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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
The Daishonin encourages us, "Strengthen your faith day by day and month after month."* Let's do gongyo and chant daimoku resonantly! Brimming with strong life force, let's maintain good health, first and foremost, and continue to advance successfully!

Daisaku Ikeda

*"On Persecutions Befalling the Sage" - WND-I, page 997

SoCal Hippy

Active member
What Is Happiness by Daisaku Ikeda

Happiness is not a life without problems, but
rather the strength to overcome the problems that come our way. There is no such thing as a problem-free life; difficulties are unavoidable. But how we experience and react to our problems depends on us. Buddhism teaches that we are each responsible for our own happiness or unhappiness. Our vitality - the amount of energy or "life-force" we have - is in fact the single most important factor in determining whether or not we are happy.

True happiness is to be found within, in the state of our hearts. It does not exist on the far side of some distant mountains. It is within you, yourself. However much you try, you can never run away from yourself. And if you are weak, suffering will follow you wherever you go. You will never find happiness if you don't challenge your weaknesses and change yourself from within. Happiness is to be found in the dynamism and energy of your own life as you struggle to overcome one obstacle after another. This is why I believe that a person who is active and free from fear is truly happy.

The challenges we face in life can be compared to a tall mountain, rising before a mountain climber. For someone who has not trained properly, whose muscles and reflexes are weak and slow, every inch of the climb will be filled with terror and pain. The exact same climb, however, will be a thrilling journey for someone who is prepared, whose legs and arms have been strengthened by constant training. With each step forward and up, beautiful new views will come into sight.

My teacher used to talk about two kinds of happiness - "relative" and "absolute" happiness. Relative happiness is happiness that depends on things outside ourselves: friends and family, surroundings, the size of our home or family income. This is what we feel when a desire is fulfilled, or something we have longed for is obtained. While the happiness such things bring us is certainly real, the fact is that none of this lasts forever. Things change. People change. This kind of happiness shatters easily when external conditions alter. Relative happiness is also based on comparison with others. We may feel this kind of happiness at having a newer or bigger home than the neighbors. But that feeling turns to misery the moment they start making new additions to theirs!

Absolute happiness, on the other hand, is something we must find within. It means establishing a state of life in which we are never defeated by trials and where just being alive is a source of great joy. This persists no matter what we might be lacking, or what might happen around us. A deep sense of joy is something which can only exist in the innermost reaches of our life, and which cannot be destroyed by any external forces. It is eternal and inexhaustible.

This kind of satisfaction is to be found in consistent and repeated effort, so that we can say, "Today, again, I did my very best. Today, again, I have no regrets. Today, again, I won." The accumulated result of such efforts is a life of great victory. What we should compare is not ourselves against others. We should compare who we are today against who we were yesterday, who we are today against who we will be tomorrow. While this may seem simple and obvious, true happiness is found in a life of constant advancement. And the same worries that could have made us miserable can actually be a source of growth when we approach them with courage and wisdom.

I wrote the following poem on "Happiness":

A person with a vast heart is happy.
Such a person lives each day with a broad and embracing spirit.
A person with a strong will is happy.
Such a person can confidently enjoy life, never defeated by suffering.
A person with a profound spirit is happy.
Such a person can savor life's depths while creating meaning and value that will last for eternity.
A person with a pure mind is happy.
Such a person is always surrounded by refreshing breezes of joy.

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


I was trying to find PB in the Florida section and I may have seen his face, but there were a bunch of folks that fit the criteria I imagined PB to be. The meeting was the most encouraging one ever and it was all about becoming happy.

This meeting was so incredible and I'm so pleased that we all were there. I took some great photos and posted them on fb if any of you are still going on that site. There are videos on the net of all three Rock The Era and it was quite a bit of fun to be sitting right in the middle of all the action.

The event in Long Beach was much bigger (2x), but Philly was the best! My boy Nathan Gauer (the National YMD leader spoke) my bro Josh Joffee (East Territory YMD leader) was dressed to impress in a great suit and not even the gale force winds that came after the event slowed us down. I'm so happy that Chanting Growers were in attendance and I'm soo flipping inspired that I just wanna explode and send happiness to all of you through your internet connection!

