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Child Services Can't Remove Kids for Parental Medical Marijuana Use, Court Says


The revolution will not be televised.....
Rives - Again, thank you for your time and effort but you are argueing that somehow cranksters(users of basically the worst and most addictive drug besides heroin) make decent or good parents. Please! Please! Leave it alone.

Just saw your location, your arguement makes alot more sense now.
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Active member
Again, thank you for your time and effort but you are argueing that somehow cranksters(users of basically the worst and most addictive drug besides heroin) make decent or good parents. Please! Please! Leave it alone.
Just more evidence of your extreme programming. *shrug*

No one said ALL users of meth or ALL users of heroin... you simpleton. History has many examples (and that's just the written ones) of people handling their addiction properly and safely.

The main difference? Money, education and support. Unfortunately, this type of understanding is only offered to those who can afford it... the rest live in squalor with no understanding and deal with constant persecution from the very entity that created their misery in the first place. Nice, eh?

The way our society has made criminals of these people is criminal in itself. Prohibition has caused a lot more harm to the public than CPS has and continues to do so on a HUGE scale.

Welcome to my ignore list rainman. I'm not interested in reading the crap they feed you at work. When you figure out how programmed you are... feel free to create a new account. Good luck, 'cause you'll need it.

The deck is stacked against you.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:
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The revolution will not be televised.....
Wait! You wanna ignore me because I dont believe a person doing heroin or meth is capable of putting their childs needs ahead of the drugs??? You are more screwed than I first believed. Im sure now that whatever has happened to you has nothing to do with the system or any brainwashing of social workers, and everything to do with your shitty choices, inability to take any responsibily for those choices, and a overall lack of maturity and common sense when dealing with babies/children.

The only programming I see is your lack of insight into your own life and the extreme bitterness it has caused you. You wanna blame it on my job/programming but you would be a loser in my eyes if I was doing anything else. The really sad part is there are prolly a couple of kids who have to live with such fckd thinking as yours on a daily basis. You prolly also think that a little touchin never hurt a kid either. Freak. Go away and please put me on your ignore list!!


wow rainman.. nark much? so how about that glass of wine or beer after work? or snort a line.. it all depends on who is in control you or your choice of relaxation. and as for mmj is a farce?! FU! if i block this social working hypocrite can they still see my stuff? i do not like narcs.


Banefoul, you putting him on ignore only means you don't see his posts.

Rainman, it seems you may have not noticed, or forgotten that this is a very specific thread about a very specific instance. Did you read the court's ruling? I provided the pdf. Based on what you're posting it doesn't appear that you read the ruling, and you are continually going off in different directions bringing up different scenarios and instances with which you're familiar, but have absolutely no bearing on this particular case, none whatsoever.

Paul M, father, would not have needed to go to his doctor to monitor his knees had DCFS not taken the extreme stance they did. Father was, according to CPS/DCFS's own reports, working, keeping the home in order and taking good care of Drake. Drake was meeting growth and development milestones, the home was clean and in good order, the child and all others were clean and well fed. What's the problem here, exactly? MMJ.

I wish I could introduce you to all the patients I've met and have known (some have passed, do they fall into your 98% figure?), those I get the opportunity to work with and whose company I am able to enjoy. Your assertions are incredibly wide-sweeping and I maintain my stance that to equate Drake M, this one child in this one instance to a rape victim *is* insulting.

If Drake was made a victim, he was made a victim by the system, not by his father's cannabis use.


The revolution will not be televised.....
Baneful - Narc much? Uhm..... sure clown cause that what is being discussed here. Look if you wanna do some lines, shoot up, do a couple bumps, go for it! Do it around your babies and you will have problems. I cant understand why so many losers like you and hydro would even think that is cool on any level. When you have babies, all that kinda playin around should go out the window. The focus should be about their welfare and safety, not your next high. I guess in our society today people like you two really do think you have the right to be drugged out losers and fuck up your kids without anyone steppin in and callin you out. You can add me to the ignore list as well. I feel like my iq has gone down 30 points just conversating with you two peaches.

SM - I started out talking about the article for which the thread was started. I have read the PDF and I dont think the children should have been taken from this guy. Their concern was with the woman he was with and her history of abuse with her child that was permenantly removed due to drug use in my estimation. I am going off on tangents due to the ridiculous posts coming in. I get that in this one instance a error was made by the largest cps department on the planet. I get that but im just not ready to scrap the whole system or condemn it based on a single article that doesnt give me all the facts in a case. As for patients, I know there are thousands who fully need to use MMJ to care for themselves. But I also know that easily the majority of MMJ users are not doing so for medical benefit. You have to know that even if it is a wide sweeping assertion(that happens to be true).
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Active member
Trolling, trolling, trolling. Rawhide! Get 'em up, move 'em out. Rawhide!

