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Chocolate Diesel

nice pics saroun!

choc trip is one of my favorite strains. how does this hybrid compare with the original choc trip?

i've orderded rez's sourD IBL's and i wanted to do a ChocDiesel cross also. would any of you consider this a worthwhile endeavor?

heres a couple of pics of the choc trip...

Thanks for all the comments and additional pics everyone, lookin real good! Most of mine have all been chopped and a few are gettin ready to head to jars for a bit, so ill snap a few finished nug shots of it in a few minutes here.

growyerown- You still in the cali area? I could send a cut or a lil nugglet your way if ya got a safe addy and want to give the chocoD a try. Nice pics of the trip, you can see some of the lineage very well in its calyx structure in those pics.
Couple pics of some smaller nugglets of chocoD:


sorry for delay yesterday but my bubblenow had just arrived, so no more mixing woohoo!

Will try and post some hash/bubble pics of these strains a bit later

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