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Charles Lynch Sentencing Today


That would be the turning point of the Legalization Movement!!
But Mr Holden will not do this...Courts will not recognize "Policy" as "Law"--
Don't get me wrong...I am very optimistic about all this...but (On this particular issue) I don't think he will answer-- Hope I am wrong--

So what happens if he doesn't answer? The judge in the case already said he wont do sentencing until he gets a written response explaining the obam administrations policy on the issue.

Does that mean Charles Lynch will just be hanging around wondering if he will ever get sentenced?

I don't understand how it all works.

Blue Dot

I think since it's a fed judge asking for the written response that it forces Holders hand and he MUST answer.

Things are getting interesting...


We'll just have to wait to see what happens. I doubt that Judge Wu will receive a written statement of position from the prosiecution, so the ball will be back in his court.

Write your letters and send your emails .... use good grammar and be respectful .... support NORML.


wow, fuck our country and the "laws" that were made to "protect" our citizens. Its simply a bunch of thugs at the dea. Why does our country let completely clueless people, most of whom do their job for a paycheck and an adrenaline rush ruin innocent, compassionate peoples lives forever? The DEA is not in itself a totally bad thing when they are not taking the easy road out and busting registered growers. WTF! how hard is it to look up someone in a states database, go to their house, and fuck them over forever? I know it has been said millions of times before, but if the DEA wants to do some good, they should focus on the following:

- Hard drugs like meth, coke, and heroin that actually can hurt/kill people

- Gangs/organized crime that use drugs (even cannabis) as a source of income. Just look at the town of Willets in northern CA, totally overrun by gangs that use grow mass amounts of herb there, they are very violent too.

-Drug smugglers working for the 3 major suppliers of schwag to the u.s. in northern mexico. Also very violent/corrupt/immoral people.

You would think that the DEA would be thankful for the advent of cannabis clubs, prop 215, and other similar laws. They have obviously been taking the easy way out for the last couple of years and it better start to change soon, for the sake of the american people.

Sorry for the novel guys, but i seriously could probably write one, im just so FED UP. I hope he gets off, sounds like a good man.

whew, i blacked out there, was i talking? venting is so nice.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
You would think that DEA would realize that shutting down medical clubs forces people to buy pot illeagally, which helps finance the gangs sometimes.

I mean, it is only logical that after several decades of complete failure to control marijuana, for people to want policy change. The kids born from the baby boomers are now getting old enough to be in the federal governmment, and most of them are a little more enlightened about pot, then the previous generation in power. The anti-pot people are losing credibility more everyday because they are wrong, and have no facts to back them up, while pro pot people do.


stone fool
The moral, ethical thing to do to send the right message would be for the pres to pardon him since he has been convicted. That is the right thing, I do not expect that. Expect the minimum sentence by law.

Kola Radical

Juarez is Chicago in the 1920's. We know how to fix this problem. Remove prohibition and the black market will collapse.

Why do we keep having to learn the same lessons over and over and over and over?


Matter that Appreciates Matter
Why do we keep having to learn the same lessons over and over and over and over?

Because we believe in religions that let us off the hook of history. I dunno. Doesn't the present always know best?

I hope this issue snowballs a bit more. I search the news every day for cannabis related stories. It is so great to see so many positive stories out numbering the "weed kills" ones in recent months.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^Who gives a fuck if they found guns. A person has every right to protect their property, with firearms. No offense, but fuck anyone who thinks the second amendment is bad. It is the one that guarentees you get to keep all the other ones.

A cannabis club is a pretty big target for criminals, and I would have a gun or two as well. Every single employee at my dad's motorcycle dealership has a 2 guns all the time, because it is a high profile target due to cash transactions for expensive shit. A cannabis club has the same kinda thing going on. Why be a victim if you can prevent it.

It makes no difference in his FEDERAL trial. If state laws to that allow med pot to be sold cant be used as evidence in federal court, then state laws against guns cant be used in federal court either. It is only fair.


^Who gives a fuck if they found guns. A person has every right to protect their property, with firearms. No offense, but fuck anyone who thinks the second amendment is bad. It is the one that guarentees you get to keep all the other ones.

A cannabis club is a pretty big target for criminals, and I would have a gun or two as well. Every single employee at my dad's motorcycle dealership has a 2 guns all the time, because it is a high profile target due to cash transactions for expensive shit. A cannabis club has the same kinda thing going on. Why be a victim if you can prevent it.

It makes no difference in his FEDERAL trial. If state laws to that allow med pot to be sold cant be used as evidence in federal court, then state laws against guns cant be used in federal court either. It is only fair.
a medical cannabis buyer's club and a motorcycle shop are totally different things. Brings bad reputation to cannabis community. I'll bet you some voters who were on the fence in that area are now voting against medical use.
Also, I don't think the guy had a pistol underneath the register - I think they found a CACHE of weapons, sawed-off shotguns and Uzi's and shit. They weren't being used for protection, they were being stored there. And the presence of this cache of weapons probably led to the place being busted in the first place. Keep your guns and medicine separate is what I say.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor


a medical cannabis buyer's club and a motorcycle shop are totally different things. Brings bad reputation to cannabis community. I'll bet you some voters who were on the fence in that area are now voting against medical use.
Also, I don't think the guy had a pistol underneath the register - I think they found a CACHE of weapons, sawed-off shotguns and Uzi's and shit. They weren't being used for protection, they were being stored there. And the presence of this cache of weapons probably led to the place being busted in the first place. Keep your guns and medicine separate is what I say.

Ok thankyou for the clarification. there is a big difference. there is no reason for a sawed off shot gun or any cache. I can also see how guns could be counter productive for the image we need.
I am not for abuse of the second ammendment. The most I could logically say is ok in a med shop is a pistol, and maybe a pump shotgun with bird shot. it doesnt go through the wall and hurt other people, but it gets the job done. I would say have a big dog, but what if the feds shoot it. that would suck.

I only compare the two different kinds of shop due to the large ammount of cash flow.

P.S. i did not mean fuck you at all. it was just a general statement. you are cool


That would be the turning point of the Legalization Movement!!
But Mr Holden will not do this...Courts will not recognize "Policy" as "Law"--
Don't get me wrong...I am very optimistic about all this...but (On this particular issue) I don't think he will answer-- Hope I am wrong--

i got a small ban for saying just that, but i was more colorful about it. you people need to stop waiting and starting contacting your House and Senate leaders and tell them to change the LAW or you'll change their job. who runs this country? capital hill or we the people? think about it.


a medical cannabis buyer's club and a motorcycle shop are totally different things. Brings bad reputation to cannabis community. I'll bet you some voters who were on the fence in that area are now voting against medical use.
Also, I don't think the guy had a pistol underneath the register - I think they found a CACHE of weapons, sawed-off shotguns and Uzi's and shit. They weren't being used for protection, they were being stored there. And the presence of this cache of weapons probably led to the place being busted in the first place. Keep your guns and medicine separate is what I say.

Please quote the article where you heard this please.

The only place I know of that he had guns was in his house, in a safe. I have never heard or read about there being weapons in the store.

Also, Uzi, and sawed off shotguns are against the law in California, if this was the case why is there no other charges being brought up on him? I think someone is trying to pass off another agenda.

At least if you are going to say stuff like this you can present proof?


Active member
Eric Holder is the CEO of the Justice Department, for whom the prosecutors work. If he gives the judge a written policy directive, the prosecutors have to follow it. It's like Holder is the chief prosecutor and what he says outweighs anything the fascist prosecutors have to say.

It'll be interesting to see what happens. But I can't see anything but good coming from this. It could be that the judge is just trying to cover his ass, but it seems that if he were a reefer-madness kinda judge he'd have sentenced Lynch immediately.


Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I like to see a federal judge showing this level of respect for mr. holder's statement. Just the judge's consideration opens up a pin hole size window for the HPS light of medical pot to shine through, on to a dark federal mind set. hahaha Hope fully soon we will be giving them a tan.

Oh ya, and i dont know if this guy had guns. i was just responding to the other guy. i never really heard anything else about this dude having guns. I would like to see an article about that. I waws just saying, so what if he did? But sawed offs and uzzi's are illeagal federally as well. unless your uzi is semi auto.

Side note about a crazy gun if you are interested.
You can have any gun you want in texas as long as it is made semi auto, and is not a sawed off shot gun. You can even have an FN 5-7. That is a handgun that holds 20 rounds of a shortened down .223 round basically. That is the round used in your basic m16 or ar15 assult rifle. That is the rifle our soldiers use in battle. The shortened down hand gun round peirces 48 layers of kevlar with just a regular full metal jacket round, and you can fit 2 in your jacket. This crazy shit only cost around 900 dollars. I am a gun colector, but there is no need to carry that gun in a city ever. It is like a pocket assult rifle. It goes through people (multiple), and cars (not engine blocks), and walls (not thick brick). But jesus christ! there should be some sort of rule about carring surtain rounds on a federal level, other than just the ones that cover teflon coated armor peircing rounds. Thankfully a lot of gun stores in texas refuse to sell the FMJ rounds for that gun. they sell a plastic tipped softend round.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
sorry hahaha. I just like to tell little stories for fun. i am really bored my work hours got cut back.


Active member
Gotta watch that DEA. You smoke a form of marijuana that's chemically superior to what we're used to. It's called hydro, they make it in British Columbia up in Canada. These people are tied into the Juarez Cartels and they're coming to kill your family if you fuck up when you're dealing with hydro. The only way you can get protection is if you cooperate with the DEA, Unit 56 out of Jersey. They have the international reach to protect the hyrdro dealers and smokers from the Juarez Seven. I simply find the fact that Obama is considering dispatching the National Guard to Juarez to fight the War on Drugs and the fact that "DEA" is attempting to link these cartels to anyone who is involved with hydroponic marijuana to be vexing when taken in concert. As such I'm prone to saying hilarious things when these issues are involved. Everything about the "Juarez Seven" is in voice-over form or added in post-production interview so I imagine it's a policy initiative.

It's also crazy to be posting in one thread about MA trying to put a big tax on weed when CA's trying to do the same thing, and here we have the wheels of the System crushing all these dudes for going medical. The MA bills don't even talk about medicine, just huge tax rates. It seems insane. How much money does it cost to try medical patients. Up on norml's page right now there's a senator vowing to fight relaxation on medical raids. Which hand washes which.

Those in the DEA are so blind, so useless, pointless, i couldnt believe that they were busting down doors and doing scopes for marijuana, totally fucking unbelievable. At the same time meth cookers are openly peddling their product all around jersey, and you go after weed dealers.

Blue Dot

Those in the DEA are so blind, so useless, pointless, i couldnt believe that they were busting down doors and doing scopes for marijuana, totally fucking unbelievable. At the same time meth cookers are openly peddling their product all around jersey, and you go after weed dealers.

The DEA are pussy's. It's funny cause you know they got into the job because they thought they were some tough shit, yet they spend all their time going after the "low hanging fruit", apathtetic stoners who don't shoot back and who don't train their crank'ed up rotweillers to bite, HARD.

DEA agents are hypocrits in their actions, but is it any suprise that is exactly what their job title is?

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