He's trolling, whether he knows it or not. I have degrees too spaz. Big deal. Meaningless.


The revolution will not be televised.....
Alot of name calling and no worthy info to offer. I guess this is what I should expect from this thread at this point. Especially from the philosophical ramblings of the guy who thinks voicing opinions is a tou violation! Great post!!


Active member
real simple state county fed needs to keep the fuck out of family as long as no one is being harmed! and growing cannabis is NOT harm!
This. :tiphat:
:thank you:

The federal govt has no right to tell me, on my own property and in my own home, how to live my life and raise my family. Period. The fact that they believe and have written ink that says they can... does not change the fact that they don't have the right.

They have no right to tell me what I can and cannot put into my body, whether it is food, medicine, drugs or dirt.


The sooner this country returns to that truth, the sooner this country will be able to return to sanity.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


The revolution will not be televised.....
Ahhh.....Hydro just cant leave it alone can ya? Why dont you and your cronies move to a country where you can use all the meth and heroin you want. You can beat and hurt your kids all you want. And last but not least you can reproduce profusely and create more little drug addicted meth babies for your communal, neo conservative, tea bagger, take back our country, doomday prepper fantasy land. The rest of us would like to see you clowns gone so our home prices go back up, our streets are cleaner, our schools arent so shitty, we arent getin jumped by dirty mike and the boys for spare change at every gas station, and we dont have to support all you "poor people" doing hard drugs your whole screwed up life and then blaming it on the government. I thought self reliance and handling your biz was part of what you baggers preached? Anyways, sorry to see you go but dont let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya. I hear there is a compound that would fit your needs in Guiana. Hadnt been used for a while and is going for tha cheap.

SeaM - It was a very good debate with you as you seem to be the only reasonable voice of distention among this riff raff. See you around and respect to you.

Ima leave the rest of these lames to it.


ICMag Donor
We need to get rid of those anonymous tip lines. If you're going to call someone in over something, you should have to do it to their face. That would end a lot of this shenanigans. What happened to the right to face your accuser?


I'm torn about the issue because I agree with the concept of addressing wrongdoing directly. However, I find I ultimately disagree in this instance based on my own experiences.

I reported non-anonymously on a neighbor who was clearly neglecting her kids. They would get locked out of the apartment (that they allowed to literally fill up with roaches--the bugs, not the weed), the baby in nothing but a diaper, under the care of her 8yo brother. These kids didn't know what a fresh pear was when I brought them inside! The baby was always walking around with a bottle filled with Kool-Aid, and mom and dad stayed locked inside drinking beer and smoking cigs, coming out only occasionally to check on the kids or let the 8yo into the house to use the toilet. I had no problem putting my name to that report.

Then, she reported on me. My boys had behavioral issues, my oldest being an undiagnosed autistic at that time, both quite hyperactive. It took a lot of time and effort to keep an eye on those two. I was visited by social services, took the gal through the apartment, and then guess what happened. The idiot neighbor who reported on me didn't bother to see who was around when she locked her kids out of the apartment again.

Can you imagine that? Locking a baby, a toddler, out of your house? No weed involved. No tweak, no heroin, no coke, no other drugs except tobacco and alcohol. IMO the drug use is a byproduct, a result, a symptom at best of the real problem. Removing the drug use is a stop-gap measure to making a good parent.

I did something most other folks don't do unless it's ordered by the court when I was having problems with my boys--I took parenting classes. And they helped me tremendously. Wanna know what else helped? Weed. I was able to calm down and deal with them calmly by smoking. They were difficult children, who required a great deal of close minding and it was too easy to become very frustrated with them, which could lead to anger.

I've had other experiences related to my younger (Touretter) boy that I won't share here, but I can tell you that you're usually able to figure out who reported on you. It doesn't matter who it was once that ball has started rolling.


Active member
Can you imagine that? Locking a baby, a toddler, out of your house? No weed involved. No tweak, no heroin, no coke, no other drugs except tobacco and alcohol. IMO the drug use is a byproduct, a result, a symptom at best of the real problem. Removing the drug use is a stop-gap measure to making a good parent.


And don't get me started on how other people view autistic behaviours in your child. Been there and have had to deal with that. A lot of ignorance is a dangerous thing.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

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