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Chocolate, more adictive than Cannabis.

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
you know you are a chocolate addict when you even go so far as to make your own....thats the best shit right there

Thats my favorite thing to make around the hollidays! I make a mean fudge. This year, Im making up some canna fudge! Soooo yummy!

Yea, Im addicted to chocolate. I've been good lately and have been staying away. This huge bag of halloween candy at my front door is constantly tempting me..... "Just open me Lil, one little piece wont hurt nuthin... " Once I start my holiday candy making, its all over though.

Sheriff Bart

Deputy Spade
well in my instance i have access to a large Theobroma cocao tree and everyonce in a while when it has plenty of pods growin on it i harvest some and i ferment and roast the beans myself. Although i dont normally seperate the fat from the solids, and just go strait from cocao nibs to paste and use that. no milk though, jsut some sugars and fats and sometimes lecithin to bind it with additional flavors if i want (sometimes a little red pepper, vanilla, mint, etc). thats some real dark stuff right there. also if you are a fan of heavy dark chocolates try the beans or nibs. since they are unprocessed they contain a lot more of the good stuff present in chocolate. higher theobromine content, antioxidants, pea and other amino acids/alkaloids


Chocolate shroom bars yummm yumm :) have a fun halloween everyone!!! or trippy one

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
^^^I used to have thos things in my freezer for 2 years! Tons of them. They tasted like shit and to this day I can't even drink the 2 kinds of vitamin water I used to wash those nasty bastards down with. Eewwww:(


Active member
I have a slight problem with Jr. Mints
I never get sick of them, I put them in the freezer, mmmmmm, frozen jr mints


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Active member
lol I jus got back from Amsterdam.... i cant believe how well this thread did without me :O) some cool ass posts! My fav chocolate is Cadbury's Dairy milk, but Fruit n Nut is my fav! Maybe everyone in this thread should go out of there way to grow some Chocolope...


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

listen to the lot of ya! stoners with the munchies each and every one!
chocolate addictive? which one of you is now willing to tell me you'd be
willing to do 10-20 yrs time for producing an illegal chocolate bar???

maybe it's time to reconsider what your priorities are atm, if you'd admit
to that addiction the cops could then get you to roll on your connects for
a joint and some 'Smores bars.......



I gatta agree with stoner4life....I don't find chocolate addictive in the least bit...in fact I really don't even care for it that much.

I personally think weed is WAY more addicting than chocolate....hate on me all you want but I cant see how people would think chocolate is more addictive than cannabis...I'm not saying weed is crazy addictive, I would probably rate its addictiveness a 4 out of 10 with alcohol at around 8 out of 10 just for comparison but there is definitely a nice psychological addiction to weed AT LEAST FOR ME as everyone is different


well lets see... theobromine, caffeine, phenethylamine, sugar, fat...

how are these things not addictive???

and since when does addictive=illegal???


Active member
well lets see... theobromine, caffeine, phenethylamine, sugar, fat...

how are these things not addictive???

and since when does addictive=illegal???

It just sounds to stupid to be true (chocolate is more addictive than cannabis) this is the only reason for the thread... lighten up buddy this isnt parliament! Cannabis is totally non addictive... therefore should be seen as totally harmless... :joint: thats all........


i dont mean to come across as angry its just the way i talk

perhaps im a bit too condescending?

Big D

I would love to tell you all what I like to do with chocolate but this is not an ADULT site :D


Garden Nymph
I will travel anywhere for good chocolate. I need to go to Switzerland or Belgium. Dang I love those Lindt truffles..

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Aw man.. Amsterdam all the way.. Across the street from Coffeeshop Amnesia is Puccini chocolate... IT IS TO DIE FOR!!! Bring 30e and your good for 10 days..(goes bad after 10 days..)