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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Although I and my disciples may encounter various difficulties, if we do not harbour doubts in our hearts, we will as a matter of course attain Buddhahood. Do not have doubts simply because heaven does not lend you protection. Do not be discouraged because you do not enjoy an easy and secure existence in this life."

(The Opening of the Eyes - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol. 1, page 283) Selection source: "Kyo no Hosshin", Seikyo Shimbun, September 11th, 2011


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
A few months back The Babba's were kind enough to send my little me a book entitled

The Buddha In Your Mirror. A few weeks back she came to me and asked "Dad have you ever read this book?" I respond with no I have not and she replies Huh that's funny because almost everything in this book you have taught me from jump street.

Maybe maybe not but I have to say her reading that book has changed her to the good. It's like it certified my teachings of living life to the fullest never judging and always thinking outside the box for the better good. She tells me at school when the boys upset her she will close her little eyes and chant to herself and says in a few seconds the bad feelings are gone and then she moves on. She has even coined a Bruce Lee saying "Be Like Water" that she seems to have taken a liking to.

I simply wanted to say ty to EVERYONE in here for making my life and my family's life a happier place. Babba's to you all especially for the book and the caring of someone whom you have never met.

Much Love


Wags! I met the author of that book the Buddha In Your Mirror and Greg Martin is a great man like Babbabud. Babba did the same for me 6 years ago and I have been chanting for over 5 1/2 years and I'm so happy.

I'm so pleased to see Socal's words, Babba's heart, T's love, and everyone's greatness! I appreciate all humans. I know we all have the potential to reveal our Buddhahood in front of the Gohonzon and chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!

I'm going to another meeting, I'm chanting everyday and building up a large core of Young Men to carry out their mission and to also continue to build the foundation that President Ikeda started to build in America way before I was born.

I will continue to chant for all of us! Wags bring your daughter to an SGI meeting so she could meet other great and nice girls like her. Guys keep supporting the meetings and run side by side with our Mentor!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Wow dudes you all just gave me some giant goosebumps :) thanks man

Well the Mrs and I will be gone for a few days ... off watching 3 Furthur shows ... we feel so fortunate to be able to get away for a few days and do something we really love.
Thanks for all the encouragement you guys ... We will try to get by the community center in Eugene again this year ... we stopped by last year and man ... they have great chairs there :) heheh Love all you guys !!

Nam myoho renge kyo
Nam myoho renge kyo
Nam myoho renge kyo !!!!

SoCal Hippy

Active member
I cannot see the sun in the daytime or the moon at night. In winter there is
deep snow, and in summer the grass grows thick. Because so few people come to
see me, the trail is very hard to travel. This year, especially, the snow is so
deep that I have no visitors at all. Knowing that my life may end at any time, I
put all my trust in the Lotus Sutra.

(WND, 779)
The Actions of the Votary of the Lotus Sutra
Written to the lay nun Konichi in 1276

SoCal Hippy

Active member
I cannot adequately express my gratitude for your frequent letters. At the time
of my persecution on the twelfth, not only did you accompany me to Tatsunokuchi,
but also you declared that you would die by my side. This can only be called

(WND, 196)
The Persecution at Tatsunokuchi
Written to Shijo Kingo on September 21, 1271

SoCal Hippy

Active member
When one chants the daimoku bearing in mind that there are no distinctions among
those who embrace the Lotus Sutra, then the blessings one gains will be equal to
those of Shakyamuni Buddha.

(WND, 756)
The Fourteen Slanders
Written to the lay priest Matsuno Rokuro Saemon on December 9, 1276

SoCal Hippy

Active member
"When your determination changes, everything else will begin to move in the
direction you desire. The moment you resolve to be victorious, every nerve and
fiber in your being will immediately orient itself toward your success. On the
other hand, if you think, "This is never going to work out," then at that
instant every cell in your being will be deflated and give up the fight, and
then everything really will move in the direction of failure."

