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h^2 O

I left my house earlier to run some errands. I got back and my cab was slightly ajar. I KNOW I closed it all the way. What do you make of it? Would the cops already be here? Going to be on alert for the next day or so.


ICMag Donor
Im going to venture a guess,that perhaps your cab is haunted....Its sounds far fetched ..But trust me ,it happens everday...

Ganja baba

Active member
I left my house earlier to run some errands. I got back and my cab was slightly ajar. I KNOW I closed it all the way. What do you make of it? Would the cops already be here? Going to be on alert for the next day or so.

sone one has a key or some on close to you has one . it will probably get ripped right at the end . leave some form of trap to see if any one enters your place when you are not there . a landlord may be .

check your place well you may have been broken into . and once they realised what you had going they often cover up the break in so they can come back later and steal you stuff


Think for yourself, question authority
ICMag Donor
Sometimes what we know is what we imagine. I would hold tight and hope for the best. Maybe install some camera's...


Well-known member
F*cking stoners. Always blaming other people because they can't remember doing something. I found the refrigerator door open. OMG! The FDA was rooting around in my crisper! Oh wait, I got a bottle of water a little while ago. Must have been me and my wacky loss of short term memory.


If it was the cops, your shit would be in an evidence bag and they would have been waiting for you when you returned.

h^2 O

yeah I was thinking it might be my slumlord...might have come in when I left with a camera and took pics, and now he's at the police station showing them. I could put tape at the bottom of the door so that I'd know if someone went in there. I'm not too phased though, I keep all my doors locked, and if I had to I could just take the plants and shove them down the garbage disposal, then take some cactus and flowers and put them in the cab. Would take 2 minutes.

h^2 O

I checked out my state's laws - cultivation under 50 pounds is a misdemeanor, with a maximum of 1 year in jail. Probation is probably given to 99% of people busted.
And they don't go by the number of plants, but the weight. So I guess I'm not really phased at all...it would be a bigger crime and more jail to punch someone.


To Have More ... Desire Less
what if it was the landlord.....and he want's to use the pic's to blackmail U........maybe he'll threat'in to tell u'r grandma....:wave:

h^2 O

what if it was the landlord.....and he want's to use the pic's to blackmail U........maybe he'll threat'in to tell u'r grandma....:wave:

yeah I was thinking that... But that would be inadmissable I'm pretty sure...landlords can't just enter your house when you're not home to take pictures. It probably violates like 5 laws.

h^2 O

massive op...hey I'm just glad I looked up my state laws on growing, thought it was like the death penalty. It's only a misdemeanor with a max of 1 year for up to 50 pounds, and they don't go by number of plants.

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
If it was the police you would be busted now...maybe it just didn't close properly.

Don't lose sleep over it...strange things happen in the growing of cannabis.

Particularly at home.


ICMag Donor
If your "not so worried" ... Why make a post in the first place...

Kind of a dumb thread, no?

Go do something productive and put your mind at ease...

change your locks. $30
Install an interior camera. $30
Sleep easy...priceless.

Don't come here all 'noided out NOT looking for advice...



Active member
Im going to venture a guess,that perhaps your cab is haunted....Its sounds far fetched ..But trust me ,it happens everday...

Ridiculous! You people with your paranormal voodoo. :crazy:

Here's the answer based on logic and reason:

This is a typical result of running in hard mode -- the foilage creeps out of the cab and fucks with your shit while you're out. :whee: Sometimes it doesn't close the door properly when it returns to the cab.

There, phenomena explained -- no need to resort to ectoplasmic silliness. :tongue:

EDIT: "Hard Mode" has become a bit of an IC mag meme based on the content here:



WTF is this hard mode i hear of these days...is it a new grow technique like the hempy bucket, i come back after a year and they invent 'hard mode' while i was gone? things move so quick in this game its hard to keep up.:nono:

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