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~Check PH In Organic Grow?? Is G.H PH UP & DOWN Safe For Organic Medium?!!~


Ok..I have some Mandala Satori seeds coming in..and Im going to use an organic grow method...peat moss/perlite/worm castings/dolomite lime as my base medium...I might even add other organic nutrients..and Ima use organic teas to feed the plants every couple days... I also have some Alaska Fish Fert 5-1-1..and Maxicrop Seaweed

Im going to use the plant success mycorrizal...to colonize the roots with all kinds of fungi and microbes..and will ocassionaly feed them mollases..

Should I PH my teas,water,nutrients?? Is this not required for organic soil grows??? Will all the microbes,lime,humus naturally keep ph stable,and alter the water ph when it gets in the soil???

Lets say my medium is around 6-7..and my nutrient mix is low at around 4..wil the mix alter the soils ph to 4??or will the soil naturally keep things stable??

I have some GENERAL HYDROPONICS LIQUID PH UP & DOWN....will this affect anything in the soil or harm all the microbes,fungi,etc??? is it safe to use for a organic grow???:1help:


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
I''m NOT an organic grower but, was under the impression that it removed the need for pH control. When I did outdoor grows, all I "added" was water from the hose.
organic growing feeds the soil not the plant. you don't need to worry about the PH of the nutes because you're not feeding them directly to the plant. you're feeding the microherd that bioconverts the nutes into something usable by the plant.

that's the theory behind it anyways. make sure you don't kill the herd and you'll be fine!


thanks guys..im excited about growing organically..now the next question..will the G.H PH UP & DOWN harm the soils microbes in any way..

Also..for my organic microbe/humus supplements..can i subsitute worm castins for compost..or do i NEED compost..theyr essentially the same thing right?? humus and microbes that inoculate the medium??
thanks guys..im excited about growing organically..now the next question..will the G.H PH UP & DOWN harm the soils microbes in any way..

Also..for my organic microbe/humus supplements..can i subsitute worm castins for compost..or do i NEED compost..theyr essentially the same thing right?? humus and microbes that inoculate the medium??

there are varying opinions on whether ph up and ph down hurt the soil microbes. at the very least they will kill off a good part of your population just due to the sudden PH swing. if you must use ph up/down, trying adding it to the water and letting it mix thoroughly (bubble for an hour) before adding the other ingredients to make your tea. that way, the change won't be so drastic and hard on the microbes. i'm sure the natural route like earth juice's or the omri listed product that someone else suggested would be a better choice than GH's.

i've used wormcastings excuslively since i don't have compost and haven't had any problems. don't skimp out on worm castings. cheap products are cut with fillers. you want primo 100% worm castings to supply the maximum number of microbes.

my soil mix always incorporates dolomite lime @ 2 tbls per gallon and i also add worm castings to the mix and i have never once had a PH problem. i alternate between giving the plant teas, feeding it, and watering and they look happy as can be.


Organics pretty much removes the need for pH control, unless you are using fish emulsion, which makes the pH shoot up. General Organics drifts between 5 and 8. The pH drift allows plants to absorb the entire spectrum of nutrients.



thanks guys..and yeah i might use alaska fish emulsion..or bloodmeal,guano..etc..my water will be air conditioner runoff..which brings me to the next question...

is the runoff water that drips from wall unit a.c good enough to use ?? isnt it essentially r.o water?? does it have harmful chemicals or metals,etc??


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i use organic soil pure blend pro grow n bloom and powdered koolbloom few times in flower. i use gh ph down never have i had any problems and my buds get quite nice in size.

i adjust the water PH with and with out ferts to 6.5, @ ph 6.5 all nutrients are available to the plant get above 6.8 and below 6.0 in soil and to many nutrients get locked out in soil


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thanks guys..and yeah i might use alaska fish emulsion..or bloodmeal,guano..etc..my water will be air conditioner runoff..which brings me to the next question...

is the runoff water that drips from wall unit a.c good enough to use ?? isnt it essentially r.o water?? does it have harmful chemicals or metals,etc??

if you use any type of RO water you'll need to add calmag+ to your fert regime


i use organic soil pure blend pro grow n bloom and powdered koolbloom few times in flower. i use gh ph down never have i had any problems and my buds get quite nice in size.

i adjust the water PH with and with out ferts to 6.5, @ ph 6.5 all nutrients are available to the plant get above 6.8 and below 6.0 in soil and to many nutrients get locked out in soil

Are all the prodcuts you mentioned ORGANIC..Iv always though the KoolBloom was chemical?...surely it has salts,etc that might harm the microbes..I still have A.N big bud,monkey juice bloom,overdrive,final phase,and other shit..but Im not going to use them for this organic grow..should I???

willthey harm the microbes..especially the big bud powder and overdrive..


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
Are all the prodcuts you mentioned ORGANIC..Iv always though the KoolBloom was chemical?...surely it has salts,etc that might harm the microbes..I still have A.N big bud,monkey juice bloom,overdrive,final phase,and other shit..but Im not going to use them for this organic grow..should I???

willthey harm the microbes..especially the big bud powder and overdrive..
yes powdered kool bloom is chem with NPK = 2-45-28
i only use the KB 6-7 times during flower 1st 3 times is much less then recomended dossage.
3 gal can 107 grams dry weight

chem4 @ 45 days flower

i water to obtain good drainage 15-20% and feed ferts every other watering. the powdered koolbloom and PH down dosent seem to have killed the micro herd in my soil eh :)

i adjust my water PH to 6.5 if its fert day i add desired ferts all in the jug then adjust waters PH to 6.5