"In the twinkling of an eye we grow old. Our physical strength wanes and we begin
to suffer various aches and pains. We practice Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism so
that instead of sinking into feelings of sadness, loneliness and regret, we can
greet old age with an inner richness and maturity as round and complete as a
ripe golden fruit of autumn. Faith exists so that we can welcome smiling and
without regrets an old age that is like a breathtaking sunset whose dazzling
rays color heaven and earth in majestic hues."

"The principle that "Buddhism equals life" means that everything in one's life is
itself Buddhism. The principle that "Buddhism becomes manifest in society" means
that society, too, is one with Buddhism. The struggle for kosen-rufu can be
waged only within the realities of life and society. Those who earnestly grapple
with these realities develop strength and inner substance. They develop and

Daisaku Ikeda Quotes

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo More Chanting


Hey Wags, here is a great book for your daughter I know she will also love: http://www.daisakuikeda.org/sub/books/books-by-category/youth-children/discussions-on-youth.html Its called Discussions on Youth, and my girlfriend read it and it has changed her life in the last year. She never read an entire book in the 10 years I've known her and she is showing actual proof living a good life and never being defeated. I hope you and the clan and the babbas all have a great weekend!

Lately, I've been really understanding that without taking action, I'm just a common mortal blah blah blah. When I goto to SGI meetings and especially when i'm home chanting, thats when all the razzle dazzle goodness really starts in my life and continues until the next chanting session. in other words, I'm really developing an overall high life condition on a consistant basis. This is great because I haven't been consistant in many things, other than growing, and even with that I've had problems that set me back. However, I'm chanting everyday and determined to live what I learn on this thread to the fullest.

I'm an avid reader and know more about the world's current state of affairs, especially within the last 5 years than most dudes I know, but even with that knowledge I continue to meet people (older and younger) that constantly show me the value of wisdom derived from chanting to the Gohonzon. This is not an intellectual practice we are involved in! It is a practice for the common mortal for people like me and people like you. This chanting of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! is supplemented through our study and exercises in faith - especially SHAKUBUKU! Its always the right time to share this practice, especially for the next 9,300 years plus! I'm not making this up, Nichiren Daishonin made it clear to me and i realize that he is absolutely right!

I am doing my best to keep encouraging people all the time and utilizing the power of my faith to make my dreams come true! Within a couple years I'll be a master of Business from one of the top 5 business programs in the world and it will be an honor to share that the journey began here on Overgrow.com with BOG's Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! signature that eventually led me to this thread after seeing the actual proof in Babba's life. We all have similar experiences, but we all definitely need to embrace our Buddhahood and become absolutely happy. I propose we continue to do this by chanting and polishing our lives into the best possible life we can enjoy. The purpose of life is to be happy.

I continue to chant for my teacher's teachers (Tony Matsuoka and Ted Osaki) everyday and for my Mentor's mentors (Mr. Makiguichi and Mr. Toda). I want to continue to build upon the great advancement for kosen-rufu in America established by members of this thread and others throughout the nation and abroad. I want to always strive to repay my debt of gratitude to all these folks and all the future leaders of world kosen-rufu.

It is my honor to report that you will find my heart in the Gohonzon for the rest of this life and even in my next life!

Thank you,


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Lecture on the Sutra by Josei Toda / pg. 85

Lecture on the Sutra by Josei Toda / pg. 85

Title of Juryo Chapter

There is a marked difference between Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism and Shakyamuni’s. What makes the two fundamentally distinct is obvious from the Ongi Kuden (Orally Transmitted Teachings) in which Nikko Shonin, the second High Priest, recorded the Daishonin’s oral teachings on the Hokekvo. The precious work recounts the essential principles of the Daishonin’s Buddhism.

The Ongi Kuden interprets important phrases from the twenty-eight chapters of the Hokekyo (Lotus Sutra) and its introductory and concluding sutras (Muryogi-kyo and Fugen-kyo) from the viewpoint of the Daishonin’s Buddhism. The first of the twenty-seven important teachings on the Juryo Chapter in the work is concerned with its title.

Shakyamuni’s Hokekyo defines the title of the Juryo Chapter as ‘Myoho-renge-kyo Nyorai Juryo-hon Dai-Juroku’.

