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Chinese censorship - watching the Olympics will be completely pointless


lives on planet 4:20
in reality.....whatever information has to get to us through reporters...will get to us anyway.....and in the end it is most important that all the sport events are shown on television

I like the Chinese.....they make most of my clothes....computers....well, almost everything except food (some of it I'm sure they make...lol) and my BMW (many parts are made in China I'm sure)


Active member
football is so gay.
ill be watching olympics.
you can watch big-ugly refridgerator-like people run into each other every weekened.

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
southflorida said:
I like the Chinese.....they make most of my clothes....computers....well, almost everything except food (some of it I'm sure they make...lol) and my BMW (many parts are made in China I'm sure)

Chinese are cool, there's no reason to dislike the Chinese or any other ethnic group on this planet.

It's the Chinese regime that stinks.

True, the Chinese manufacture the majority of low-tech products sold on the international market today.

They do so because in the 80's, the industrialized world realized that you could manufacture goods in China for a fraction of the price it costs to manufacture them in the industrialized countries.

Suddenly this gigantic hype was created around China, and everybody wanted a piece of the cake (read market). Which is why multinational companies sucked up big time to this ugly, feudal dictatorship that spits on human rights. China is a great place for them since production is cheap. Workers are paid peanuts, and of course there are no unions in China to defend their rights. It's an orderly police state where production deadlines and quotas are respected, and they love that. In theory, you could manufacture even cheaper in countries like Bangladesh or Afghanistan, but because of poor infra-structure, demographical and political turmoil, they prefer orderly dictatorships.

The result of three decades of super-heavy investments in China is that China now has the highest economical growth in the world (around 10% each year) toghether with India.

This might seem to be a good thing, but is it? What is the Chinese regime doing with the billions of $ rolling in? Well, they're building fancy skyscraper cities along its coastline, they invest heavily in gigantic engineering projects, and of course they've boosted their military budget, the second highest in the world after the USA.
The vast majority of the Chinese profit very little or not at all from this economic boom.
Since China has very few natural resources (oil, coal, wood, Uranium, etc), they'll have to go and look for it elsewhere, to keep their emerging superpower afloat. They now compete for these resources on the open market, which is one of the reasons why oil prices rise, together with a number of other products.
The more industrialized China gets, the more these products will be in demand, and the higher prices will get.

So while a few have made a lot of money on the China boom (you didn't see prices on Nike baskets go down even though Nike cut their production costs drastically by putting American workers on the dole and move their manufacturing plants to China, did you?) we all end up paying dearly for it today.


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Rosy Cheeks said:
So while a few have made a lot of money on the China boom (you didn't see prices on Nike baskets go down even though Nike cut their production costs drastically by putting American workers on the dole and move their manufacturing plants to China, did you?) we all end up paying dearly for it today.

4 real holmes. Been boycotting Nike since the late 90's.
Would boycott the olympics, but i won't be watching anyways, track sports are freakin' boring. Still can't believe that they gave China the games and trusted em to do what they say about non-censoring and human rights.
Germany got the games before the Nazis took over. They can't say the same about the Chinese. Who knows, maybe htey bought the games Salt Lake style..
Safe to say, when it comes to the IOC, some fat pigs will be greased.. So to speak.

Wu-Tang Clan said:
Cash Rules Everything Around Me, CREAM, getta money, dollar dollar bill y'all.


Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
BadTicket said:
i won't be watching anyways, track sports are freakin' boring.

Yeah, but there's lots of naked skin in the swimming competitions...



all praises are due to the Most High
Rosy Cheeks said:
One was that China wouldn't mix politics and sport, in effect use the game as political propaganda tool to promote its regime - in the same sense that the Nazi regime used the game to promote Nazism during the games in Berlin in 1936.

hello Cheeks :)

a couple of weeks ago, a friend hooked me up with the nazi germany documentary by Leni Riefenstahl called Olympia, about the 1936 olympic games.... what a movie...



