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CHICAGO: Contraband Interception Fail

CHICAGO (AP) - Federal Customs Fails to Intercept Contraband

May 11, 2009 - Just four months from the anniversary of the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Center, terrorist activities continue despite the unceasing vigilance of federal law enforcement. Just this week a quantity of drug material has been reported to pass unnoticed through the New York and Chicago international shipping hubs.

One package in particular contained over twenty-four marihuana seeds in several varieties bearing such bone-chilling monikers as Satori and Speed Queen. Perhaps the most terrifying is a small round package designed with occult themes and labeled "Arjan's Haze." According to the Drug Enforcement Agency, this is sufficient to produce over thirty metric tons of marihuana with a street value over seven quadrillion dollars. The implications for public safety are staggering; one metric ton alone would be sufficient to induce breast growth in every adult male on the North American continent. Other harmful effects of the drug include making the victim uncontrollably violent while simultaneously inducing pacifism, Communist leanings and homosexuality.

One source connected with prominent figures in the nation's drug enforcement community has been quoted to say marihuana "influences negroes to look white people in the eye, step on white men's shadows, and look at a white woman twice." Since according to the Secretary of State the average potency of this insidious drug has more than doubled in recent years, the dangers are obvious. According to our calculations a negro looking at a white woman as many as four times is not out of the realm of possibility.

Experts across the nation fear the worst.
In peripherally related news I received a packet of seeds today from the Attitude Seedbank.

Speed Queen and one of the freebie seeds are going into soil in two days.


Active member
Leave it to those marihuana terrorists to threaten the very existence of the corporate fascist state! More power to them! ;)
Sad to say, you had me going until saying every man in North America would form breast from a metric ton. I really could see people getting the wrong idea from some of these names, in the dramatic way news can hype things.

I don't see a lot of man boobs from weed, but a good many from McDonald's.
lol. Those aren't the first Speed Queen seeds to make it through the Chicago or NY mail. But congrats and enjoy!

Guess I better get shopping for a manbra.

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
I hear tell that new super-potent, schizophrenia-inducing "skunk weed" actually has a reverse effect, causing white men to look at negro women, often more than once. Not to mention the whole dogs and cats living together thing. Surely this will be the end of civilization as we know it.


Active member
hahaha those drug laws that say seeeds/cuttings are worth streeet value is fucking ridiculous.

i remember watching this stupid episode of cops, where they find 4 tiny ass plants still in veg state. the cop was all happy he found them, saying each plant counts for a pound of marijuana. so the guys who were growing it got charged with 4 pounds which is a felony and jail time.

i hope that primitive backwards state switched the laws up...it was somewhere in the southeast united states.


Active member
I hear tell that new super-potent, schizophrenia-inducing "skunk weed" actually has a reverse effect, causing white men to look at negro women, often more than once.

im a white man and i love checking out black chicks, out here in oakland most are banging! you never see white chicks where i live, too dangerous/scary for them.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
hahah that shit is funny... and for all you guys afriad to comment cause he said negro... that shit is from reefer madness if you havent seen it you need to... he left out the part about rape and ejaculation....(it been years since i seen it....)

whoops wrong account .... Mr. Blunted
I hear tell that new super-potent, schizophrenia-inducing "skunk weed" actually has a reverse effect, causing white men to look at negro women, often more than once. Not to mention the whole dogs and cats living together thing. Surely this will be the end of civilization as we know it.
I testify this is indeed very true and a clear and present danger. This terrifying drug's influence is such that I started checking out black women before I ever started smoking. Beware!

Thanks for comments. :) Hearst newspapers are responsible for that racist line along with gems like "marihuana is responsible for the raping of white women by crazed negroes."

Harry Anslinger, head of Federal Bureau of Narcotics came out of the closet to say: "Makes darkies think they're as good as white men."
Anslinger on the epidemic of foot-tapping that is sweeping nation: "Negro entertainers with their jazz and swing music are declared an outgrowth of marihuana use which posesses white women to tap their feet." OH NOES!

BobbleheadJed - that is very nice harvest! I hope to do as well in two months' time. :D

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