‘Myoho-renge-kyo’ is the full title of Shakyamuni’s Hokekyo (Lotus Sutra). ‘Nyorai’ (Tathagata in Sanskrit) means Buddha. ‘Juryo’ means to evaluate the blessings of a Buddha, and ‘hon’, chapter. ‘Dai-Juroku’ is the Japanese for the sixteenth and ‘Juryo-hon’ is the sixteenth chapter of the ‘Myoho-renge-kyo’.

However, the Ongi Kuden changes the title by placing ‘Nam’ before ‘Myoho-renge-kyo’. Therefore the title reads, ‘Nam-myoho-renge-kyo Nyorai Juryo-hon Dai-Juroku’. You may think there is only hair’s difference between the two, but you are in error.

Why the Daishonin placed ‘Nam’ before ‘Myoho-renge-kyo’ is an essential question. ‘Nam-myoho-renge-kyo Nyorai’ or the Buddha of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the True Buddha, Nichiren Daishonin. However, ‘Myoho-renge-kyo Nyorai’ or the Buddha of the Lotus Sutra is but a transient Buddha, Shakyamuni. Thus the word ‘Nam’ fundamentally changes the identification of ‘Nyorai’ (Buddha).

What the Daishonin calls ‘the Juryo Chapter in the eye of my secret conviction’ is ‘Nam-myoho-renge-kyo Nyorai Juryo-hon’.

‘Juryo’, as explained in the above, means to weigh the blessings of a Buddha. Therefore, ‘Juryo’ in the Ongi Kuden means to determine the blessings of the True Buddha.

It follows therefore that when the sutra says, “Hear then the secret of the Buddha and his mystic powers” (Nyoto tai cho nyorai himitsu jinzu shi riki), it mentions the Buddha of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.

If you read the Ongi Kuden, the mistaken views of heretical Nichiren sects will soon become obvious.

The difference between (us) and other Nichiren sects lies in the reading of the title of Juryo Chapter, or in other words, whether they regard Nichiren Daishonin as the True Buddha or not.

A passage from the Ongi Kuden reads:

“The Ongi Kuden states that this chapter is extremely important for me, Nichiren. It is what was transferred in the Jinriki Chapter. ‘Nyorai’ means all the Buddhas in the universe and throughout the three existences of life in its broad sense, but means the True Buddha of Musa Sanjin in its strictest sense. Now I, Nichiren, and my followers mean to say that ‘Nyorai’ indicates all mankind in its broad sense but my disciples and believers in a stricter sense. Musa Sanjin is the votary of the Hokekyo in Mappo. The honorific title of Musa Sanjin is Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. This forms the basis of the Three Great Secret Laws in the Juryo Chapter.”

The Daishonin states, “This chapter is extremely important for me, Nichiren,” because ‘Nyorai’ of ‘Nam-myoho-renge-kyo Nyorai Juryo-hon Dai-Juroku’ is none other than the Buddha of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. This Buddha presented himself as Bodhisattva Jogyo at the ceremony of the Treasure Tower (Hoto) to produce the evidence that He would reappear in Mappo. Then He made advent in Mappo as Nichiren Daishonin and proved himself to be Bodhisattva Jogyo by fulfilling all the predictions made in the Hokekyo. The last of the predictions which the Daishonin verified was His exile to Sado, as a passage from the Kanji Chapter reads, “He shall be exiled more than once.” He was exiled once to Izu and then to Sado.

Thereafter, the Daishonin emerged as the Buddha of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo from the ephemeral figure of Bodhisattva Jogyo, establishing the Dai-Gohonzon as the entity of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo on October 12, 1279. The Dai-Gohonzon comprises all the Three Great Secret Laws (San-dai-hiho) the object of worship, the invocation and the high sanctuary of the True Buddhism.

The Dai-Gohonzon itself is the object of worship, so believers worship the Dai-Gohonzon with the invocation of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo (the title of the Dai-Gohonzon) and the place where the Dai-Gohonzon is enshrined is the high sanctuary. Thus the Three Great Secret Laws originate from the Dai-Gohonzon.

