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Chem #4 Pure Organics

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
GDK... I've grown the D, seen offspring of the D, grown the Sour Diesel for many years, etc... GROW THEM SEEDS! hehehe It's going to be killer dope if you treat em right.

joebean91, Flavor comparison... well... You will simply find ZERO similarity is taste/smell between Chem D and Chem #4. Entirely different in that regard. Which is an interesting point, actually, because I don't see that comparison made all too often. They are entirely different in taste/smell.

The #4 is a much lighter taste. If the D is punky and in-your-face... the #4 is more refined and serious. The #4's main smell characteristic is very similar to the SFV OGKush. Like very pleasant lemon candy... And I DO mean lemon candy. Not lemon pledge, or straight lemons.. but lemon candy... with a nice, light skunkiness in there as well. The D blows it away for smell intensity, but in my opinion, and my wife's, as well as several other highly-regarded grower, friends of mine... the #4 is a stronger and more prominent high.

My wife and I scheduled an appointment, recently, to get some work done on our Jeep. The ride to the mechanic was about 40 minutes. We smoked a spliff of #4 on the way. By the time we got there neither of us were at all interested in going through with the appointment... way too stoned to deal with people. And that is exceedingly rare. We simply don't get that stoned on any of the other elites we have grown. Long-lasting and complete, is the high.

Surprisingly, I wasn't too impressed with the #4 the first time I grew it. My love for the D --at the time-- sort of blinded me to the possibility that something more to my liking may already have shown itself. After the second go with it, however, I was totally sold.
I can say with absolute certainty that it clones more easily than Chem D... I've seen clone faster several times. All the Chem #4s will have rooted while none of the Ds have yet. It's quite clear which is faster.

In my experience, there is no better --commercially viable-- plant in the grow scene. Some are as good, but it's truly hard to beat it as a whole.

I have some special seeds from Rez... Chem #4 x Chem D. I believe these were not released for sale, but I may be wrong. They are among the seeds that most excite me for the possibilities within. It will be close to seeing what the parents and offspring of the original Chem D family looked like... If you follow me.

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
csedge, I never did a Vanilluna review. But if you like my other writing, thanks! :)

NOYB, actually, it is seabird guano. :) Sometimes I don't think to even mention whether it was bat or sea bird... but apparently it does matter. :)

Thundurkel, I haven't hear that the Chem 91 has Tobacco Mosaic Virus, no.

I N Hail, I suggest running the D for a while if you haven't already. Believe me, the weight and quality of the herb is worth all the staking and tying... But for me, I've grown it for a couple years now, since Chemdog handed it to me on the roof of a lower Manhattan apartment with a great view to trade clones by. :) I know this plant very well, I love the Chem D, but it's time for me to move on. Gotta keep looking, keep looking. :) I look forward to missing Chem D.

Thanks, ALL

I love the tan colors of the Chem #4 resins. :)

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Grow em if ya got em. :)

On a side note... I just planted some Alpha Diesels because a friend of mine is growing them and they look spectacular. So, Alpha Diesels on the way in a couple months. ;)


just don't molest my colas..
Wow that looks awesome CC. I can't wait to get my hands on some of the chem line other than the sour D. I was just reading your write up in High Times about the line and the New Reunion Pheno. Sounds like some truly epic herb. I loved your article about the FFA too. Good work man. It's pretty surreal to see all the people I used to watch or interact with on OG writing for HT, Cannabis Culture, Skunk, Treating yourself. It's definitely a good time in the community!


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Oh, they are already in flower man they stink like the skunkiest funk ever! Absolutely in love with them and buds haven't even started to form. I looked for keepers in veg by looking to see which one had most concentration of visible trichs on the leaves :D

It's nice to hear chemdog can yield too.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
well, i may just have to get my hands on the four. got the d going in a couple places round here, its doing well so far despite the tmv, and i love the d, but dont know if its worth taking a chance on spreading thru the garden. cant imagine giving it up though, unless there was something as good...nice write up CC, food for thought...

Rollin Face

CC- Im puffin on the 4 right now, and i truley love it...the golden hues make it so unlike other flowers...and your review hit everything that was on the tip of my tongue when I smoke it..

