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Child throws up, cabbie blows up, but Mom won't pay up


Cannabrex Formulator
But on the topic of the thread....if your kid pukes, it's your responsibility to make the cab as it was when you got in......as in NO PUKE STINK, and clean (or at least puke free) seats.

Anyone who fobs it off and sez the cabbie should just "live with it" is out to fucking lunch....if I came into your place of work, rendered it unusable for 24 hours and made you lose a whole days pay, I don't think you'd be happy with a $4 tip.


I checked the requirements for a title in the cleaning profession.

Seems its a one year course, whereupon one gets a professional title as a "renovation operator". Its not a protected title, which means one may do a cleaners job without this education.

But im sure they dont get paid 120 dollars an hour tho

rick shaw

I've got money that says the next time he sees a kid he pops open the trunk.


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New sign on his cab


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What would Judge Judy do????....apart from a lot of shouting :)

It's not unreasonable for the taxi driver to demand compensation for a pro clean job, it's doubtful the parents will have the equipment to do the job properly.

Maybe he should keep a few puke bags in the back of the cab, probably not the first time it's happened...

Every cab i've ever ridden in has vinyl seat covers, not cloth upholstery. What equipment do you need to wipe puke off of a vinyl seat? Paper towels and soapy water. Screw the cabbie, he was trying to make money off the mom. I wouldn't have tipped him dick.
Note to parents with young kids: vinyl or leather upholstery, no cloth. Listen to the voice of experience.


Cannabrex Formulator
To all those who think the cabbie was being a dick.....go vomit copiously in a car and see how easy it is to get the smell and gunge 100% gone............then talk.

And don't forget, there is lost wages to consider.....buddy Mr Cabbie can't pick up ANY fares with a cab reeking of kiddy-puke....his day is fucked, and he has to stop working (and earning a living) until the puke stink is 100% gone.....remember, this is not a private veihicle....people are paying to ride. No-one is gonna pay to ride inna Pukemobile.

So why should Mr Cabbie eat an entire shifts worth of pay because some kid hurled in his car.....a kid is like a pet....until they are of age, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DAMAGES THEY INCUR.......PERIOD.

And I say this as the parent of three children.......if a kid of mine plastered the inside of a cab with vomit, you can be damn sure I would be compensating the cabbie....sure it sucks, but that's part and parcel of being a parent.......it's called RESPONSIBILITY.


Active member
I've never been in a cab that didn't have vinyl or leather seats. I mean I'm even hesitant to buy a car with cloth seats because of the cleaning, as a cab driver you better believe I'd have it easy to clean just because of regular wear and tare. Plus how much is a can of water proof scotchgard $6? Seems like a pretty sound investment for someone in the profession...


here's how it goes, puke is privy to gravity and finds its way to the floor through every crack, seam and crevice which vinyl seats have plenty of, it will even be embedded in the safety belt fabric. the floor of a car isn't a wipe-able vinyl tub btw it has sound absorbing padding which also absorbs puke which again finds its way into every crack and crevice of the floor.

rear seat has to be removed and washed & rinsed 3 to 4 times driving the puke through and out of it. every single speck of bile on the floor has to be scooped out by hand and towel.

this is no less than 3 hours work and often happens after midnight with drunks as opposed to kids, a kid might have a happy meal in them but you know damned well that a drunk will be holding 6 or 7 hours of food and beverage.

throwing your driver an extra tip for the inconvenience is not adequate and will put you on the end of a losing battle.

the driver offers a safe ride and the passenger is supposed to ride nicely, whoever breaks that contract must pay the damages.


Apparently not, according to the police that responded to the call.
actually you're confusing civil & criminal responsibilities, that person is civilly responsible for the childs damage by sicking up in the cab; & to further make my point if that child got in the cab and cut themselves on a sharp door handle the cops couldn't do a thing to the cab driver that refuses to pay any hospital or doctors visit $$$ right up front.

it is a civil matter in both cases, the cops have nothing to say about it.


actually you're confusing civil & criminal responsibilities, that person is civilly responsible for the childs damage by sicking up in the cab; & to further make my point if that child got in the cab and cut themselves on a sharp door handle the cops couldn't do a thing to the cab driver that refuses to pay any hospital or doctors visit $$$ right up front.

it is a civil matter in both cases, the cops have nothing to say about it.

I'm not confusing anything. Civil damages would be determined in a court by a judge. Until that happens the mom is not responsible for anything.


Active member
I'm not confusing anything. Civil damages would be determined in a court by a judge. Until that happens the mom is not responsible for anything.

Nothing against you personally Robbie...

But what you just wrote IS what's wrong with this country...nobody is responsible for anything they do...and let's let "an expert" decide for us.

She should have bargained and probably got away for $75 or $100. It's not the cabbies fault...it was her kid...so her fault...she needs to make it right. You want to see "deposits" required before you get in your next cab? Hand over a CC where $100 goes on hold until the final tally? That's what you're asking for when you do this. Up front "insurance" in case you bail.


Nothing against you personally Robbie...

But what you just wrote IS what's wrong with this country...nobody is responsible for anything they do...and let's let "an expert" decide for us.

She should have bargained and probably got away for $75 or $100. It's not the cabbies fault...it was her kid...so her fault...she needs to make it right. You want to see "deposits" required before you get in your next cab? Hand over a CC where $100 goes on hold until the final tally? That's what you're asking for when you do this. Up front "insurance" in case you bail.

I hear you and I don't take it personally. I guess the problem for me is that everyone has a different opinion about how bad certain things are and what their time and trouble are worth. I work in health care and to me puke is no big deal as long as it can be cleaned up. If the back seat of a cab can't be cleaned up easily then the cabbie or cab company is an idiot. All cabs i've been in have vinyl upholstery and rubber floors, not cloth upholstery and carpeting. I don't ride in cabs a lot but I have had bad experiences several times with cabbies so have little sympathy for them I guess.

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