Well-known member
I enjoy watching the Opening Ceremonies. And I hear this years in Beijing will be nothing short of spectacular! Featuring amazing special effects, traditional dancing & music, with a full Chinese Military Parade complete with Tanks running over protesting students at Olympic Stadium for the grand finally!

I'm also looking forward to watching the new Olympic events that will be added to this year venue. Most of all, that ancient Chinese aquatic sport of Water-Boarding! Team China is the overall favorite to take the gold, due to the popularity of the sport within the Peoples Republic of China. I hear the competitor selection is so difficult for Team China that it usually comes down to a Karaoke contest to see who can sing Michael Jackson's song "Billy Jean" the best, the winner getting to represent Team China at the Olympic Games. However, Team USA is suspected to be a big challenge, thanks to our new state-of-the-art training facility in Cuba. GO TEAM USA!


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My little pony.. my little pony
Guess what else is banned from the common olympic goer?

Professional camera equipment or basically any SLR/DSLR camera. Only point and shoot for the people. Only the press can use professional equip.

Aint that a hoot. Even better is chinas reason.. they dont want the big lenses to block anyones view. Shya-right.


what a shitty place to host the olympics. Greece was by far the best ever!


Domesticator of Cannabis
PazVerdeRadical said:
hello Cheeks :)

a couple of weeks ago, a friend hooked me up with the nazi germany documentary by Leni Riefenstahl called Olympia, about the 1936 olympic games.... what a movie...

Mick & Leni

Riefenstahl's prominence in the Third Reich along with her personal friendships with Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels thwarted her film career following Germany's defeat in World War II, after which she was arrested but never convicted of war crimes.
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Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
Leni Riefenstahl was one of those artists that happened to be in the Fuhrer's taste. Hitler was an old art school artist and had a very pointed estethic taste. Artists like Arno Breker (sculptor), Albert Speer (Architect), Fritz Lang (Film Director) and Leni Riefenstahl (Documentary Film maker) got his approval and therefore sailed up as "approved" Nazi artists, more or less state enrolled. In that situation, you either take the money or you run. It's easy to say today that "I would never work for Hitler", but if the head guy of 60 million Germans love your stuff, would you leave just because he had a funny mustasche?

Well, Fritz Lang did. Being more and more a director in vogue in 1933 Nazi Germany, he was called to the Reich chancellery by Joseph Goebbels, Propaganda Minister of the Third Reich.
The interview, Lang assumed, was to chastise him for putting Nazi slogans into the mouth of a pyschopath in his newly completed film, "The Last Will of Dr Mabuse". But Goebbels was all goodwill. Hitler had seen "Metropolis" and thought it was the best film ever made. He wanted more of those, Nazi style. Goebbels proposed Lang to become the Reich minister of Germany's film production.

Lang was alarmed. Recently Goebbels had spoken to producers about the need to "re-establish film on a healthy basis", meaning an Aryan one. Lang mentioned his Jewish ancestry on his mother's side. Goebbels noted that such a drawback might be overlooked. Lang said he'd think about it, Goebbels gave him 24 hours, Lang returned home, collected 500 marks, some jewellery, and boarded the night train for Paris. He left behind his wife, Thea von Harbou, a convinced Nazi.

Riefenstahl stayed, and later was severly criticized for the cocktail evenings with Hitler & co. She continued working after the war, making photo reportages on the Nuba tribe in Sudan, applying more or less the same esthetics as in the 1936 Olympics film, fascinated by silhouettes of muscular bodies. Only this time, they were black instead of white.


Leni with ICmag favorites Siegfried & Roy

PS: Cudos to Steven Spielberg for saying no to direct the Olympic opening and closing ceremonies because of China's lack of will to stop the Darfour Genocide.

You're a stand-up guy Steven. And I did like "Munich". Honestly.
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Registered Med User
The tiger didnt go crazy, that Tiger went TIGER!
-chris rock-

Real talk, fuck them gay-bobs whippin on tigers, too bad the tiger didnt hit an artery. fuck sigfreed and Roy.