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Cheap seeds or did i f**k up?

Fat J

Hey guys, I was wondering, a few rounds back, I had germed a round of seeds, they were black dominia and hpxg13... about 4 weeks into bloom they grew these things that looked like bananas and turned yelow and produced pollen, but no seeds as if the pollen was sterile, nonetheless it made the smoke way harsher, most went into food. Anybody know why this happens? I had prev grows with other seeds (bagseed ftw ^^) but never saw it before, been growin clones since, but would really like 2 grow some top notch moms from seed... any suggestions to prevent this? was it the seeds or something i did? are there any seeds any1 would reccomend that are hi yield, 9-11 wk flower max and def will not do this?

Thankzz a lot ^.^


Active member
They grew bannanas because they were male plants. Did you have other female plants? Thats the only way you would get seeds. Its nothing you did, you are going to get males unless you buy feminized seeds.


I have read (no experience of my own) that "Black Domina" can be a bit touchy indoors (prone to hermi). May be the genetics.

Fat J

Yeah, I know about sexing plants, like i said ive grown seed b4, but i killed the males early and these were lovely sticky ladies that grew bananas in the middle of the buds, no balls, just hermied out as did the g13xhp... im thinkin maybe they were unstable genetics? cuz they all went hermy...
yer dude all hermies.. unlucky
i always stay away from seed companies after i get shit genetics , you know there not growing properly.

so ....... shit seeds

i grow at OPTIMUM conditions and still occasionally get bad seeds.
most seeds dont do this so choose anything that isnt from the first seed company.

strains : still up to you , for my suggestions from previous experiences about truely good genetics it up to whats MORE important to you .... the smoke or the yield or a mix ?

yield = white rhino (greenhouse seeds ) 100% germination rates (twice) massive yield , smoke was smooth but not K.O.
yield = NL x BB ( doesnt matter seed company as its so easy to grow its hard to grow wrong lol) massive yields

strength = AK47 (serious seeds) 99% germ rates ,medium-normal yield..... smoke K.O. fucked up.
just grown sharksbreath (DNA) waiting for the smoke report: loads of crystals , chunky yields. smoke unknown meat to be excellent.
strength = BLZ bud (seedism) 100% germination rates .. tiny stretch in flowering chunky yields ... smoke K.o
strength = white russian ( serious seeds) havent grown it yet getting seeds mid january.. meant to be strongest plant known at present .... had some in amsterdam .....fucking gorgeous, more ish , smooth, stony , slightly lemony

mix = great white shark (greenhouse seeds)
super silver haze = (greenhouse seeds) nice yields , nice smoke , smooth
sharksbreath = see above














if it would be anything it would be heat but he would have noticed the change in the plant

the nannnas come out later on when the plants forcing the buds to explode because its stressed. crap genetics , if it was something in the grow room like light leaks you would have seen it earlier on more like week 3 just after the pistols come out.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
i would say that if the genetics were unstable then some would have hermed and others not. the fact that they all did the same thing would make me suspect it was an environmental factor.

unless they came from the same mum ... or better yet the seed companies seed harvest was had a couple of hermies in , therefore all of the produced seeds COULD have bad genetics .

i grew a few plants when i was a beginner with hermies seeded all the plants and all the seeds were hermies , had to ditch the lot

Fat J

Yeah, thats what i was worried about - they were from a co called "CA Bean Bank" from a cali med club - got 14 seeds for 25 bucks and was stoked - not such a great deal after all... :-( Gonna try a new co next, any thoughts on which are the most reliable seed co's who ship to US - im legal here in cali so I'm not worried about getting busted but I want some good genetics next time i start from seed, and would rather not pay too too much for em.

Verdant, Cyber - As for light leaks, etc - room was sealed from light with 3 way light lock baffles, very strict about the light issues...low humidity, bout 72-76 deg F temp max, was very careful about the watering, never overwatered. ive screwed the pooch onna crop b4, wasn't the case this time, had already done 8+ successful rounds(most from clone)

Thanks for the help guys, I been scared off seeds for about 2 yrs now cuz of the incident - think maybe ill try again.
Yeah, I know about sexing plants, like i said ive grown seed b4, but i killed the males early and these were lovely sticky ladies that grew bananas in the middle of the buds, no balls, just hermied out as did the g13xhp... im thinkin maybe they were unstable genetics? cuz they all went hermy...

thinking light leak if they ALL hermied. but you can blame the genetics, most do.

Fat J

But I have always had light carefully controlled in this room (padlock) and did several rounds exact same way just the ones that hermied were all from 1 seed co at a cheap price, so was hoping it was the genetics.... but maybe i messed up somehow and got some light in there, anythings possible, how much light do u think it would take to cause that?
anything more than the effect that moonlight has on plants at night.., in most cases thats pritty dam hard without having a giant hole to you veg room in the wall

how much is too much ? dollars








that should get you salivating lol

do remember you get what you pay for, if you want crap plants yer seeds wont be expensive , if on the other hand you think fuck it i only live once and buy some nice seeds you can make a mum from them and never buy seeds again ..... you will always get back more from getting good seeds... selling or smoking
Getting lots of Hermies usually has to do with user error. I had the same problem last grow. I had a few power outages during my grow, and almost half of my plants Hermies bad. The rest had maybe 3-4 Male flowers at the end of flowering, but didn't hermie that much obviously. Stress, especially light caused stress will mess with the plants alot and they can Hermie very easily when that happens.

Anything is possible though i guess, so it's possible you just had really bad luck.
do remember you get what you pay for, if you want crap plants yer seeds wont be expensive , if on the other hand you think fuck it i only live once and buy some nice seeds you can make a mum from them and never buy seeds again ..... you will always get back more from getting good seeds... selling or smoking
I agree.

I did get some really nice genetics from Dr. Atomic for pretty cheap. Maybe $80? something like that. Absolutely fantastic plants. BLxNL belicious.

Fat J

i dont think 80 bucks is 2 much 2 spend, i just dont wanna toss out 100+ bucks onna handful of seeds unless im sure im gonna get what im paying for thats why i was asking about good seed co's - of course you get what you pay for, i was just saying reasonable priced, like 100/10 max those u linked looked good n the price wasnt too bad, i just wanna make sure i dont get ripped off by a bogus vendor...


check out the boo man there are ton's of different type's/strains to choose from some companies have 5 packs also and there is a lot of femmed beans as well as reg. beans to choose from. My last order i got like 4 different kinds for like $130.00 w/ shipping plus the freebies they give you, you can't go wrong just my .02 cent's

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