“What was transferred in the Jinriki Chapter” are the Three Great Secret Laws. The Jinriki Chapter describes the activities of the Buddha of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo for the time of Mappo.

“‘Nyorai’ means all the Buddhas ... in its broad sense, but means the True Buddha of Musa Sanjin in a stricter sense,” This sentence makes clear the essential difference between the Daishonin’s and Shakyamuni’s Buddhism.

“Now I, Nichiren, and my followers mean to say that ‘Nyorai’ indicates all mankind in its broad sense but my disciples and believers in a stricter sense.” All members of mankind have the life of ‘Nyorai’ innate in themselves and for this reason they can be called ‘Nyorai’. However, in actuality, they do not have their inherent life of ‘Nyorai’ put into function, and therefore are not ‘Nyorai’.

Nyorai are Nichiren Daishonin’s disciples and lay believers who believe in the Gohonzon and chant the Daimoku.

Furthermore, strictly speaking, Nichiren Daishonin is the only ‘Nyorai’ who is able to awaken all mankind to Buddhahood.

“Musa Sanjin is the votary of the Hokekyo in Mappo.” Musa Sanjin means that the True Buddha has been enlightened from the infinitely distant past and that He never attained enlightenment under any Buddha at any particular time. Here it indicates Nichiren Daishonin himself. The votary of the Hokekyo is the person who, according to Shakyamuni’s prophecy in the Hokekyo, spreads the sutra in Mappo.

“The honorific title of Musa Sanjin is Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.” Conclusively, Musa Sanjin is the Buddha of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo as is stated in the title of ‘Nam-myoho-renge-kyo Nyorai Juryo-hon Dai-Juroku’.

“This forms the basis of the Three Great Secret Laws.” You will clearly understand this from the above explanation.

In conclusion, it is hoped that the readers will read this lecture on the Juryo Chapter bearing in mind that the ‘Nyorai’ (Buddha) of this chapter is Nichiren Daishonin and not Shakyamuni.

SoCal Hippy

Active member
If only you chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, then what offense could fail to be
eradicated? What blessing could fail to come? This is the truth, and it is of
great profundity. You should believe and accept it.

(WND, 130)
Conversation between a Sage and an Unenlightened Man
Recipient unknown; written in 1265

SoCal Hippy

Active member
Winning in life is not a matter of form or appearances. It has nothing to do
with vanity. Victory in life ultimately hinges on whether one has truly fought,
whether one has truly advanced.

Daisaku Ikeda

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo More Chanting


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Let's take every possible opportunity
to develop friendly relations with other people, now!
Now is the season when everyone's life can shine brilliantly.
By earnestly chanting daimoku with all our heart
and paying careful attention to every action we take,
let's lead healthy lives and stay absolutely safe each and every day.

Daisaku Ikeda


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Concerning the 'peaceful' practices of the Lotus Sutra of the Wonderful Law and the practices carried out by Nichiren and his followers now in the Latter Day of the Law, you should understand that , when one practices the Lotus Sutra under such circumstances, difficulties will arise, and these are to be looked on as 'peaceful' pracies."

(Ongi kuden - Gosho Zenshu, page 750, The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings, page 115) Selection source: "Kyo no Hosshin", Seikyo Shimbun, September 24th, 2011

SoCal Hippy

Active member
Though muddy water has no mind, it can catch the moon's reflection and so
naturally becomes clear. When plants and trees receive the rainfall, they can
hardly be aware of what they are doing, and yet do they not proceed to put forth
blossoms? The five characters of Myoho-renge-kyo do not represent the sutra
text, nor are they its meaning. They are nothing other than the intent of the
entire sutra. So, even though the beginners in Buddhist practice may not
understand their significance, by practicing these five characters, they will
naturally conform to the sutra's intent.

(WND, 788)
On the Four Stages of Faith and the Five Stages of Practice
Written to Toki Jonin on April 10, 1277

SoCal Hippy

Active member
""What kinds of causes am I making right now?" "What actions am I taking?" The
answers to these questions are what will determine our future -- in this life
and throughout the three existences. Herein lies the foundation of faith. True
glory and victory in life lie in basing oneself on this fundamental principle."

