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Cinderella & White Widow in a Growtent

Upon opening the growtent, this is what can be seen...

The four plants from above...

White Widow on the left...I removed the lower branches of all my plants, leaving about 5 cm of space underneath for air flow.

White Widow on the right...

Cinderella on the left. I'm really happy with the way the plant responded to having its growing tip cut. Nice branching, and now there are five nice budsites at the top.

Cinderella on the right. This one didn't respond nearly as well to the pruning. Only two budsites on top. I'm thinking it's because it had a lot of growth towards the bottom of the plant, which has now been removed.
Looking good AF. As it gets cooler you can probably run a 400. That would be like 40-45 Watts per square ft. With the 250 its between 25-30. Just my spare change bro. Either way the set up is great. Good karma bro. Keep it sticky
Thanks for the advice. I'd love to bump it up to 400w for future grows, but i'm stuck with this 250w for now. i guess i just won't be able to expect huge yields.

in other news, i flipped 'em over to 12/12 today...now the fun part begins...


really nice...
I have a question tough...why don't you connect your cool tube to the extraction? this way you could get your 250w closer to your plants...and improve a bit your yield by the way...


250 should do fine for this grow , but personally i would upgrade to a 400 when you can , here's my 1 c99 in a ds80 tent using a 250 , she's just gone on flower this week

Omg edgey she's a monster!

You know, i was really thinking about getting a bigger light, and you know what the guy at the growshop told me? He said anything bigger than 250w would be more than what I would need for this space.

We'll see what the yield ends up being from this little setup. If I top 5 ounces, I'll be thrilled.

I'm bummed that the one Cindy didn't come out of pruning better, but seeing how this is the first time I've dealt with clones, I'll just chalk it up as a learning experience. Next time I'll prune the lower branches early so that the plants don't invest precious resources in them and lose out on developing more budsites up top.

So, here we are in day 2 of flowering and I literally cannot believe the changes that have already occured in my plants. They have stretched out their branches several centimeters in just 24 hours, and I had to raise the lights this morning. Just remarkable.

The plan is to harvest at the beginning of December so that we will be all cured and ready to smoke for Christmas break! Maybe I'll hang some little ornaments on them... :) Can I let both strains go for 9 weeks or will that be too long?

Btw I was checking Green House Seed Co.'s website the other day and now they have detailed grow videos showing some of their plants, and White Widow was among them. Really informative and awesome that you can now see how your plants will look and grow before you even buy the seeds!
@alecto: yes, that is what I should have done, but I didn't buy enough tubing to reach all the way down to the cooltube. I could get more and redo it all but I am just going to leave it until next grow (I'm lazy). Thanks for the suggestion though.


Omg edgey she's a monster!

You know, i was really thinking about getting a bigger light, and you know what the guy at the growshop told me? He said anything bigger than 250w would be more than what I would need for this space.

We'll see what the yield ends up being from this little setup. If I top 5 ounces, I'll be thrilled.

I'm bummed that the one Cindy didn't come out of pruning better, but seeing how this is the first time I've dealt with clones, I'll just chalk it up as a learning experience. Next time I'll prune the lower branches early so that the plants don't invest precious resources in them and lose out on developing more budsites up top.

So, here we are in day 2 of flowering and I literally cannot believe the changes that have already occured in my plants. They have stretched out their branches several centimeters in just 24 hours, and I had to raise the lights this morning. Just remarkable.

The plan is to harvest at the beginning of December so that we will be all cured and ready to smoke for Christmas break! Maybe I'll hang some little ornaments on them... :) Can I let both strains go for 9 weeks or will that be too long?

Btw I was checking Green House Seed Co.'s website the other day and now they have detailed grow videos showing some of their plants, and White Widow was among them. Really informative and awesome that you can now see how your plants will look and grow before you even buy the seeds!

both strains will go 9 weeks , i'm not a big fan of ghs myself but hopefully you'll have a keeper :)

the c99 does stretch a fair bit depending on which phoeno you have , mine is the pineapple and stretches about twice the original size .

if you take both to 9 weeks it should mean cutting around the 10th dec ?

That's right man, then two weeks to dry and should be ready to smoke by the first day of Christmas break which for me will be the 23rd! Don't have to go back to work till Jan 11th so that will be plenty of time to smoke lots of weed, familiarize myself with the strains and write a good smoke report :)
sure u would have a happy harvest but seems like alot of work 4 just 4 plants-aint knokin u -look healthy and great genetics
Picture of the girls this morning, day 3 of flowering.


Cindy #2 - Not expecting much out of her as she only has 3 growing tips...

Cindy #1 - by far the most promising girl of the group...

White Widow #2 - mad at me because I pruned her only a day before starting 12/12, so she's not as tall as #1.

White Widow #1 - looking good
Photos taken today, just before the girls went to sleep! They have grown so much in just one week!

The ventilation system is not extracting all of the smell. When I come into the room there is definitely a weedy musk in the air. It's not overpowering by any means, but it is definitely notable. I'm a bit worried about how much worse it is going to get. I was sure that 100 m3/hr would be enough...

On to the photos. I lowered the levels of yellow in the pics to try to adjust for the HPS light.






Taken with flash just seconds after the lights switched off for the night.



Looking good!!! That tent is a forest I want to go hiking in! The WW are looking dank!

Baba Ku

Active member
I am growing both of those strains from seed right now.
Yours are looking good and the 250 will probably do a great job in that space.
As far as air scrubbing goes...if you can detect the aroma of funk, then others can smell it very heavily. We sometimes become a bit immune to the odors of our grows, yet others can smell them a half mile away. Always remember that if you can smell them at all, others can smell them more.
Well my roommate just walked in and I asked her if she could smell anything and she said nothing, so maybe I'm just being paranoid. Sometimes after opening the tent to water or look at the plants, the smell escapes and lingers in the room for awhile, so maybe that was the issue.

Now to finish my pancake breakfast.


just my 2 cents but u might wana try and add a little bit of light on the sides. if u can get away with it. put in those cfl tube lights in at least the back part of the tent. will improve those Sativas + will give u even more light (more light is never a bad thing). also since u have a cool tube I WOULD HOOK THAT UP.... keeps temps really mild so u can get more light in there. other wise they look great. Happy farming


Active member
Ok so now i have to assemble this cooltube I got. As far as I know, i just have to connect the ballast to the light and then the ballast to the wall. I have to go to a hardware store and get the electrical cable and plug. I have absolutely no idea what the blue things are though, anyone with insight?

Next line of business will be getting an extractor fan. I'm assuming that I'll just buy one meant for the bathroom, stick some ducting to it, and wire it up to a plug so that I can just plug it into the wall. Need to do some research on that. I don't think I'm going to need a filter because I live high up in an apartment building and it's going to be cold outside so no one will have their windows open...right?

So what did you just give up on the "blue things" ? lol
They are part of the reflector and attach to the horseshoe shaped peices :wave: