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Chanting Growers Group

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Bakin in da Sun
I found a chanting group in my city, have yet to check it out but I was delighted to find out about it.

Hope everyone is doing well

nam myoho renge kyo


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Thats awesome Bart. You really should take the time to just drop by and check it out. You will enjoy yourself Im sure :) Great to see you post up old friend !!

Nam myoho renge kyo


Starting this month, I am going to start hosting my own Gosho Study meetings every Sunday from 10am - Noon. The purpose is to raise awareness about the Goshos and encourage members to study them.

When I tried this two years ago, I was told by some that I should only be going off the LB and WT. That didn't fly with me and when I hosted my own Gosho study meetings those members where so happy and we all thrived. I think it is more important in helping our fellow members attain happiness to actually read Nichiren Daishonin's writings than the encouragement derived from Bodhisattvas after Nichiren. Even if someone bases their entire life and writing on Nichiren Daishonin's teachings, that person is still not Nichiren Daishonin and further is not enshrined in my living room for all to respect and enjoy.

I've never stopped being a rebel and caring about what it takes to really bring about kosen-rufu. The strength and honor of just having my Gohonzon compels me to say and do these things. The pride I have for our organization is huge, so I will take the baton from Mr. Ikeda and show the world that America's membership will grow and many more friend, new and old, will benefit from these concerted efforts for kosen-rufu.

TO me it is ever important to find others that agree about these things, so with that in mind I'll continue to chant for the Chanting Growers Movement to emerge from the pixels of the screen, through your retina, into your brain and then finding its resting place in your heart (through any necessary means). Worst comes to worst, I will still represent for the Chanting Growers and that includes you!

Be good,


I found a chanting group in my city, have yet to check it out but I was delighted to find out about it.

Hope everyone is doing well

nam myoho renge kyo

My Brother Mr. Bartender, welcome back man. Any chance we could get an updated pdf? Been having trouble printing this puppy and your previous pdf was brilliant.

Thanks in advance brotherman and I agree with Babba, show up and let us know how it went! :) Looking forward to a kick-ass experience my man!

Be good,

P.S.- WHATS UP brother Babba! :)


"If Nichiren's compassion is truly great and encompassing, Nam-myoho-renge-kyo will spread for ten thousand years and more, for all eternity, for it has the beneficial power to open the blind eyes of every living being in the country of Japan, and it blocks off the road that leads to the hell of incessant suffering."

On Repaying Debts of Gratitude
(The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 736)

This quote means to me that because of the Gohonzon's unlimited mercy- there is no effin way I would have been able to find Babba and find myself back in this thread which has enabled so many of my friends get their own Gohonzon.

In the process of honoring the most amazing thing to come to my life, or to further elaborate on the Gohonzon is to feel as if you have found your wishing jewel or magic lamp with no strings attached! Nichiren Daishonin has enabled all people to experience this Mystic yet Real aspect of reality as a means to justify the continued propagation of this Buddhism. So according, to Nichiren in this passage we are just starting this amazing journey in propagating the Lotus Sutra throughout our Universe (Jumbipudiva).

I understand the fact that I can still come here and recieve pure unadulterated encouragement (sans any motives or angles) not only a mental refuge or sanctuary, but in fact another manifestation of the Buddha's land! How protected must this thread be because we practice Doubt-Free faith! Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!

You can try to hide or conceal certain things when you start your practice, but as this One Great Truth of Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo expands in our lives we realize that this is still only the beginning! Not even the corruption of mankind since the high middle-ages was able to tame the phrase and message that was Championed by the Buddha of Beginningless Time himself, Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!

Seldom do I get up four hours before my kosen-rufu gongyo shift ready and roaring for another great day of life immersed in chanting, protecting other members and SGI fun. I have a great time in the organizations and President Ikeda isn't going to be headlining every video anymore. Come one, come all and let's get more involved than ever because truly you must know from this passage above and your own practice that "It's all up to you. It all depends on you. You are the one calling the shots and the kosen-rufu movement always needs you to be actively involved."

How you do you learn to change the hellish qualities in your life to those of happiness - READ THIS THREAD FOR MORE INFORMATION!


I had a great day and encouraged a YMD that was getting upset and feeling down because some kids at Rock The Era where being Sensei fundamentalists. I told him that some extremists don't know any other way to be than the way others expect them to be and as long as they are chanting I'm still cool with them. Not everyone is the same or has the same capacity.

I also told him that I'm not too fond of Mentor and Disciple because with Nichiren, I live a Master and Disciple relationship and don't really feel the need for a mentor or other type of iconic figurehead. This month I will begin Gosho lectures again beyond the monthly study meetings because August will be the month of appreciation for the Daishonin in my neck of the woods. In fact, I know that I'm the Buddha and I make the benefits, so I told my young friend to always stay close to me and keep doing his best to stay in the leadership role because when we end up running these meetings (in the near future) it will be up to us to help others embrace this practice just as Josei Toda once empowered the people of Japan to stand up and collectively begin the widespread mission of kosen-rufu. We each possess the pinnacle life state known as Buddhahood and nobody's Buddhahood can be greater than anyone elses (except for Nichiren Daishonin himself as the real Master Buddha, #1 Undisputed Immortal Champion of Kosen-rufu).

I'm very pleased that today turned out the way it did. I was bequeathed the responsibility to be the Audio/Video dude going forward for our monthly meetings and I'm also the leader of the BSG (Behind the Scenes Group) movement. The meeting today went on without a hitch and everyone was very happy. I enjoyed the songs we sang and the great video they showed of RTE. Overall today was a good day..... I will upload some pics of the event real soon :)

Keep empowering yourself and each other to make every next day another day for progress in regards to kosen-rufu. By chanting and living your days to the fullest you are already involved and accomplishing this noble endeavor.

I took President Ikeda's advice today and visited my mother and was the best son I could be to her. I'm not sure if she was so happy with me, but I feel really great for being able to go there in a high life condition to show her respect and compassion.

Have a great week yall, I wish you all the best!


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
ok,i know a tiny bit about Japanese history,but I am having a bit of trouble placing what period this was happening in,are the dates given using a roman calendar or is this some other dating system? by the way,this is utterly fascinating,thank you so much for taking the time each day to share this form of your devotion everyone!


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
thanks! given that context Nicheren's message is even more powerful when you consider the social and political upheaval going on at that time in Japan,wow,a lot of stored info is popping up in my head....hard to put into words,but what a particularly difficult time that must have been for him to be alive,and yet,what better time? very interesting.... thank you for taking the time
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