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Cherry AK-47 DWC in a PC. First grow ever

hello all, this is my first shot at growing and i decided to start micro. i got the clone from a local dispensery but didnt have my box fully prepared so it started to droop and die but i saved her.. shes been in the box 16 days so far. any advice is appreciated! i can take more pics as requested.


well like i said, she started to droop down and die(im assuming because i was giving her enough water..) but i managed to save her.
this is a picture of the clone when i first got it

other than the 'ugly stretch', how is she doing so far? i do have plenty of seeds i could start but i wanna see what, if anything, i can get out of this girl


Honestly? She looks terrible.

I'm not smart enough to say what's up, hydro is tricky and I"m new to it.

That being said, it's probably not too late. I would likely try to clone what top there is; the current cut you're working with is far, far too stretchy to be useful in that cab.

Question: what medium was the cut in when you got it?
that bad huh? haha damn. well like i said ive got a good amount of seeds that i could always try in there. when i got the clone she was in a rockwool cube.


I guess you can try to keep trimming her down til shes bushes up some then flip to 12/12, I mean she's alive.... don't kill her lol
thanks, just lookin for advice anywhere i can get it. im aware im not going to yield much from this one, i just wanna get my feet wet before i get into something bigger
thanks! yea, a grower friend of mine said it would be a good idea to shut the lights of for 72 hours to force the sex and then flip it to flower. how much do you guy think she'll stretch during flower?


Now in technicolor
Those stems are under a lot of stress. Should still be OK though. Was this plant defoliated?


how much gal/liter have your bucket?
do you control the EC/PH?
what nutes?

is the ec/ph stable?. I asking because i'm starting my PC DWC in about 2 weeks and still need to elaborate some stuff. i.e. the volume of the bucket.
im using a small rubbermaid tupperware thats about .25gallons. i havnt been able to check/balance my ph because i dont have a tester but i finally have some cash so i plan on getting one asap. the nutes im using are botanicare pure blend grow and advanced nutrients bloom

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