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Cinderella 99 Micro Grow 2017


For sure! you exhale a great deal of co2 overnight.. A buddy of mine grew a few huge plants in the bedroom under 1000W HPS(!), with lights on at night and monitored the co2 levels in the room.


That's really interesting. Thanks for passing on that info!

A little update.

I took 4 clones last night. 2 from Abi and 2 from Adele. I'm a little nervous because I decided to go back to promix with perlite instead of continuing with coco. I absolutely love working with coco, the results are explosive and I find it incredibly easy to keep track and fix issues as soon as they arise. My experience with ProMix is not so successful and I've never had a perfect run from beginning to end, but I really don't know if I can continue to water on a daily basis.

That being said, I have 100% success rate cloning in Coco but only about %50 in Promix. I took 4 cuttings hoping to have 2 to veg out and 1 to go directly into flower (with colloidal silver to make some fem seeds). Hopefully 3 of the 4 pull through!

I don't do anything fancy when I take clones and actually use honey as my "rooting gel". Cut off some branches, then sliced off the ends at 45 degrees. Sliced those down the middle for about a half inch, dipped them in honey and planted those suckers in the pre watered ProMix and perlite. Just PH'ed water, nothing else. I potted them in clear cups, which go inside red solo cups so I can see when roots begin to develop.


here are the baby cuttings!


I setup some CFL's above the box and my cat found her light... She's so beautiful and sinister all at the same time.


And here were my babes this morning after losing a couple of arms and legs ;) They don't seem to mind too much. Going to go through another round of defoliation this weekend and just let nature do it's thing.



Thank you friends! Really hoping these cuttings make it! And I won't lie, there is definitely some color correction and saturation boosting done to make things look a bit closer to how I see them to my eye, and maybe a touch further ;)


Do you mist the clones? I'm on day 12 of my c99 clones and they have 0 roots. Same steps as you, just rootec instead of honey.

My mother plant got really tall and I cut too much off the bottom.. so have a lanky plant now. That's why I gotta make these clones work, to make sure I grow the plant correctly. First grow and manifolded the mother too much


I give them a mist in the morning, but generally just make sure the humidity is high, the medium is wet but not soaked and hopefully in about 2 weeks, we'll see something develop.


Dawww, thank you brother!

A quick little update. The ladies are on day 8 of 12/12 now and starting to shoot out some hairs. Although, these C99 ladies are taking a little longer to get into flower than the other strains I've grown. I'm a little tight on space so I'm hoping by day 10/11 I'll see hairs everywhere so that they only stretch for another 2 weeks or so. Only have another 4" of grow height in my cab before they will start getting too close to the LED.


My clones have started rooting!!!! After only 7-8 days! Only 1 of 4 so far, but I'm sure the others will catchup soon. Exciting! My method?

1) Take cutting
2) Make a new cut at 45 degrees
3) Gently brush razor against the bottom of the stem (bottom inch or so)
4) Place cutting in store bought honey
5) Place cutting about half way into my solo cup (solo cup is 50% Promix BX and 50% perlite)
6) Goes into humidity dome and aim for 90% RH
7) After 2 days I give them a little air.
8) After 4-5 days I drop the RH to 80% and try to maintain it there until I see roots



Quick update -

3 of the 4 clones have rooted now! In only 9 days too :) (No roots yet on top left cutting). This is a big victory for me in my battle with ProMix. Will wait to see if the last one will root but I only really needed 3 of the 4 to continue. 2 of them I'll veg out and one of them I'll most likely throw into 12/12 and attempt at making feminized seeds with 50ppm colloidal silver.




nice grow!

Thank you brother!

Quick update!

........... All 4 cuttings rooted! 100% Success rate :) So happy, this is a first.

Giving the 4th cutting to a friend of mine. Cant' wait to see these babes grow now...but not too fast as I need to finish the mama's in their flowering cab.


Defoliated the babes again. Hopefully all of the budsites get a good amount of light now and start shooting out some nice flowers.




Well-known member
Well trained. Can't wait to see the flowers. If your bud pics look anything like your plant pics I'll end up trying to smoke my laptop screen. Or drool on it anyway. :tiphat:


Haha. Awesome Starke ;)

The real test awaits. This is my first time growing C99 and I'm a little surprised on how little progress she's made considering she's almost finishing week 2 of flower... Still very few hairs.