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Cheap ADULT fungus gnat controll



This will nto get every one but will slow down your population for cheap. Get double sided tape and run some around the rim of your pots, replace whenever they become non sticky or full of dust ect. I tried this with duct tape before I used double sided sticky tape and i noticed they like to crawl the rim of pots usually and then down teh side of the pot so this helped with whenever teh fuckers wanted to touch the rim of the pot theyed die a sticky death. Now if you have a large grow this can be time consuming but Its more effective then hanging sticky tape everywhere since fungus gnat adults seem to crawl more on the surface then fly. use this in conjunction with Gnatrol WDG off of ebay for cheap and you ahve a solid setup.


Not as easy, convenient, or effective as diatomaceous earth (DE). It's been so long since I've seen a fungus gnat, now that I use DE, that I don't even remember what they look like anymore.


Active member
(I have gnats now with gnatrol and pest strips. However, I did place the strips around (near lights), not in the containers, which is sort of how I ended up here.

Moon, not that I couldn't search it, but you did seem very confident-

What are your methods/amounts when using DE? How are the results?


All I do is just sprinkle a fine, top layer of the powder on each pot. I only do this once per planting or transplanting, and it keeps the gnats away. There is a bad ass thread on DE here at icmag, somewhere. It says something like "the best pesticide you've never heard of" or something like that in the title.

It's no joke. DE. It's perfectly organic, perfectly safe, and insects can't handle it.


i have DE. I got a 15 pound bag of it food grade. How long dose it take...
Not as easy, convenient, or effective as diatomaceous earth (DE). It's been so long since I've seen a fungus gnat, now that I use DE, that I don't even remember what they look like anymore.

I have DE but so far have not found a way to use it
effectively. I mean , how do you get the stuff on
the top and bottom of the leaves and in all the
right places without wasting tons of it? I seem to
remember that there is a device you can buy
that effectively sprays ( atomized ) powder.

I did mix a batch with water. I figured if I could not
get them off my leaves I at least could kill them
when they are in the larval stage ( very very small
and clear worm), any of you seen them in the larval
stage? So first question, does liquefying DE
and adding it to the soil kill them in the larval
Anyway I find myself at lowes the other day and
I picked up some shultz "fruit and veg. INSECT
KILLER" The ingredients are pyrethrin and a few
scary sounding chemicals. It seems to be working
but I have to sit there every day with that thing
in my hand like a gun spraying one or 2 at a time.



I don't really see why you need to get it on the leaves, but if you do, I would suggest turning off all fans and just "dusting" the entire crop from above. The whole idea of DE is to put it in places where the bugs would be unable to avoid it. For instance, like in my situation, using soil in pots, I just sprinkle it over the top of the soil as a fine layer. But in theory, I could just sprinkle it everywhere and not really think twice about it. Even if you are getting gnats on your leaves, they have to go down to the soil, as that is where their home would be. They don't just set up camp on the leaves or anything like that.

I don't know how DE would work as an aerosol type spray, but I guess the concept is the same. Eventually the water evaporates leaving behind DE powder, which will dry and kill any insects that try to come around. I also use boundaries of DE powder in all of the windows in my house, to keep cockroaches out.


i have a alternative to dusting an entire room with DE effectively without hassle. Take a freezer bag full of DE and put a m80 in itor 2 or 3 and then light that bitch in the center of your crop and run. The DE in the bag will absorb most the impact but your whole room will be covered in DE, would like to see a fungus gnat survive a couple of those bag bombs hehehe....


New member
I got rid of both fungus gnats AND spider mites by going to bottom feeding and applying a layer of perlite over the top. It works like DE by shredding the little varmints.
i have a alternative to dusting an entire room with DE effectively without hassle. Take a freezer bag full of DE and put a m80 in itor 2 or 3 and then light that bitch in the center of your crop and run. The DE in the bag will absorb most the impact but your whole room will be covered in DE, would like to see a fungus gnat survive a couple of those bag bombs hehehe....

Being high enough to laugh easily that made me laugh.

I want to get it on and under the leaves cuz that is where
I see them feeding on my hard work and risk. They love
the middle spine of the leaf, especially under.

Thank you. This decides that my idea of using a 12 gauge
shotgun , I was gonna make a post on how to use a shot
gun and not harm the plant. Someone on youtube knows

In the interest of kinda sliding off-topic, I just went to
Lowes and bought an 8X4 sheet of reflective foam
board. I put it in the back of my truck and I piled
the bag of cow-shit/humas I got also, with 4 bricks
that I bought. Well the fucker blew out anyway.
Along with the bricks the bag of shit must have
weighed 20lbs. At least I got my soil stuff. I don't
need the bricks though.
I bet.:artist:


a gym sock full of DE (dust mask essential), lightly beat against the floor and/or walls will effectively spread DE everywhere. DE dries up the insects waxy outer layer, killing them, it will also zap the moisture/oils outta your hands, Id wear gloves too.


I want to get it on and under the leaves cuz that is where
I see them feeding on my hard work and risk. They love
the middle spine of the leaf, especially under.

Are you sure that you have fungus gnats? If you can see them feeding on leaves, you may have something else. Consider it.
All I know is they are little flying bastards, not very big. I will see
if I can find a picture of what I have, but I have had them for about
a year now. I used to put sand on the top of the soil but im not sure
now effective that is.They have little, barely visible larval worms that
have a black tip and otherwise are clear. Then out comes these little
things that sit on random parts of the plants and feeds I assume.
"Fungus gnats occasionally become a nuisance indoors when adults emerge in large numbers as mosquito-like insects from potted plants or flower boxes containing damp soil rich in humus."

I am growing in 98% cow manure/humas type soil as well. I see the
larvae all the time.But not since the DE.I need to reapply


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
cheaper and easier?

glass or water / shot glass of water

fungus gnats really need to be dealt with on a serious level though, as they breed so easy.. I suggest a multi step method to deal with them..

-traps ( water / sticky traps )
-bio-gnatrol / mosquito dunks / nematodes
-top ( sand / DE / perlite .. cover bottom too )

and I should say, good luck...


This will nto get every one but will slow down your population for cheap. Get double sided tape and run some around the rim of your pots, replace whenever they become non sticky or full of dust ect. I tried this with duct tape before I used double sided sticky tape and i noticed they like to crawl the rim of pots usually and then down teh side of the pot so this helped with whenever teh fuckers wanted to touch the rim of the pot theyed die a sticky death. Now if you have a large grow this can be time consuming but Its more effective then hanging sticky tape everywhere since fungus gnat adults seem to crawl more on the surface then fly. use this in conjunction with Gnatrol WDG off of ebay for cheap and you ahve a solid setup.

That is a good idea.

Have you tried the product TANGLEFOOT?

It is a gooey substance that you smear on the stems and on the edges of pots.

It traps anything that crawls on it.

It is at Home Depot type Garden centers for around $5 a tub.