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ChemDawg easy 400w SCROG


Active member
Really, that much? I fit ~ quarter in a half pint and around an ounce in a quart jar...

awesome grow man...


Hmm, I was thinking about 8oz myself. Might have to borrow a scale or something just to quell my curiosity. I normally use these bigger canister type jars, not quart masons, but I'd think a packed quart jar is about 1.75-2.25 zips?


Yup i'm with Elcap 8oz 2 per jar! But not sure how big them jars are.
Take another pic but with something to scale them off maybe a lighter or something.

Nice show by the way Elcap


thats like a years worth for me alone (although more like a month with all of my friends)




5.25oz. Way, way under what I was aiming for. Not a high yielding strain, but still was thinking about 8-10oz. A few errors on my part. Biggest was starting the flush about a week too early when they were still putting on weight. Think I could have added about 2-3oz if I'd flushed later and had stable pH the whole run.

As for the quality...superb. With a 2 week jar cure, this is already some of the best herb I've grown. Taste about 6/10 at this point, potency 9/10.

Give it up for the ChemDawg...she don't yield big, but it's some NICE smoke with diesel/sour/perfumey incense notes and she's sledgehammer potent.

Trying Shiva Skunk and maybe blue dream or a grapey thing next time. Might do another journal, probably not though. I like to drop in every few years and try to give a little back to the online growing community that has taught me so much and through that allowed me to manage my back pain without being a narcojunkie

Best wishes to all. With that, I'll kill this account.


Well 5 oz is better than a poke in the eye mate, gutted to hear you are departing though!
Well hopefully you will return soon and spread yet more knowledge and insight.

Thanks Elcap

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