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Chat is BACK!

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The Tri Guy
bah, thanks Mrs B, I dont know whats up, I dont normally have any problems with chat. I'll try relogging in.

wont let me in, just goes green on me.


ICMag Donor
Saying "Hello" in IC-Chat

English Chat = Hi

Italian Chat = Ciao

Polish Chat = Powitac

Romanian Chat = Buna Salut

Czech Chat = Ahoj

Simply saying "hello" in chat makes the international cannabis community grow stronger:friends:

One Love to ALL the folks in chat :joint:


~Resident Puck Bunny~
More often than not, the answer can be found by reading the TOU ;)

11. Chatroom: Our chat room has moderators assigned to keep posts civil and in compliance with our forum guidelines (TOU). In order to use the IC Mag chat room, a member must be in good standing on this site with a minimum post count of 50. Those in our chat room are expected to conduct themselves in the company of others in a civil and unoffensive manner. This is an international site and obscene language will not be tolerated. Please be respectful so chat can be pleasurable for everyone. Non compliance with our forum guidelines (TOU) in chat will result in banning from chat and the site itself.

Phuuu Ad

Active member
Saying "Hello" in IC-Chat

English Chat = Hi

Italian Chat = Ciao

Polish Chat = Powitac

Romanian Chat = Buna Salut

Czech Chat = Ahoj

Simply saying "hello" in chat makes the international cannabis community grow stronger:friends:

One Love to ALL the folks in chat :joint:

Did you know that AHOJ is shortcut from old times but in latin ?
It means Ad HOnorem Jesu
it was used by sailors before they went on sea.

Just want to share that with you.



ICMag Donor
Fallen Buddha has manifested a plan for chatroom music links.. as follows

Mondays in ICMag Chatroom is forth-known as Blues Monday...

... Psychedelic Tuesdays ,,, and Reggae Thursdays should follow

peace ALL
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