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Oh...the blast over Siberia? Heh. Our star wars program is based on that same sort of Tesla technology. Charged plasma in the ionoshpere will do more than short the electricity, it will literally vaporize any incoming threat, including ICBM's.
Very good, and now for Tesla part 2:

Here's a bit from Verite's findings,

Another of Tesla's theorized inventions is commonly referred to as Tesla's Flying Machine, which appears to resemble a ion-propelled aircraft. Tesla claimed that one of his life goals was to create a flying machine that would run without the use of an airplane engine, wings, ailerons, propellers, or an onboard fuel source. Initially, Tesla pondered about the idea of a flying craft that would fly using an electric motor powered by grounded base stations. As time progressed, Tesla suggested that perhaps such an aircraft could be run entirely electro-mechanically. The theorized appearance would typically take the form of a cigar or saucer...

With those kind of particles in the sky, is this not a "potential" new source of travel also? Here's the kicker, if a vehicle uses those ions there's a possibility that it wouldn't be affected by anykind of pulse because the vehicle itself would be constantly charging positively and negatively the ions around it to achieve its desired direction or flight path. In this case, that would actually appear to have a visual affect almost like a light show. Suddenly UFOs come to mind, but little green men are only in thought because they're wearing US military flight suits.

Preferrably those either of anti-static material, or better yet something along the lines of a smart or "bio" suit that is fully capable of checking the readers vitals, and perhaps even compensating for magnetic field disturbances that could cause nausea or dizzy spells.

No pyramid hat necessary, just a suit that's better than dramamine and a vehicle that never needs fuel providing the atmosphere was "groomed" correctly.



A pulse would actually be beneficial in propelling the craft further.

You definitely pose some interesting ideas and plausibilities based on sound principles. Quite refreshing, and very intriguing.
At first I thought chemtrails were just contrails. Now I'm really not so sure. There's been other far-out stuff governments have done.
Anyway here are two links, first one is a mechanic that has seen a (spraying) installation in a plane and afterwards gets in trouble. Second one is a manager of an airline company that tells how the company is informed about project "cloverleaf".




We haven't had a clear sky in a few weeks now. I'm positive they're spraying stuff. I watch it almost daily. I used to sit and watch contrails and jets because at one time I wanted to be a fighter pilot. I spent hours upon hours as a child watching the skies. Now, I can't see the sky anymore. Just chemtrails, haze, and clouds. No blue. Sad.


Here's a new video. Same theme. Rush music and tons of photos. This time I spent about 1 hour outside taking photos and the video goes through the progression of a number of trails during that hour.

Again, if you like Rush and chemtrail research, you should like this video.



Active member
Sheriff Bart said:
i dont have cable, but i think i could DL that program, but let us know how it is NOKUY!

it was good....def. worth DL.

they talked about cone/chemtrails, and carbon spraying from big planes.

their computers tried to figure out how they could have affected hurricane katrina if they cloud seeded.

they figured that it woulden't have done much good, but they could have shifted its direction, and made it hit land 50 miles from where it did.

...and some info on "chaos theory"...prolly a whole other thread tho.

..and Chernobyl
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Sheriff Bart

Deputy Spade
yea chaos is how they "predict" the weather now. ever read James Gleick's Chaos?
great read! and the name of the man who has ever so expanded the field and wrote a 1000 or so page book on it (making a new science i believe it was called but i dont have the matematical know-how to comprehend a good deal of that book but it is for certain interesting) escapes me at the moment...

have yet to find a torrent for it. anyone know where?
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Sorry Sheriff Bart, I have no idea where to find that show. There's a good bit of info about chemtrails and weather modification in this thread. Hope you enjoyed the video! :wave:

Sheriff Bart

Deputy Spade
you did the vid you posted above? one thing which would help for something like that is showing the time of each pic so people can get the idea of how they progress...perhaps the pics info has the time the shot was taken?


Yeah, I did both the first video in this thread and that one. I didn't think of putting the time in there....that's a good idea. I might do that on my next video. At least on this one I made the effort to state this was all in a one hour time period, and the progression of a few is pretty telling on their own. Thanks for the suggestion SB!


If you go to my channel on youtube "a3dking" (old gaming clan name) there is a video in my favorites of chemtrails called "Chemtrails UK government admits spraying" which is very telling as well. Just thought I'd add that for those interested.


Active member
I cant watch "youtube" w/ my computer or connection or whatever. wish i could sometimes tho.

that show I mentioned "can we control the weather" is on again on Discovery Channel on August 26th at 7pm (not sure what time zone that is), but thought I'd let you guys know :wave:

Sheriff Bart

Deputy Spade
damn thats in 3 weeks, oh well its on the calendar and i will be heading over to a friends to catch it....hopefully

still havent located a torrent....


Excellent video. I'm working on a new one now that's going to be crazy. Just two days ago they layed down a pattern of stripes all the way across my sky from horizon to horizon. It was a crazy sight.

Anyway...thanks for the link. :yes: