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Chronic fem


Active member
I say have both .i know it takes away ferts and light power wasted on males if you are growing micro/small grows. but we need both. i would not like to see all banks switch over to female seeds. as i like to find a sticky smelly male once in a while.and most elites happen
over accidental pollination anyway . that's why i have a load of different seeds pollinated
by a jlp sourdog(rez SDXOGBX1) like dogxkalimist,dogxchronic,dogx serious bubblegum.
there may be a a golden pheno in the bunch just waiting to be germinated.

that's where its at its looking at the different phenos . i had some c99 from gno3 collection that had a pineapple smelling pheno that when dried smelled like cat piss.
but it was the strongest smoke i had ever smoked 2 hits and you could not walk.
i was young to the grow and did not know what a clone was and how to take it .but bog and others on overgrow filled me in on the proper way to grow.


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ICMag Donor
i agree standard and fem should both be available
And that is how the free market works. The consumer demands, and the vendor supplies what is wanted.

Mr. Jones, I hope we aren't off on a militant foot with our discussion here. My rantings are aimed more at the generality of this whole thing, and not really meant as an attack on individuals. So, I want to delve a little deeper into what I'm trying to convey here....

Let's look at a couple of scenarios that may possibly bring all that I am saying into perspective.
First, I have traveled through Area51, and while detained there I was provided with some femminized seeds...These seeds are from the strain Querkle, and are S-1 seeds. Our brother, Whiskeytango420 had some Querkle growing and had some light leak problems during the grow. The light leaks caused (from what I understand) both the parent of these seeds, and neighboring plants to hermie and spit out male flowers and pollen.
The resulting seeds are true S1 (self1st generation) seeds that will be all fem.
They will grow fantastic buds, as we know how the parents tasted, smelled, and smoked, and nature being what it is guarantees us some quality smoke.
BUT...the parents for these seeds had a dominate trait to hermie embedded in their genetic code. And as a result, any of their offspring has a high rate of also carrying this trait. IF we were selecting for a plant that hermies, these would be good ones to work with, as they have shown the trait to us.
But, that trait is undesirable, so we cull it out of the genetic pool best we can. Which means that we use the progeny of hermie plants to produce buds, but we should not use those seeds as breeding stock. No matter if we are private growers, or commercial breeders.

The commercial breeder on the other hand, should be selectively breeding so that there is no dominant hermie traits in his seeds. And he has every opportunity to do this, especially with females. And if his goal is to provide S1 femminized seeds to the public, then he needs to be using two females that are true breeding for the "no hermie" trait, or plants that won't hermie with simple light stress. The progeny of such painstakingly selected females will almost be guaranteed to not show hermies easy.

If I were to describe the above using reg male/fem seeds, the info would be identical, because when it comes to hermies in bought seeds, it is the very same ballgame for both regular and forced pollen seeds.

I hope I am making sense....

*I also wanted to add that top shelf actions, like those of Whiskeytango420 for telling us the complete history of these seeds, is what helps to increase the integrity of the gene pool as a whole.
Breeders/pollen chuckers who want to get their favorite cut out there (read: want to cash in as fast as possible) are simply not doing a very good job of selective breeding, and are allowing the hermies by. Which may not always be a bad thing, actually. But what is bad is when we are led astray.

Yeah, I expound on lots of theories, but let me provide this as the way I see it...
If I buy fem seeds, and they hermie from normal growing, then I do not question the genetics at all. I do however question the integrity of the breeder that provided me with the seeds.
And some do provide seeds they know hermies, but some of them actually say so.
Ive also heard that certain conditions during veg will increase females, such as: lower temps, higher nitrogen, more blue light, higher humidity.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I have tried 2 strains of fem seeds The first was Biogens Destroyer the 2nd was
Super Lemon Haze both where fantastic. I did not have any Hermie issues at all. The SLH is some of the best I have smoked and I have smoked allot. Most of my seed stock is Normal but there are a few that dont offer it in regular versions (GHS). Fem seeds have there place and should be offered what I dont agree with is the seed companys that have fem versions should offer them in regular as well.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Fem seeds have there place and should be offered what I dont agree with is the seed companys that have fem versions should offer them in regular as well.
There may not be a male involved with the making of some crosses, and as a result there will be no regular seeds offered. Can't be.


If you want to pursue this at that angle, then let me reply by saying that I highly doubt you can show me even one thread that describes a person having a higher rate of hermies when growing a fem strain vs a regular strain. Now, this would have to be a controlled or semi controlled situation, and be the breeder's/seed creator's info, not the info from a grower of someone else's seeds.
It's folks providing what they think they remember as stories, that gets things all screwed up and rumors started. Read a person talking about hermies in their fem seed grow, and boom...fem seeds are hermie prone, and some feel that they need to increase their post count by warning others of this phenomenon. My first thought about that situation is how that grower screwed up and stressed his plants to hermie?...because that is 99 out of 100 times what happened.

Oh really? I suggest you do some reading up on selective breeding. Work on your math as well, because it will all boil down to math and statistics in the end.

Heard? That is definitely a term used by rumor mill aficionados, and internet Dr's. Again...if you research selective breeding, instead of using what you read (hear) on some website, you will agree that what I am saying is true...once you understand the subject matter.

The only think I am trying to prove, is that folks who warn about the problems that using stressed females for male pollen bring about a high rate of hermies, are passing along bad info that is constructed more from emotions and hearsay, than by scientific facts.

The reason folks saw a high rate of hermies when femmed seeds first were the rage, has everything to do with selective breeding, and nothing more.

feminzed seeds are a great idea, both for the companies and their customers. some people only like to grow one or two plants for personal use and they cant take the risk of having males. while others grow garden's and look for males to breeds.
honestly its a great idea for these seed companies to offer feminized seeds, im just really suprised there arent more yet. There's a huge market for feminized seeds
Plants are finishing germination.Today i just transplanted the 2 skunk 11 fem seeds to thier new home and will let you know the out come. Thanks for input.