In your exp, does this plant like crazy high PPM? because if given less that what it needs, ive found the plant reacts very finiky, but when i give her what she wants, its beautiful..can you give us a general of how this plant gets fed?

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Well Rollin Face, I'll post the BOOK of a PM I sent to you in response to the same question asked via PM. :)

First of all... the Cal Mag is a total waste of time with your current setup. Trust me.

Your water is fairly clean right out the tap, so that's great.

You're starting with a good, organic base soil... this is good. Now all you have to do is trust that simplicity is the key to great herb.

I grow in a very similar situation, and this is how I think of the process:

Organic soil is colonized by microbes, very important microbes. Without these microbes the organic process cannot work. Plants are NOT fed by organic materials, they are fed by the chemicals inside the organic material. If you add bat guano, the plant cannot use it... the guano needs to be consumed by beneficial bacterium and fungi. Most good soils already have these micro organisms built right in. If not, you can add them with a product called Michorrizae. Michorrizae is a collection of fungi that are needed to break down the organic material in the soil, and convert it to the chemicals (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, etc) the plant can eat.

These fungi build an intricate network of tubes that eventually span the entire soil mass. This network not only breaks the organic material down into chemical form, it also moves the nutrients around the soil to where it's needed. In other words, keep those micro organisms happy, and you'll be close to growing perfect organic pot. But there's more to know.

When to feed... Throw away your ideas about feeding on a schedule... it's harder than that... Not entirely possible to learn if you can accept the lesson I'm about to lay on you. Feed ONLY when they ask for it. Yes, they will ask you for food. DO NOT feed a plant unless it first asks you for it, otherwise you will get all these mysterious issues that you can't quite figure out where they started from. I'm sure you know this feeling... we all know it.

How to listen to your plants... it's a visual thing, you gotta look at certain signs. Here it is... the holy grail of pot growing knowledge... ready???

Look at the leaf stems first.

When a plant is well fed, or too well fed, the leaf stems will usually be vibrant green. Okay? Green leaf stems = enough food.

When a plant asks for food... the leaf stems will start to get redder or more purple. Darkening (red or purple) leaf stems = needs food.

If you wait too long, the leaves themselves will begin to go from green to yellow, eventually.

Other ways I determine if the plant has enough to eat... Break off a leaf from the main stem of the plant. Taste the droplet of juice that forms on the severed end of the leaf stem. If it's terribly bitter, the plant has enough to eat. If the drop of fluid is on the cleaner, more pure water taste side of the bitterness spectrum... the plant is cleaner, thus has less food in it's vascular system.

So... bitter taste = the plant has food... Pure water taste = the plant's blood is clean. A pure water taste is ideal for harvest time, because t means all you are harvesting is cannabis, instead of cannabis AND nutrients.

Now, as for what level of moisture to keep the soil at... Moist. Keep it moist. A good soil will be nearly impossible to overwater, unless the soil sits in standing water, which it never should.

Remember about the micro organisms? Well, if the soil is ever allowed to get really dry, you are doing severe damage to the organic, fungal infrastructure that is so important to the proper functioning of an organic system. Keep the micro herd happy, and the plant will be happier, too.

As for how much to feed. Well, following the above instructions concerning the signs of when to feed a plant... You can feed PBP at the 1 tbspn/gallon recipe whenever the plant asks for food. Then wait a few days to see the results of that feeding. Organic nutrients need a few days to really break down and become fully available to the plant. There's no rushing it with organics.

Something you should know about the darkening leaf stems... the leaf stems will NEVER go from red back to green. Don't waste your nerves and time trying to feed them until the leaf stems get green again, they just won't go green again... and that is entirely okay.

I am a minimalist, which means I feed as little as I possibly can to pull of my crops. I feed only when the plants show signs of hunger, and then I wait until the darkening of the leaf stems increases again.

