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Chi Town Brown Hash


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Hello Friends,

I've been smoking this hash for a while and thought I'd stop by and tell a little about it and post a couple of pictures. A friend of mine who is one of the traveler types scored this for me when he was in the Windy City a few months ago.

It has a firm tight feel to it. When you break a piece off it doesnt flake or crumble or powder at all. Its flexible and can be molded but not as much as some hash I've seen. You have to hold the flame to it a bit longer than say finger hash, but not much longer. It has small bubbles when the flame is applied. The picture below shows just the remaining chunk of it. That piece was originally part of a disc about the diameter of a hockey puck, maybe 1/4 the thickness. The full disc weighed one ounce.

The smell reminds me of a lemon peel, perhaps a little less sweet and hints of a waxy like scent.

The taste is very nice and smooth. It reminds me of a sour fruit with the mixture of some middle eastern spices. The aftertaste lingers for quite some time, and is mildly spicy and pleasant. I cough less when I take a hit of this hash than I do off some kinds of weed.

The high better than I expected. I feel quite different as I exhale the first hit. Subsequent hits eventually leave me feeling like I've reached a plateau unlike other hash I've had, this one does seem to have a ceiling. It really helps calm me down when I smoke it. I often get worked up thinking about all the stresses in life but one hit of this helps me remember to take a few deep breaths and relax. More of a body stone than a head high, it has a nice quality of making my eyes cash out heavy which I personally enjoy. Not really a laughing high for me, but really helps me get centered.

Compared to the hash I've had in Amsterdam, this ranks in the second tier. Not up there with those champions which make you wondering how you could get so high, but still great. I definitely would buy more if I could ever find some, a wonderful treat which has greatly improved my life. Thank you so much whoever made this.

(Sorry about the picture quality, my hands are messed up and shake sometimes)


looks nice dude, never seen hash packaged like that but it's a pretty neat idea. I'm not to much of a hash man myself but from what you've said i would have no problems with that ^^.


the less cannabis is prosecuted, the more hash you will see.

let's face it, what's the point of inhaling 90% ~ 95% non-active plant matter just to get high when you can easily process that bud into the essence of the plant and get a much cleaner smoke with hash


the Revenant
Ive found most hash to have that earthy taste. Plus all hash ive ever had is very lung expanding and can be harsh. Smooth hash? sounds nice.


Glad that hash could help relieve your stress thats awesome. Send some hash over this way. hash is pretty rare around here unless someone you know made it. Quite unfortunate some Moroccan hash would rule and probably fetch a decent price as well.


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What Luck!

What Luck!

Well it appears my friend has come through for me again! He texted me if I wanted some more but the price was too high for me. I hadnt seen the message so I got back to him 30 mins later, saying it was too rich for my blood, however he informed me that it was the last one left and they may never be around again, so he got it thinking I would want it and he was right. It really is worth the high price for me.

Its as good or better than most of the stuff I got in the Dam. However neither this nor anything I got in the Dam was FMCD. Oh well, still gets me way higher than any weed I can buy.

Enjoy the disc!


yeah i've been getting the same hash around the same area as you.

it's compressed into disks... 1 ounce at a time... (it was...a few months ago)

it was sold as bubble hash. not anywhere close to full melt, but still okay.


Joint Date: Today.
that sure isnt the classic soapbar.. i think you guys have been lucky..


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That is really interesting oohcow. When holding the disc I get a feeling that Im connected to a secret large scale operation as the end consumer. I think about it like, how much weed would it take me to make one of those discs. Then I think that if I could make one I'd share it with friends, and if I had more I'd give them to friends. To have enough so that these discs are getting to people who are many degrees of separation away from the maker is amazing to me. The fact that they weigh that perfect amount is also neat to me. Like there is a machine out there with a mold specifically designed for this purpose. I wonder where in the world these are even made. I would seriously pay top dollar for the educational experience of learning more details about all of this, I mean, can you imagine what the Willy Wonka style factory is like thats making these? Maybe its just some dudes in a basement, either way, Im very happy with their results.


i used to get the same shit..... u can put a piece up for a month or two so when you smash it, it crumbles. i'd smoke a one hitter or four when i ran out of herb. i gave my mom a couple grams about a year ago....stopped back at her house later that evening to find out she smoked both grams in one sitting, by herself......only mom