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CI's Organic outdoor 2011



i have read on the board ppl using it up to a month before harvest... is this safe?

mad librettist

Active member
it's just a variation on mosquito dunks, the only thing you need to worry about is the carrier. I haven't used it in a while, but it's not harmful to humans or other animals that eat the caterpillars after they are paralyzed.

mad librettist

Active member

you can use it up to 14 days before harvest. organic Omri certified pest control

that may be a better suggestion. Never used spinosad. Have not used a pesticide on cannabis in 8 months. I used neem once on an ornamental at my place that had black aphids. They did not return.

So far, fingers crossed, the living mulch and very active soil is pest proofing my grow.


I just sprayed some MG insect spray that has spinosad, so we shall see in a few days how it went.

MAD L: Next season i got some clover ready for my outdoor beds which now has a nice brown/blackish look to it... and i got a cool season cover crop for it that will be planted in a week or so.


So last week had a scare and had to chop everything early... On a positive note: based on looks only the Choco Rain looks like a winner. Lime green nugs just covered in frost. I'll try and post some pics when its done drying.

who dat is

Cave Dweller
Sorry to hear man but it's better to be safe than sorry. I've had to do that my two previous grows because of security reasons. For me third time is the charm and I'm chopping within a couple of days. Just keep at it and keep your head low. If nothing else you've learned from this grow, I know I've at least taken that from my previous grows. Good luck man.


Anyone have experience with composting Pecan tree parts.. Googled it and some ppl say not to use them???


Been super busy but some things coming along for 2012. Mustard cover.. going to chop early next year and put in some white clover.


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