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Charlie Sheen goes live

Green lung

Active member
And narrow minds will over simplify.

If Charlie was raised by a coke head and a porn star, how would he turn out? Would he be around today? Does it make sense exposing a lifestyle to children that one might grimace over as an adult?

bro What do you got against porn lol



weed fiend
Well, add kids into the mix. Don't you think they deserve a lifestyle free of unnecessary attention? Especially if the attention causes unnecessary stress? It's the degree of childhood stress that delivers Charles Lindberghs vs Charles Mansons.

It's easy to pass all this off as inconsequential. If Charlie didn't have children in the same home he parties, fucks porn stars, etc (nor spew 300 peeps out of their jobs) I'd say little. But everybody below Charlie on [his] totem pole is compromised, used or let down. TBH, I'm a fan, not the average detractor.

Lol, some of his fans will always focus on the superficial.

Madrus Rose

post 69
wouldnt mind being charlie for 3 days ....

that would be just the amount of time before my liver failed
& my balls needed a rest . ;)


A foot without a sock...
It's perfect. It's awesome. Every day is just filled with just wins. All we do is put wins in the record books. We win so radically in our underwear before our first cup of coffee, it's scary. People say it's lonely at the top, but I sure like the view

Chuck Estevez

That's just alotta win right there. :)


Active member
i wonder if he keeps track of how many women he has banged. is there notches on his bedpost LOL. rock on charlie you only live once


weed fiend
Wilt Chamberlain said he schtupped 10,000.:yoinks: That's like all the women in my city lined up.......

... for 20 years.


In as much as people have a predisposition to enjoy seeing the mighty fall,it is supposed to make you feel better by comparison. I applaud Craig Ferguson,two nights ago he started in his monologue by stating as an ex-addict he didn't think it was cool to pile on him.
I'm an ex-addict myself,ten years this year,so even if I start Harry Baal,subway rat or Kardasian mayonnaise threads,I feel bad for him.

Rick....my respect for you just went through the roof, your right this guy has a terrible disease and it probably is not going to end well if he doesn't get help.



Active member
The last 10 or so years we have seen the creation of the "Train Wreak industrial Complex."

Anna Nicole
danny banaduce

That don't really produce anything, but ratings and sales for TMZ, Us weekly, etc..

Sheen appears to now be the king of that pile.
He has more talent, and deeper connections than the rest.

Just on his series of interviews of late,
I would be willing to plunk down 10 bucks to see Major Leauge III

In the end Charlie will win.
If 2.5 men ends,
Charlie just heads back to the movies.

I find this one of the best marketing campaigns of late.

This is what Joaquin Phoenix was wishing for.
Alright, here is the new show in a nut shell....










Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

stupid fuck Charlie Sheen reminds of another stupid loud mouthed fuck, Marc Emery; both thinking that they're bigger than life and bragging on their illegal activities as if they were exempt from punishment.......


you're telling me you wouldn't be smoking a fat cigar full of weed right about now?


Bree Olson
nuff said?
hey the pics aren't nude so I don't wana hear any sass thank you



Charlie has a major case of racing thoughts. I couldn't help but think of those Sublime tracks featuring Raleigh the stark raving mad man. You Sublime fans know what I'm talking about. :D

In some sense, It's difficult for me to formulate an opinion regarding Charlie's latest ongoings. On one hand I understand where he's coming from and respect him, and on the other hand I want to cover my eyes to avoid the fright. He was raised in an untypical way, so I'm really not surprised that he's behaving as he is, especially if you consider that he may also be genetically predisposed to extremism.

He also appears to me to have some knowledge of the Law of Attraction and it's applications. The catch phrase "winning" is a perfect example. Claiming he cured his addiction with his mind is another.

I don't wish the man any harm, and try to keep that mind frame with everyone anyway. Life is too short to waste away with thoughts of negative energies. Is his behavior odd, am I getting somewhat of a chuckle out of all this? Sure, but that's human too I suppose.


donut engineer
So I have this friend, who is on this forum, and I have a great deal of respect for. He's one of the few people I could get along with living in Chicago. Cool guy, independent, hard working.

He had a string of bad luck - one of those 'had it all, lost it all' situations. He lost a string of jobs and eventually had a manic episode. The mania began and ended very quickly; within the matter of a month or so, very quickly. He would get so excited about something and obsess over it. He started clinging to these irrational words to encourage himself and prove his greatness to others. He was convinced that there were forces against him and that he could personally overcome all of the issues of the world and the problems with himself. The closest example of this kind of behavior I've seen recently is Charlie's interviews with the media - same irrational exuberance, non sequiturs, clinging to words...

Eventually his family had him sectioned (which I TOTALLY disagreed with). He got better after a while, even though he almost went crazy in that fucking mental hospital. He has a shrink now and takes anti-psychotic medication and is doing quite well.

He identifies that his behavior was manic now, but at the time there was just no talking to him. The good thing is that the people around him identified these problems and began working together to help him through it. If Charlie is dealing with something similar, I doubt he has people around him who are questioning the legitimacy of his manic thoughts. It looks like his model girlfriends are just along for the ride and maybe after his money, I dunno, but the guy needs help from family.

Whatever happens, I hope he stays off the coke/booz and finds some balance. I enjoy his film work and can understand how such a crazy life could lead to something like that.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
without his money he'd be another drooling mumbling fool you walk around on the sidewalk or avoid getting within smelling distance on the subway. oh yeah, he wouldn't have the broads or anybody's undivided attention either. ain't nothing special.......
