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Cheapest ounce you've ever bought


In 1972, I bought an ounce of "Acapulco Gold" for $15, which I though was awfully expensive, since regular Mexican weed went for $8 an ounce at the time. I could get a pound of the Mexican weed for $90.

What is the cheapest you've ever paid for commercial weed?
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Grew up in the midwest, remember paying $15.00 an ounce (Lid) $45.00 1/4 pd. circa 1974. I remember some black bud that went for $20.00 and the real deal Thai Sticks went for $20.00, man those were the days lol.


weed fiend
1974 - Mexican Brick - $12.00 oz.
1976 - Colombian Redbud - $30.00 oz.
(really raised hell at the price until we smoked it)

2009 - my own - ~$12.75 oz. after return on hardware.
(not free but almost 1974 prices)


Active member
10 bucks a lid. That shit never had buds.
then in the late 70s 25 for a lid of Columbian. Pricey but worth it.


15 bucks a OZ back in 10th grade this Asian dude would steal it from his older bro. it was some home grown schwag but what the hell right? We called it heaven's dirt but it did the job....


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

'69 or therebouts it was $10 per lid for bud,
$15 if it was panama red or good colombo.......



Active member
in 1964 we used to buy packistani black hashfor £6 an ounce.Weed,if you could find some was even cheaper.


I'm from the UK and prices for weed havent changed much since I started smoking at 15 years old in 1993. Now we just get 2.5g sold as an eighth and 22g as an OZ... hence my need to grow.
But I did once buy an OZ of hash in exchange for 5 e's. I only paid £2 each for the pills so quite a bargain.
Sorry if the mention of class A synthetic drugs upsets some people... but it's the truth


Active member
Let me tell you a story...late 70's into 81, weed was around $35 an oz. I goto college and in a couple years I find this bomb-ass weed that was the best any of us have ever had. From Hawaii or something. Pricey too something like $200 or more an oz. which was insane in those days (early 80's). So quite the leap in price there eh?

~Abbie :joint:


In 1982 I was going over seas with the Navy. Before the trip I stopped by my dealer to get an ounce of Killer Skunk Bud for $240. We even argued about the price a bit. I thought he was taxing me an additional $40. He weighed it in front of me, He put it in a bag and handed it to me, and then someone knocked on the door. He told this person to wait to talk about the price and because of they way they were acting I suspect there was a wink. He wanted to only charge me the $40 but was going to charge the other the regular $200. So that person set down and there was an uncomfortable silence. I said, "Well, I got some stuff to do, I better get going" and left. I get about 50 miles away, and it occured to me that I never paid.

I get to my ship and they are searching everyone that is going aboard. A man searches me and finds my papers in my back pocket and the ounce in my socks. He said, "what do we have here," or something like that, and sends me on my way. I found out by one of my boys that the guy that searched me was cool.

I go on my trip with the navy to Australia, Mid East, Asia and Africa. It took about 8 months. I knew that fellow that I got the weed from my must be fuming and wanting to kill me. I get back with my friends and they tell me that fellow held someone up in a big coke deal and was gone from sight forever. Indeed I never seen him again.

Weedman Herb

Late 70's 40 bucks an OZ and a QP for 120 (buy 3 get 1 free) apparently dude could have been talked down to 35 ... we were kids who wanted to get high ... we didn't know you could negotiate with the weed slinger ...

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