Often, my best plants will look like total ass by harvest time, because the leaves have gone yellow and many have died off due to very low nitrogen levels. Most growers think this is a sign of a bad grower... but the truly kind growers know these yellow leaves are a sing of a very, very clean and smoke-able plant. Remember this saying... "I grow buds, not leaves." Only pay enough attention to the health of the leaves (in flower) to read when the plant is hungry, besides that... the leaves are NOT what you're trying to harvest... so let them starve by the end.

Water health...You probably know that you should never use water right out of the tap, for various reasons. So let it stand for at least 12 hours before using it. This time standing allows various gases to evaporate from the water, such as chlorine, fluorine, and the like. You've noticed that after filling a container, an hour or so later the sides of the container are covered in tiny bubbles?... these bubbles are the gasses escaping. Let them escape.

One issue many growers have with their water supply is bad bacteria growing in their standing water source (reservoir). These bacteria are not your friends. They thrive on anaerobic conditions, which means they like water with very low oxygen levels. Pot plants like a Dissolved Oxygen level of no less than 8%. The warmer the water, the less oxygen it can hold. The colder, the better the DO (Dissolved Oxygen) levels. For example, ever notice the air bubbles caught up in an ice cube? This is an extreme example of how oxygen holds better in colder water. The best water temp is around 70 degrees... but I have a simple trick. ;)

Hydrogen Peroxide. Yes, growers talk about adding it to their water all the time, but most of them miss the point of adding it. This is how I use it, and why: When I'm done watering for the night, and I top off my water reservoir for the next day's watering, I add a tablespoon or so of hydrogen peroxide to the water. This keeps oxygen levels high for about 24 hours, preventing ANY bacteria from forming. The water stays crystal clear, even in 80+ degree conditions.

So, unlike most growers, I use hydrogen peroxide to add oxygen to my reservoir, NOT to the plants. Growers will often suppose that adding hydrogen peroxide to their water when they feed will
boost oxygen levels to the roots. This may be true, but there's a terrible cost to pay in an organic system. All the good bacteria will be under attack because the hydrogen peroxide will kill them... which turns your thriving organic system into a desolate system without the means to turn fertilizer into actual chemical food for the plants. Moral of the story: Only use H2O2 to keep your reservoir clean and healthy, not to add O2 to the roots. Only hydroponic systems can really benefit from adding H2O2 to the roots... and even this should be done gingerly.

I've just laid out some of my best cultivation secrets for you. I hope you capitalize on it! :) Peace, cc
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I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit brother..?? WOW nice looking what a nice looking ever so elusive chem 4 lady ya got there.. She is beyond being a gurl. yer description said it all.. WasTed! That is niiice.. Ill bbl to check some more beauty out great work as usual brother.. peace.



NOYB, actually, it is seabird guano. :) Sometimes I don't think to even mention whether it was bat or sea bird... but apparently it does matter. :)
A close friend turned me onto the seabird instead of bat as his 'secret' flavor weapon of choice with organics and also said sulfur is real important for dankness. I have not had/run the 4 organically and looking forward to it.

Lune TNS

Looks awesome CC, gorgeous nugs...

Quick question...How is the stretch on the 4 compared to the D?


Wow, great thread, with great info Crazy Composer! I'm really starting to beat myself up for loosing my chem4 mommie. I completely agree with you on the resemblance to sfv og. chem4 seemed a lot like sfv og in the high dept. As a plant... she just yields 10 fold. Def. a very underated strain. Keep up the good work!


I completely agree with you on the resemblance to sfv og. chem4 seemed a lot like sfv og in the high dept.
First time I sampled 4 was with Shmoe and one thing he said that stood out was that the 4 smoked like OG. Very bullet proof plant too...built like a brick shithouse.


aloha CC and thanks for the 411.

fucking D and the TMV. she is a sensetive girl, for sure. i did get a cut to root for me in 7 days once.... stoked to hear the 4 is a much better cloner. production wise - thats HUGE. shit, just stoked to hear so much good stuff about the 4 (I have 18 about to get flipped).

hey man how much does it suck to be inundated with killer genes?

stay safe!


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Way to get a brother amped CC, cannot wait to finally flower out this gal. Your descriptions of her are making me wish I could speed up time a little. Peace