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ChemDog the seed momma

Well here she is. A good friend here donated some ChemD IBL pollen and she's been dusted. I hope I didn't wait too long to hit her up but, I couldn't get no help till the last minute! ASSHOLES!!!!!!

LOL Just kidding. But seriously, help a brother out once in awhile guys!!!! SHIT!

Thanks Buddy. I'll share the ChemD IBL X ChemDog cut seeds wit cha for the love!!!!!

Here she is Classic Seeds. This is why I wanted to know about the CDog so bad!!!!


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Thanks Chem&M.

Only time will tell. She's definatly way into flower. Much further than I wanted to hit her but hey. When opportunity hits ya gotta roll with it and hope for the best huh?


Kant C Shyt

Active member
Great idea InsanityRules! I was just thinking yesterday about if Rez would make an "alpha dog" and "omega dog" like he did with the Sour D clone. Would be interesting. I'm sure the smell factor will be on overload :). I still may ask him later, ah f' it i'll go ask in a sec.

Also I think seeds need at least 4 weeks minimum to fully develope. I read this somewhere but also I notice when making my own seeds i'd pull a few off every couple of weeks and noticed that 4 weeks seeds start looking mature and not like the whitish premy seed when pulled earlier. Ya'll take care 1
Crazy... Not one seed on her??? The pollen was viable? His plants took and seeded??? WTF. Oh well, we will try again.


P.S. Thanks for all the input guys....

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