Daisaku Ikeda

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo ***MOre Chanting***


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
The Three Kinds of Treasure / WND pg. 848

The Three Kinds of Treasure / WND pg. 848

I have received various articles from your messenger, including a white quilted robe and a string of coins, and (1) the goods mentioned in Toki's letter. The persimmons, pears, and fresh and dried seaweed are particularly welcome.

I am most grieved over your lord's illness. Although he has not professed faith in the Lotus Sutra, you are a member of his clan, and it is thanks to his consideration that you are able to make offerings to the sutra. Thus, these may become prayers solely for your lord's recovery. Think of a small tree under a large one, or grass by a great river. Though they do not receive rain or water directly, they nonetheless thrive, partaking of dew from the large tree or drawing moisture from the river. The same holds true with the relationship between you and your lord. To give another example, King Ajatashatru was an enemy of the Buddha. But because Jivaka, a minister in the king's court, believed in the Buddha and continually made offerings to him, the blessings accruing from his actions are said to have returned to Ajatashatru.

Buddhism teaches that, when the Buddha nature manifests itself from within, it will receive protection from without. This is one of its fundamental principles. The Lotus Sutra says, "I (2) have profound reverence for you." The Nirvana Sutra states, "All living beings alike possess the Buddha nature." Bodhisattva Ashvaghosha's Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana says, "Because the true abiding Law invariably permeates one's life and exerts its influence, illusions are instantly extinguished, and the Dharma body manifests itself." Bodhisattva Maitreya's Treatise on the Stages of Yoga Practice contains a similar statement. What is hidden turns into manifest virtue.

The heavenly devil knew about this from before, and he therefore possessed your colleagues, causing them to invent (3) that preposterous lie in order to prevent you from making offerings to the Lotus Sutra. Since your faith is profound, however, the ten demon daughters must have come to your aid and caused your lord's illness. He does not regard you as his enemy, but since he once acted against you by giving credit to the false accusations of your colleagues, he has become seriously ill, and the malady persists.

Ryuzo-bo, whom these people count on as their pillar of strength, has already been toppled, and those who spoke falsely of you have contracted the same disease as your lord. Because Ryokan is guilty of a much graver offense, it is more than likely that he will meet with or cause a bad accident. Surely he will not escape unharmed.

As things stand now, I have a feeling you are in danger. Your enemies are sure to make an attempt on your life. In backgammon, if two stones of the same color are placed side by side, they cannot be hit by an opposing stone. A cart, as long as it has two wheels, does not lurch all over the road. Likewise, if two men go together, an enemy hesitates to attack. Therefore, no matter what faults you may find with your younger brothers, do not let them leave you alone even for a moment.

Your face bears definite signs of a hot temper. But you should know that the heavenly gods will not protect a short-tempered person, however important they may think he or she is. If you should be killed, even though you might attain Buddhahood, your enemies would be delighted, but we would feel only grief. This would indeed be regrettable. While your foes busy themselves plotting against you, your lord places greater confidence in you than before. Therefore, although they appear to have quieted down, inwardly they are no doubt seething with hate. So you should at all times behave unobtrusively in their presence. Pay greater respect to the other retainers of the clan than you have in the past. For the time being, when the sons of members of the Hojo clan are visiting your lord, refrain from calling on him, even if he should summon you.

If the worst should happen and your lord should die, your enemies would become masterless and would have nowhere to turn, though they do not seem to consider that fact. Unreasoning as they are, when they see you report to work more and more frequently, their hearts are bound to be fired with jealousy and their breath to come in pants.

If those sons of the Hojo clan or the wives of those in power should inquire about your lord's illness, no matter who the person may be, get down on your knees, place your hands properly, andreply thus: "His malady is entirely beyond my poor skill to cure. But no matter how often I decline, he insists that I treat him. Since I am in his service, I cannot help but do as he says." Leave your sidelocks uncombed, and refrain from wearing well-starched court dress, bright quilted robes, or other colorful clothing. Be patient, and continue in this way for the time being.

