They start to react on a cellular level to that 1st shortened night. That is when they start to flower. not days later when you happen to notice. Start counting on the flip. Anything else is too random.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Actually, the flowering process starts around 2 weeks after the seeds pop. The "hormones" involved are allergic to light. Every night the plant builds up flowering hormones for the next day. Every day the sun comes up and kills all the hormones. Lather, rinse, repeat ... until the solstice or flip.

As days get shorter and nights get longer, the plant builds up more hormones than the sun can kill. When these hormones hit critical mass, voìla, flowers.

Depending on sex, strain and other factors, first flowers show at several days or several weeks or anywhere in between. The solstice itself, be it indoor or out, is the most sensible starting point.