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Chasing the sweet Tooth fairy


Active member
Thanks Silver Hawaiian, I will.

Potent, I appreciate the heads up. I'll be using light warrior soil in 1 gallon pots until they are ready to transplant into the bigger pots with FFOF.

Now, if these cuttings would hurry up and root. haha

another week and I'll be good to go.


Active member
Sometimes I post just to keep track of my feedings...

1st feeding today on the 2 sweet tooth clones.

about 600ppm of sensi grow a and b.

Great White
Advanced Nutrients Mother Earth Super Tea


Active member
Curing blueberries:

Some vegetables getting ready for the garden....


Stoked on this, I had a 1.5 inch gap under the door on my grow room, with the A/C installed I didn't want to waste any cold air... this did the trick.





Active member
5 days since the cuttings were put into the clone machine.... okay 4 1/2 days.

First signs of roots are forming on two out of 5....

just a few more days :dance013:


High country cat herder
Your a bit late on the outdoor vegies! ;)

Pic is Peppers, taken about a week ago, I've got 12 plugs of tomatoes and another 10 plugs of specialty peppers that I've done as well......
Spring/Summer is upon us, I'm gonna get a Jump on it this season!

The blueberry harvest looks YUMMY!!!!

Glad to see your actually getting roots with your bubble cloner,.... I've seen too many fella's have a hard time, so for me,... it's rapid rooters and a heat mat (household adjustable unit you would put behind your back while you watch TV or something, set to LOW) I get roots out the side of the rooter plugs in a week- week and a half,.... so 7-10 day's to grow 1/4"-1/2" long roots,.... not bad by my guess.

Yes, I think Temp is crucial to rapid and healthy rooting. ;)


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Active member
@ Cannawhattheheckishisname -

Damn! Your peppers look good, when is your last frost? I won't be able to put these outside for another 45 - 65 days. I'm hoping that this T5 will help speed up the process.

Also, I used to always use Rapid rooters in a tray with a dome and a heating mat. Loved it, had great success. I found that I have better success with less effort using the cloner I built above. (I didn't water my rapid rooters for a couple days and killed a few.... )

This may be the main reason though... I LOVE to be able to see the whole process of roots forming by watching it happen daily, you can't do this with the rapid rooters.

Either way, If you can find a way to speed this whole process up, I'd be stoked!


Active member
Okay, back to growing some Sweet Tooth.

Like I said before, I'm going to grow two of them in Modified GH buckets.

For those that don't know:

General Hydroponics make a square bucket about 4-5 gallons in size with half the volume being used as a netcup with hydroten. they utilize a pump to top feed through a drip ring.


To make this baby really hum, I've drilled larger holes in the bottom of the top bucket for the roots to grow through.

Then I run an air hose down the blue water level indicator tube into the bottom.
I'm going to attach a large 8" air-stone to the air hose and pump bubbles up from the bottom to oxygenate the roots, this will make it a DWC or Deep Water Culture with a top feed on a timer.

Here is what the air-stone looks like.


And the whole reason I made this post....

If you're going to be pouring any nutrients, do yourself a favor and get one of these:


This will save you $$$ in nutrient spills and they are super accurate.

this goes up to 60ml or 2 ounces.

Once you fill up the syringe you pull the tube off and the excess falls back into the jug.

I just got this and am in love with it.

Next, I'm making an extendable funneled tube to feed the plants in my tent without moving plants or crawling to the back of the tent.

If it works, I'm gonna sell them


Living life large...
Hey MileHighGuy, stopped by to check out your thread and I
gotta say I like your style, clean, well organized, throw in
some DIY technology and you got something cooking !
T5's really rock , though I only use mine for veg, but wow
what a difference from the old T12's it night and day.

here's a picture I know you will appreciate , keep up the
quality work man , I'll stop by from time to time and check
out your grow.
peace out , the sprout.


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Active member
Hell yes... A MINI SYRINGE!!!

I'm sure you love yours too.

You know, it's so simple, but no one ever told me about them, so I spilled nutrients everywhere for awhile.

I've had syringes in the past, without the 1/4 tubing and the one I used had printed on ink that just got rubbed off and couldn't measure anymore, seems like the better ones have the numbers etched into the plastic.


Evrything's coming together over here. DWC is such a fun way to grow. As long as you control your plants and don't let them control YOU. I like those GH buckets a lot and that ring for a top feed dripper is real dope.. Stoked to watch some hydro shit grow out :)


Active member
Went to the hydro shop today, turns out those 8" air-stones are to big to put into my GH buckets.... Thats cool, I'll use the smaller ones.

Now... a nice bowl of some Early Girl :smokeit:


Active member
Andddd.... I'm stoked... the cure is not even close to done on this blueberry and it tastes 10 times better than day 1 of cure.

..... F#&k, your own shit gets you WAY higher than anything you can buy

I'm toasted and I hope you are too


Treetroit City

Moderately Super
Okay, back to growing some Sweet Tooth.

Like I said before, I'm going to grow two of them in Modified GH buckets.

For those that don't know:

General Hydroponics make a square bucket about 4-5 gallons in size with half the volume being used as a netcup with hydroten. they utilize a pump to top feed through a drip ring.


To make this baby really hum, I've drilled larger holes in the bottom of the top bucket for the roots to grow through.

Then I run an air hose down the blue water level indicator tube into the bottom.
I'm going to attach a large 8" air-stone to the air hose and pump bubbles up from the bottom to oxygenate the roots, this will make it a DWC or Deep Water Culture with a top feed on a timer.

Here is what the air-stone looks like.


And the whole reason I made this post....

If you're going to be pouring any nutrients, do yourself a favor and get one of these:


This will save you $$$ in nutrient spills and they are super accurate.

this goes up to 60ml or 2 ounces.

Once you fill up the syringe you pull the tube off and the excess falls back into the jug.

I just got this and am in love with it.

Next, I'm making an extendable funneled tube to feed the plants in my tent without moving plants or crawling to the back of the tent.

If it works, I'm gonna sell them

If you pull the tube off you won't be getting an accurate measure will you? For intense, If I need 5 ml, it won't even make it into the syringe, it will all be in the tube. If you pull it off and it goes into backthe nute container you no longer have 5 ml. The amount in the tube is part of your dose. Get what I'm saying?:tiphat:


Active member
@ third coast... I like your enthusiasm... and I thought the same thing until I started playing with it....

The tube is pulled off and the liquid in the tube falls out.

Then you have a perfect measurement as the rest stays in the space within the measuring area on the syringe.

I mean, I just cut a random length of tube off, I have no idea what the volume of my tubing is.

right? I know I'm high :watchplant:

but your starting to fuck with my head :snap out of it: