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charged with 3 felonies in Michigan this weekend.


New member
Basically the message is this: avoid commerce with dealers of any type, buy everything you can online or local kmrt, walmrt, don't carry unless you have to. Make your own clones and keep everything to your self. Stay small, then never have to make a call.


Well-known member


First off it's your wife's gun not stolen.second I would plead not guilty on the weapons charge .i would have my wife testify that she forgot it in the car you didn't know.also you are going to take the hit on the clones probation.also if you got money you won't do time . Also did you let them search the car? I hope not. I got pulled over two months ago with a pound in the trunk in TN tropper said can I search I said no.he said why I said I don't want my stuff ripped apart. That fucker called the dogs it was on my birth day March 16 the fucking dog didn't smell it I almost shit on my self I will never drive dirty like that again.never ever ever let them search make them work for it.stupid people be like yeah search O the gun is under the seat and the loud is in the glove box.


Well-known member
Lol! Your fucking nuts if you think he won't do time.just cause you got lucky doesn't mean he will.as a fellow chitown bro I'd think you knew better


Active member
This is the protection needed to buy clones in Michigan:

  • 1 - 10 clones = Handgun

  • 11 - 24 clones = Ak-47

  • 25 - 49 clones = 50 caliber Sniper Rifle

  • 50 - 99 clones = Grenade Launcher

  • 100+ clones = Walter White's Winnebago


Lol! Your fucking nuts if you think he won't do time.just cause you got lucky doesn't mean he will.as a fellow chitown bro I'd think you knew better

Man I was hoping for the best! If he had a good lawyer he could fight the gun charge ,but money drugs and a gun = your fucked.

The pole was his wife's so she could say she left it I mean it's a long shot I would be thinking of everything not to go down state.Hea fucked that's for sure,but man plants are probation depending how many.if they drop the gun charge he has a small chance.The pole is going to fuck him hard


All out of rep ,rocky Your crazy LMAO you forgot in Mexico .....I ain't Going to Michagan! I gotta add that to the Fuck you state ..TN and Ohio is all Rdy on it ! :jerkit:
First off it's your wife's gun not stolen.second I would plead not guilty on the weapons charge .i would have my wife testify that she forgot it in the car you didn't know.also you are going to take the hit on the clones probation.also if you got money you won't do time . Also did you let them search the car? I hope not. I got pulled over two months ago with a pound in the trunk in TN tropper said can I search I said no.he said why I said I don't want my stuff ripped apart. That fucker called the dogs it was on my birth day March 16 the fucking dog didn't smell it I almost shit on my self I will never drive dirty like that again.never ever ever let them search make them work for it.stupid people be like yeah search O the gun is under the seat and the loud is in the glove box.

It amazes me how people just agree to let the cops search their vehicles - even when they have shit! I'm under the impression that most idiots don't know their rights and/or are too scared to stand up to "authority". I've denied search 5 or 6 times and none of those times did they end up doing any searching..

It goes like this..

"Sir, with all due respect (lie), it's about basic privacy and it's also about my rights. It's nothing against you, nothing personal, but I'm not going to consent to any type of search. It's my property and it's that simple. If I'm not under arrest or being ticketed, I'd like your permission to go on with my day."

That's all it takes.


Well-known member
Oh yeah,cause twenty clones in the back seat clearly visible isn't probable cause.where do you guys come up with this shit?you guys are clueless when it comes to trafficking. you really think a cop is just gonna walk away because you executed your rights? Jeez wake the fuck up folks


Active member
Oh yeah,cause twenty clones in the back seat clearly visible isn't probable cause.where do you guys come up with this shit?you guys are clueless when it comes to trafficking. you really think a cop is just gonna walk away because you executed your rights? Jeez wake the fuck up folks

Might as well drive around town with sex dolls.

BTW: It was 10 clones. Otherwise, he would have had an AK-47 and not a handgun. :laughing:



Well-known member
Lol my mistake! Damn corky! Your a runner up behind Stoner for poster of the year! Your too damn funny!


For the op.

What county in MI?
How clean cut do you look?
MI is pay to play.
As long as you lawyer up and be honest with the cop (don't change your story). I'm saying 5 years probation no jail time. They just want your money. The saying goes...come on vacation and leave on probation... Being out of state resident you could demand a speedy trial and no probation even... I did just that and just payed a fine. My charges were less no doubt but I got caught with 2 bags of shrooms 19grams total, a scale, and 2 grams of herb. They dropped the mushroom charge for the quick plea. They then screwed up the paperwork so my attorney cost even more money too. Demand that speedy trial and no probation. Drop clean in the meantime, and your fine will be huge too, just a heads up. Damn cops leave loaded gun in restrooms in MI, accidents happen just google it. Good luck, it's your looks and your money...that's it.


I even had to remind my lawyer about the no probation at my single court room appearance. He reaffirmed the words to the judge just so they were in the log register. Probably saved my ass speaking up like that. This wasn't my first offense either. I still remember the judge trying to pronounce psylocibin mushrooms. Makes me chuckle....
Oh yeah,cause twenty clones in the back seat clearly visible isn't probable cause.where do you guys come up with this shit?you guys are clueless when it comes to trafficking. you really think a cop is just gonna walk away because you executed your rights? Jeez wake the fuck up folks

Well OBVIOUSLY if you have the it out in the open or if it stinks like there's raw herb in the vehicle, you're screwed.

My response wasn't to you anyway and I never claimed they'll just walk away once you deny search.. Regardless, excercising your rights can and will help; both in court and on the spot, for multiple reasons.

Also, speaking of trafficking, any dumbfuck driving around with clones in plain view, is a dumbfuck.


Well-known member
Holy flying fuck! Your fucking crazy! Don't listen to this people.he's lying or crazy! So your saying you got probation for a felony trafficking of shrooms and weed? I'm calling you out D your a liar


Oh yeah,cause twenty clones in the back seat clearly visible isn't probable cause.where do you guys come up with this shit?you guys are clueless when it comes to trafficking. you really think a cop is just gonna walk away because you executed your rights? Jeez wake the fuck up folks

I must of missed the part of 20 cuts sitting in a seat belt .im sorry you asked to be popped.clones not in the trunk ,all out in the open waving at by passers , gun seating on the passenger seat load. WTF I think rockys right he's hanging in the basement.