Probably you are well aware of it, but let me cite the Buddha's prediction about what the latter age will be like. In essence he states: "It will be a muddied age in which even sages will find it difficult to live. They will be like stones in a great fire, which for a while seem to endure the heat but finally char and crumble into ashes. Worthy persons will advocate the five constant virtues, but they themselves will find it hard to practice them." Thus the saying goes, "Do not remain in the seat of honor too long."

Many people have plotted to undo you, but you have avoided their intrigues and emerged victorious. Should you lose your composure now and fall into their trap, you will be, as people say, like a boatman who rows his boat with all his might only to have it cap-size just before he reaches the shore, or like a person who is served no hot water at the end of his meal.

While you are in your lord's residence, if you stay in the room assigned to you, nothing will happen. But on your way to work at dawn or returning from it at dusk, your enemies are bound to be lying in wait for you. Also, be very careful in and around your house in case someone should be hiding beside the double doors, inside the family sanctuary, under the floor, or in the space above the ceiling. This time your foes will use even more cunning in their plots than before. In the end, no one will be more dependable in an emergency than the night watchmen (4) of Egara in Kamakura. However disagreeable it may be to you, you should associate with them amicably.

Yoshitsune found it utterly impossible to defeat the Heike until he won Shigeyoshi over to his side and in (5) that way vanquished the rival clan. The shogun [Minamoto no Yoritomo] sought to take revenge on Osada for his father's death, but he would not behead the murderer until after he had (6) conquered the Heike. It is even more vital for you to ally yourself with the four night watchmen. The dwellings they had earned by risking their lives were confiscated by their lord because of the Lotus Sutra, and more directly, because of Nichiren. Be considerate of those who believe in Nichiren and the Lotus Sutra, no matter what they may have done in the past. Moreover, if they frequent your house, your enemies will be afraid to attack you at night. It is not as if they were trying to avenge their father's murder; certainly they do not want their plot to come out into the open. Against those who seek to avoid the eyes of others, there are no warriors as dependable as they are. Always maintain friendly relations with them. But since you are hot-tempered by nature, you might not take my advice. In that case, it will be beyond the power of my prayers to save you.

Ryuzo-bo and your elder brother plotted evil against you. Therefore, the heavenly gods so contrived it that the situation would develop exactly as you wished. Then how can you now dare to go against the wish of the heavenly gods? Even if you had accumulated a thousand or ten thousand treasures, of what use would they be if your lord should forsake you? He already looks to you as if you were his own parent, following you as water follows the shape of its container, longing for you as a calf longs for its mother, and relying on you as an elderly person relies on his staff. Is not his regard for you due to the aid of the Lotus Sutra? How envious your fellow retainers must be! You must hurry and talk with these four men and report to me how the matter goes. Then I will fervently pray to the heavenly gods for your protection. I have already informed them of how deeply you grieve over your deceased father and mother. They will surely receive the utmost consideration in the presence of Shakyamuni Buddha.

Over and over I recall the moment, unforgettable even now, when I was about to be beheaded and you accompanied me, holding the reins of my (7) horse and weeping tears of grief. Nor could I ever forget it in any lifetime to come. If you should fall into hell for some grave offense, no matter how Shakyamuni Buddha might urge me to become a Buddha, I would refuse; I would rather go to hell with you. For if you and I should fall into hell together, we would find Shakyamuni Buddha and the Lotus Sutra there. It would be as if the moon were illuminating the darkness, as if cold water were pouring into hot, as if fire were melting ice, or as if the sun were dis-pelling the darkness. But if you depart from my advice even slightly, do not blame me for what may happen.

The plague that is raging at present will, as you predict, strike those in the higher ranks of society at the turn of the year. This is perhaps the design of the ten demon daughters. For the time being stay calm, and observe how things develop. And do not go around lamenting to others how hard it is for you to live in this world. To do so is an act utterly unbecoming to a worthy man. If a man behaves in this way, then after he dies, his wife, overcome with sorrow at losing her husband, will tell other people about the shameful things he did, though she has no real intention of doing so. And that will in no way be her fault, but solely the result of his own reprehensible behavior.

