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chemical moms?


Senior Member
so i've been growing chemical for about a year now(technically ive always grown chemical, just started growing again after a several year break), i use lucas formula, maxi bloom at 1/4 to 1/2 strength only. i flush for the last month of my 12 week bloom, and ive never had an issue with the flavor or texture of my herb, untill i started smoking a friends organic stuff...i really really dig the earthy tones that all his strains seem to have, something ive missed in my own product, his flavors also seem a lot more complex than mine...i don't go overboard with my smoking so my tolerance is always pretty low, so potency isn't as important as taste too me.

ive also been really interested in totally live organic growing and those premixed formulas that you only feed water throughout budding...i grow in beds and recycle my soil over and over so that would be really ideal for me.

so here is my problem, i'm at about week 3 of budding(chemical), and my new genetics just arived (c99, skunk special). my plan is to spend the next 2 months growing them into moms, so that they will be ready to clone as soon as this next batch is finished, i also plan to dump all my old moms, soil, and everything else i can as i have a case of the mosaic pretty bad from my chemdog ibl's...the reason i haven't switched sooner is because my recycled soil is all tap water and chemicals, and i'm pretty sure it's never gonna be organic again, but i didn't want to deal with sneaking more huge ass bags of soil into my apartment. this time around i have 2 months to get 3 bags of ocean forest into my place, i'm sure i'll find a good time eventually, but for now i have seeds germinating, and the rapid rooters wont hold them for long.

if i were to say, plant them in small pots of my recycled chem soil, and raised them as moms on maxi bloom, then clone them and transplant into a TLO setup, would it be defeeting the purpose? would the bit of chemicals in the clone make the resulting buds not truely organic? i know maxi bloom really well, and id almost prefer to keep my long term moms on it just so i don't have to worry about them much, but if it's going to effect the organics of my grow i may be forced to sneek new soil in early...


Sativa Tamer
You should have the benefits of being organic even if the cut came from a plant grown with mineralized fertilizers. Now if the cut came from a plant that was sprayed with a systemic pesticide, then I would not call the resulting product organic, but you will still have many of the benefits of growing organically.



"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
IMHO, if you give it time, even soil used for nonorganic growing will end up organic, especially if you don't add any more non organic ferts, take the soil, add some non amended dirt, compost, EWC, maybe some char, and let it cook for a while..

The microflora will sequester the extra mineral salts, and balance things out.

I could be wrong, but it's things like pesticides which are very difficult to remove, salts can be dealt with fairly efficiently.


Active member
I'd reuse the old soil like suggested. Flush it out really good first. Even soak it using hot water. A wonder if a bit of citric acid or natural soap might help.
Follow one of the recipes here or add some Epsoma starter or something similar. Mix in some ewc, some compost, hit it with some tea and plant some daises first.
Only you know how hot the soil was so even after doing some or all of that, it might be to salty to risk valuable plants in. If you had mothers in it, it may not be too bad. Eventually nature will take over, just how soon, can't say.


senior member
I sometimes get cuts from fellow growers that grow any number of ways. As long as 99% of their lives is in organic soil, I don't worry about it. That few grams of plant matter, soon will be many more grams of organic plant anyway, so the percentages of in-organic plant material go down quick.

One observation though, as you get more comfortable with organic soil growing, you will be able to use it with confidence on moms and cuts.....scrappy


Active member

Just get LARGE, thick-plastic, black lawn bags.... put the bag of ocean forest in a bag and tie it up. Bring it into the apartment. Believe me.... unless you're a creepy dude that people watch carefully anyway... nobody gives a crap. *shrug*

Chem moms aren't going to blow your 'organic' status with your personal grow there... unless you're using pesticides and such that have many month residuals.

Done deal.


Senior Member
no i don't use pesticides, i keep a clean grow, and use lots of DE, never had an issue with mites, though in the summer when i'm out in the woods i am sure to shower and put on clean clothes before i open my cab. everything i plant outside seems to get a mild bit of thrips so i know there out there...and my soil doesn't have a lot of salt buildup, i use very low doses of fertalizer and flush for a long time, then i stick the beds in my tub and give them a shower for a good long while to totally start fresh, it used to be happy frog, now it's pretty much completely innert, soiless...all the castings and junk were washed out in the first run, i'm on my 3/4th run with this stuff now lol

id rather just start with fresh soil, as i said i have the mosaic and though it doesn't seem to be spreading through the soil they say it can, so far i can only find it on the chemdogs that originally had it and the 2 ak/chem seeds i made from that chem that passed genetically...id still rather not take chances, i have really high hopes for these c99's, and i would like to find a big yeilder in the skunk specials...if they got the mosaic id be pretty pissed at myself!lol its not a huge deal and it doesn't really affect my yeilds much but i want it gone, it just annoys me to no end

Just get LARGE, thick-plastic, black lawn bags.... put the bag of ocean forest in a bag and tie it up. Bring it into the apartment. Believe me.... unless you're a creepy dude that people watch carefully anyway... nobody gives a crap. *shrug*
i was kinda thinking about sticking the dirt in boxes, wrapping them, and then bring them in as big Christmas presents. hehe but frankly i'm too lazy to get it done tonight and im sure the growshop will be closed tomorow...


Active member
i was kinda thinking about sticking the dirt in boxes, wrapping them, and then bring them in as big Christmas presents. hehe but frankly i'm too lazy to get it done tonight and im sure the growshop will be closed tomorow...

Believe me... bags will be fine. Boxes if they're cheaper will be fine as well.
Your neighbor can think you're moving a body INTO your apartment... It doesn't really matter.

Never lose your caution... but be wary of the noids. :D

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles: