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Cherry Oil



hey, I made a batch of cherry oil with some left over lowgrade kif from making hash for my buddy last night. I should explain first that my low-grade kif is made from busting up leaves and running this over my 2-screen dry sift system. The first screen that has the plant material on it is about 120 micron maybe a bit more, the 2nd screen is more like around 80 micron. The 2nd screen helps to remove most of the green you get from pulverizing the leaf which passes through the 1st screen, thus allowing us to pull out a nice golden to golden-green kif. Whats left on top of the 2nd screen is mostly very small plant matter parts and some kif. The kif makes up about 25% of whats on top of the 2nd screen. Now to the point at hand. The iso and lowgrade kif where frozen over night, when I woke up this morning a did a quick 1 1/2 mintues wash. Filtered it out and ended up with this

I opened my bedroom window enough to allow for constant air circulation while I was gone to work. I made sure there was no source of ignition before I left obviously. When I came home I found this waiting for me :smile:

Starting to look :yummy: now, but because there is moisture in BC air, there are traces of water to the oil, hence the cloudy look. After a little careful heating (you will have to figure out the right temp to heat it at, but the hint on this is; If its hot enough to burn you its too hot!!!) Scraped it up, heated a bit more very carefully and heres what I got

:yummy: :yummy: :yummy: Yes she does taste as good as she looks, except for the traces of iso. So now the glob will sit out exposed to air for about another 5 days and when its done it will be some damnnnnnnn smooth smoke. I like to keep my oil in as natural a state as I can, meaning that the thc is still delta9-THC instead of delta11-THC. To me this delivers the cleanest most uplifting high one can get from honey oil. But it also requires much patience. And here is a pic of the hash that we pulled from under the 2nd screen.

This gives you an idea of how much green the 2nd screen pulls out. As well as too show ya the trics were amber, which is why the oil aint honey.


when I can get my hands on it I will use it. My viewpoint on it is if you can ingets the ethal, then it would be healthier to smoke as well.

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