It is rare to be born a human being. The number of those endowed with human life is as small as the amount of earth one can place on a fingernail. Life as a human being is hard to sustain - as hard as it is for the dew to remain on the grass. But it is better to live a single day with honor than to live to 120 and die in disgrace. Live so that all the people of Kamakura will say in your praise that Nakatsukasa Saburo Saemon-no-jo is diligent in the service of his lord, in the service of Buddhism, and in his concern for other people. More valuable than treasures in a store-house are the treasures of the body, and the treasures of the heart are the most valuable of all. From the time you read this letter on, strive to accumulate the treasures of the heart!

I would like to relate an incident (8) that is customarily kept secret. In the history of Japan, there have been two emperors who were assassinated. One of them was Emperor Sushun. He was a son of Emperor Kimmei and an uncle of Prince Shotoku. One day during his reign as the thirty-third sovereign, he summoned Prince Shotoku and said, "We hear that you are a man of sacred wisdom. Examine Our physiognomy and tell Us what you see there!" The prince declined three times, but the emperor insisted that he obey the imperial command. Finally, no longer able to refuse, the prince reverently examined Sushun's physiognomy and then reported, "Your Majesty's countenance indicates that you will be assassinated."

The emperor's complexion changed color. "What evidence do you have to support such a contention?" he asked. The prince replied, "I see red veins running over your eyes. This is a sign that you will incur the enmity of others." Thereupon the emperor asked, "How can We escape this fate?" The prince said: "It is difficult to evade. But there are soldiers known as the fiveconstant virtues. As long as you keep these warriors on your side, you will be safe from danger. In the Buddhist scriptures these soldiers are referred to as the 'practice of forbearance,' one of the six paramitas."

For some time after that, Emperor Sushun faithfully observed the practice of forbearance. But, being irascible by nature, he violated the precept one day when one of his subjects presented him with a young wild boar. He withdrew the metal rod that was attached to his sword scabbard and stabbed the boar in the eyes with it, saying, "One of these days this is what We will do to that fellow We hate!" Prince Shotoku, who happened to be present, exclaimed, "Ah, what a fearful thing to do! Your Majesty will surely arouse the enmity of others. These very words you have spoken will be the sword that wounds you." The prince then ordered articles of value to be brought out and divided among those who had heard the emperor's remark, [hoping to buy their silence]. One of them, however, told the Great Minister Soga no Umako about the episode. Umako, believing that he was the one the emperor hated, won over Atai Goma, the son of Azumanoaya no Atai Iwai, and had him kill (9) the emperor.

Thus even a ruler on a throne must take care not to give unreserved expression to his thoughts. The worthy man Confucius held to his belief (10) "Nine thoughts to one word," which means that he reconsidered nine times before he spoke. Tan, the Duke of Chou, was so earnest in receiving callers that he would wring out his hair three times in the course of washing it, or spit out his food three times in the course of a meal [in order not to keep them waiting]. Consider this carefully so that you will have no cause to reproach me later. What is called Buddhism is found in this behavior. The heart of the Buddha's lifetime of teachings is the Lotus Sutra, and the heart of the practice of the Lotus Sutra is found in the "Never Disparaging" chapter. What does Bodhisattva Never Disparaging's profound respect for people signify? The purpose of the appearance in this world of Shakyamuni Buddha, the lord of teachings, lies in his behavior as a human being.


The wise may be called human, but the thoughtless are no more than animals.


