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Cheap Co2

Is it possible??? I would really like to enter the Co2 world, it seems to make a huge difference. However, everywhere I look at Co2 gear...holy shit it's expensive. Is there a cheap DIY solution to add this to a grow??



Active member
you can use baking soda and mix it with either lemon juice/vinegar which will bubble up and create Co2. A couple of things to keep in mind... Co2 is heavier than oxygen so put this solution above the plants as you would a Co2 hose so that the Co2 gas falls on the plants on it's way to the ground. Cut any exhaust while this concoction is brewing as an exhaust fan will suck out the Co2 as well as stale air... GOOGLE more info about this method cuz I never used it. You can also buy $100 bucket of bio-boost but I would personally just save up for a tank and regulator. HOPE THAT HELPS BRO

Cool as hell dachieftan. Exactly what I need....just a bit every once in a while. My setup doesn't really need a full on co2 setup, so this is perfect. I'll google more to find out dosages and so on. Thanks for tip, much appreciated!



New member
You produce more CO2 from simple being in your grow room and breathing than those Boost buckets will do. A generator would be your best bet and runs on natural gas or liquid propane. Tanks are great but need to be replaced often.

One way to raise CO2 is to duct it in from the flu on your furnace (If you have a gas furnace). Of course, you need to control the CO2 levels with a decent meter and controller, which will still run you about 4 or 5 hundred or so. This air is also very hot, so you need to cool the room a bit more than usual.

I would really suggest just hanging out in there and breathing a lot lol until you save up enough to get a decent generator or tank setup with a good controller like the Fuzzy Logic. Peace


This is pretty cheap.

1 Soda Pop 2L Bottle
2 Cups of Sugar
1 tbs of Baking Soda
1 packet of Yeast
2 cups of warm water
2 cups of cold water
Release Valve (Twin Bubble Air-Lock) Drill a hole in cap of 2L and glue this piece in.

1. Clean out your 2L bottle with some water, and in a medium bowl, stir in 2 cups of sugar into 2 cups of warm water.

2. Poor the mixture into the bottle.

3. Mix 1tbs of Baking Soda with 2 cups of cold water.

4. Pour this mixture into the bottle.

5. Shake the bottle well.

6. Add the packet of yeast to the mixture, but allow the yeast to sit at the top and do not shake the bottle.

7. Place the bottle in your grow room!

The life of the mixture lasts about 12-14 days. Every 4 days or so you may want to begin stiring the bottle gently to activate more yeast. You should notice a difference in about 3 days.
Well shit Highroller...hats off to you man for finding those! They look like the perfect solution, depending on the cost. I am going to contact them to find out and will update this thread accordingly.

I looked at the website.I wonder if anybody here has ever used the "Green Pads".???

I doubt it, me thinks they're too new. Shit...no retailers or prices listed. If the price is acceptable, I will implement them when I start up again later this year and report their results.
Fuck me it's hot here now.

Dwarfganja, thank you very much for that solution as well. Between you and dachieftan I can accomplish simple Co2 with a small grocery list. I like!
Can you elaborate on the valve you mentioned though please?? Is this a pressure release, manual release, timed release? Any more insight would be top notch.

I knew there had to be a simple solution to this with simple ingredients. I did find the DIY Co2 section in the Link O' Rama, but shit...it was too much for my little room. My tent is only 3x4.5', so I just need something small and simple. Plus I just wanted a supplement...grows go very well for me and just wanted a boost of Co2, don't need the full on full on.

Thanks to EVERYONE who replied. Will be updating this when I have more info on prices, availability, and possibly the results of the Green Pads when I find out more.



What you do is fill the valve with a bit of water. Once the reaction begins within the bottle it will automatically release CO2. You know its working when it "bubbles"


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    twin bubble.jpeg
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Active member
How about half a dozen hamsters inside the grow with endless wheels to run in?

Here is a link to the indoor yield o rama. Old info but interesting with comparison of the various grow types and yields.

Lots of ventilation with outside air seems to do as good a job at increasing yield as adding CO2.
Thanks for that Highroller! I would give ya more rep, but I gotsta spread the love.

So....25 bucks for 5 GreenPads. They recommend replacing one a week, so 25 dolla will last 5 weeks (in my situation).

I could probably get by with only two packs (total of 10 pads) for one grow. Now considering I grow twice a year...small grows for personal, that's a C-note a year in Co2. Plus there would be NO additional heat, HUUUUUGE factor in my environment, no additional electricity. Seems pretty cool to me.

I just can't justify the cost of a Co2 setup. It's a small grow..comparatively speaking, it's a personal grow (no selling)...so there is no "Co2 setup paying for itself" over a particular amount of time at my garden. It was stated earlier in this thread that a decent controller would run 4 to 5 bills. Just for the controller?!?!?! I could spend that in green pads and be good for 4 or 5 years. Not to mention not having to deal with heat...which means running the A/C more=more money. My grows never pay back (in a monetary sense), so it's either pads or a homebrew with a 98 cent valve and a two liter.

If I choose the Pad method, I will update this thread and let everyone know the results. Won't be until about mid fall, so someone might pony up before me. If not, see you all back here in about three months.

Thanks for the help everyone! Once again...ICmag members come through.
I love this place.