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Chem Sis x NL


ICMag Donor
Genetics: Chemdog D (clone) x Northern Lights (Reeferman)
Breeder: Zoolander
Grower: dank.Frank

Style: Organic Soil, 400w, vegged too long...plenty of issues, here's the thread:



Serious pine and fuel on the inhale (if you are gentle enough, the first hit of a full bowl taste like fine hash)....the slightest hint of something pleasant, perhaps a bit of souring citrus fruit, and then on the exhale she gets raunchy. Mostly a rotten meat / offensive kinda burnt skunk taste fills your mouth...truly unpleasant. If not expecting it, it will make your face cringe...it is offensive. This settle when the smoke passes, but the oily / greasy feeling left in your mouth lets you know you've smoked something proper. The taste left is reminiscent of the initial pine but a bit more smoky. Not burnt...but literally like you ate meat that was smoked.


What can I say about this plant but...weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! The formula = Take one puff....hold 5-7 seconds...exhale when you feel yourself starting to lean forward...or else you will get dizzy. :dance013:

This doesn't produce the spins. It doesn't ever become unpleasant. But this herb does last and last and last....watch out juicy fruit. And it is potent. And it doesn't come in waves nor does it really seem to have a peak. It gets you "there" and it keeps you "there". Much more of an effect consistent with a medible.
I was told, by several local heads, after 2 hits...(and a bit of watery eyes...it makes my eyes water as well....consistently) they were more than pleased and rather impressed...after the effects had not even wavered after 2+ hours, conceded it was in fact some of the best cannabis they had ever encountered. Always a pleasure to hear that...and I am inclined to agree. (albeit, there is A LOT more to try...hehehe)

I think the most enjoyable thing I have found about this particular pheno, is that I REALLY enjoy working out or exercising...or hard, demanding labor when I sample this. I seem to forget being tired or needing to rest or that I might be doing more than I should...and simply push through it all in a whirl wind.

The high leaves as gently as it comes on....leaving you with a bit of the munchies, but not really for junk. Seems a solid well crafted meal is appreciated to the n-th degree when this high is leveling off. (after about 3 hours) Take a quick walk after eating if you want to stay awake or else a nap will be your next activity. I will say with daily use, there is a bit of tolerance build up. Quite quickly actually. Within 3 days I noticed a much higher use rate...BUT...I can not honestly say it was necessary, as much as it was simply enjoying it a wee bit much. I also noticed...however, don't smoke it for even one day...and the effectiveness is right there again, cutting through anything else you might have had before it.

As we all know, these buds COULD have been taken longer and I wish I had...this plant is no question keeper. You'll see her again, without question. Hope this eye candy helps:










And a very quick thank you to the breeder of these fine plants. Without your kindness, I'd be missing out...as would patients. I hope I've given you enough information to help you in your efforts....



wow great job frank.... looks like a definite keeper and sounds like one too... i wouldn't mind blowin a few joints of that.

Nice report too...


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
i know ive seen enough to crack a few of these when i start up the new garden
my tail is totally wagging


wow frosty budzzz, it looks like zoolander did great job with selecting male..nl is notorious good breeder...and of course great growing this cross dank.frank...RESPECT!


ICMag Donor
Greyskull - not sure how many you have of these...but you need to get on it. I made sure to show that she did throw some nanners, but like I said, it was a stress response and all were sterile. So keep your eyes on them. The only plant that threatened showed itself at 10 days into flower...so no real surprises.

Budsmith - Thanks. Gotta tell ya though, even heavy smokers say "I shouldn't have smoked that second BOWL"....I'm not too certain I'd want a full J of this to the dome.... eh, who am I trying to kid...hehehe. She tastes lovely in paper...although, the bowl is definitely all one NEEDS.

Accessndx - Glad you enjoyed...I'm just trying to keep up with the likes of growers such as yourself...you've set the bar higher (or equally as high) in your threads! Always an honor to receive a pat on the back from F.A.M.

Fire, Woody, Lemon, CSedge, IAmnug - Thanks guys. I appreciate you stopping in. Hope you enjoyed the read!



Active member
ICMag Donor
You add zoolanders experienced touch and selection with your wisdom and green cock and you have some rare quality that isn't shared much at least in my neck of the woods and there is nothing but peace smoke and respect coming your way. Thank you for the pictures and the report. One love..........


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
well shiiiiiiiiiit..i guess ive got another pack of beans that will have to get popped....i was hoping they would suck!:)...but i figured since they were zoo's i would be forced to run em! haha


The buds look nice and light & fluffy like cotton candy but the buzz sounds like it will kick your arse!! Thanks for the detailed info dank.frank :yes:


ICMag Donor
I will say this...the buds LOOK light and fluffy. They were NOT. They are very fuzzy looking b/c of the red hairs. But as pictured, that was just over 4g. The calyxes were very dense, tight and stacked. I was very surprised how little weight they really lost when drying out, and how much they actually weighed. Do keep in mind these were flowered under a little 'ole 400w as well, and I can assure you the calyx development would be MUCH more extreme under heavier lighting....


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