The eleventh day of the ninth month in the third year of Kenji (1277), cyclical sign hinoto-ushi

Reply to Shijo Saemon-no-jo


This letter was written at Minobu in the ninth month of 1277 and addressed to Shijo Nakatsukasa Saburo Saemon-no-jo Yorimoto, commonly known as Shijo Kingo, in Kamakura. Sometime around 1274, Shijo Kingo had begun making efforts to convert his lord, who was named Ema, to the Daishonin's teachings. Lord Ema, however, did not respond positively. Instead, he reduced the size of Kingo's landholdings and threatened to send him to the remote province of Echigo. Kingo's colleagues spread scurrilous reports about him, and Kingo was accused of fomenting trouble at a debate in the sixth month of 1277, during which the Tendai priest Ryuzo-bo was bested by the Daishonin's disciple Sammi-bo.

Nichiren Daishonin cautions Shijo Kingo and instructs him on the best course of behavior in his trying circumstances. Later that year Lord Ema fell ill, and Kingo, applying his medical skills, helped cure him. The lord was most grateful and in 1278 restored, and later even increased, Kingo's land-holdings.

At the outset of this letter, the Daishonin tells Kingo that he should remember his debt of gratitude to his lord, and stresses the Buddhist teach-ing that fundamental changes within oneself inevitably result in changes in the environment. He mentions that when he was about to be executed at Tatsunokuchi Kingo vowed to die by his side. Now Kingo is undergoing a severe ordeal and the Daishonin is exerting all his powers to protect him. The Daishonin says that, since Kingo was fortunate enough to have been born human and encountered the true teaching, he should accumulate "the treasures of the heart" and win the respect of others. Finally, through historical references to Emperor Sushun and others, the Daishonin teaches Kingo that as a Buddhist he should conduct his daily life admirably and be considerate of others.


1. Toki refers to Toki Jonin, one of the Daishonin's leading followers. He lived in Shimosa Province and served as a retainer to Lord Chiba, the constable of that province.
2. Lotus Sutra, chap. 20.
3. "That preposterous lie" refers to the report that Shijo Kingo's colleagues are said to have made to Lord Ema that, in order to embarrass the Tendai priest Ryuzo-bo, Kingo had attempted to forcibly disrupt the Kuwagayatsu Debate.
4. Egara is the name of a place in Kamakura where government buildings were located.
5. Shigeyoshi is Taguchi Shigeyoshi (n.d.), the head of a powerful family in Awa, a province on the island of Shikoku. Though he was a member of the Taira, or Heike, clan, he regularly passed information to Minamoto no Yoshitsune (1159¬-1189), a younger half brother of Minamoto no Yori-tomo, about the internal conditions of the Taira army and the weak points in their positions.
6. In 1159 Minamoto no Yoshitomo, the father of Yoritomo, led a battle against the Taira army and was defeated. Fleeing, he hid in the house of Osada Tadamune, a samurai in Owari Province in central Japan. Acting on the Taira's orders, Osada led Yoshitomo into the bath where he killed him. When Yoritomo later raised an army to fight the Taira, Tadamune and his son sided with him, but were killed at Yori-tomo's command after the fall of the Taira.
7. Reference is to the Tatsunokuchi Persecution of 1271, when the Daishonin was almost beheaded.
8. This incident is recorded in The Chronicles of Japan. Presumably it was not referred to openly because it involved the assassination of an emperor by one of his retainers.
9. Emperor Sushun, whose claim to rule was supported by Soga no Umako, ascended the throne in 588. But Umako had the emperor assassinated in 592 and placed his own niece on the throne as Empress Suiko. Atai Goma is also known as Azumanoaya no Atai Goma. His ancestors came to Japan from China during the reign of Emperor Ojin (late fourth to early fifth century). Goma was responsible for supervising foreign artisans. His family had great economic and political power, and was allied with the Soga clan.
10. Analects.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"In The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings, the Daishonin states: 'The place where the person upholds and honours the Lotus Sutra [Nam-myoho-renge-kyo] is the ‘place of practice [leading to enlightenment]’ to which the person proceeds [cf. LSOC28, 364]. It is not that he leaves his present place and goes to some other place' (OTT, 192).

"Buddhist practice cannot be carried out separate from this most fundamental place of practice—the place where we are right now."

SGI Newsletter No. 8328, The District Is the Main Force for Victory, from the October 2011 issue of Daibyakurenge, translated Sep. 20th, 2011
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