Keep up the great work my friends, we are changing the world for the better everyday.

SoCal Hippy

Active member
The event in Long Beach was much bigger (2x)

Keep up the great work my friends, we are changing the world for the better everyday.

My 2 daughters made the drive from NoCal to Long Beach (mine and their hometown) to participate and they both really had great experiences. Kosenrufu activities are where it's at!

All those that has never been to one need to check it out and in so doing the next step is to get your own Gohonzon!

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
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I was trying to find PB in the Florida section and I may have seen his face, but there were a bunch of folks that fit the criteria I imagined PB to be. The meeting was the most encouraging one ever and it was all about becoming happy.

This meeting was so incredible and I'm so pleased that we all were there. I took some great photos and posted them on fb if any of you are still going on that site. There are videos on the net of all three Rock The Era and it was quite a bit of fun to be sitting right in the middle of all the action.

The event in Long Beach was much bigger (2x), but Philly was the best! My boy Nathan Gauer (the National YMD leader spoke) my bro Josh Joffee (East Territory YMD leader) was dressed to impress in a great suit and not even the gale force winds that came after the event slowed us down. I'm so happy that Chanting Growers were in attendance and I'm soo flipping inspired that I just wanna explode and send happiness to all of you through your internet connection!

Keep up the great work my friends, we are changing the world for the better everyday.

Yes Easy, I was at the top Balcony right in front of the giant screen. I took dvd video and lots of pictures. After the show, we got soaking wet looking for our bus since the bus staging was chaotic. Our bus was suppose to load first since we came from the farthest point but the bus was no were to found until we spotted the bus driver who looked for us and luckily we were all together running to the bus two blocks down the street in the torrential rain that came from nowhere. This was the most moving experience I have ever witnessed. The Taiko drums was majestic in sound and togetherness considering they had short time to practice before the show. It was one of a kind event that will be remembered for long time. The experiences were very profound and moving.



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
My 2 daughters made the drive from NoCal to Long Beach (mine and their hometown) to participate and they both really had great experiences. Kosenrufu activities are where it's at!

All that has never been to one need to check it out and in so doing the next step is to get your own Gohonzon!

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Long Beach is my home town as well SoCal :) Perhaps we should talk a little more.... perhaps we know each other from an earlier time :) I think the age is right .... never can tell ... how interesting :)
Easy ... always a great post .. thanks for your great energy!!
Pb4ugo.. sounds like a real down pour.... glad things worked out well :)

For all the other posters without Gohonzon.... theres no time like the present. Step out and meet some awesome people from the Soka Gakkai .. you will be so glad you took the first step !!
Nam myoho renge kyo


Long Beach is my home town as well SoCal :) Perhaps we should talk a little more.... perhaps we know each other from an earlier time :) I think the age is right .... never can tell ... how interesting :)
Easy ... always a great post .. thanks for your great energy!!
Pb4ugo.. sounds like a real down pour.... glad things worked out well :)

For all the other posters without Gohonzon.... theres no time like the present. Step out and meet some awesome people from the Soka Gakkai .. you will be so glad you took the first step !!
Nam myoho renge kyo

For those posters in the USA please find the following link to locate an SGI center near you:


For those posters who are not in the USA
You may locate a center in the following worldwide SGI link:



Hey PB,

I was sitting down at the bottom front row to your right. That rain was wicked and the bus movement was orchestrated accordingly, but I'm fairly certain those in attendance made it home ok. I'm still talking about RTE with other friends that were there and this week has been a huge step forward in my practice. I really feel like -I don't have to get angry when I hear people say Ikeda's name over and over again. I can be patient and know in my heart that my loyalty will permeate every heart in my Chapter and soon I'll be ready to handle the Area :)

Making sure every member is happy and looking forward to our meetings will be my goal (or renewed vow) going forward. I'm gonna really do well in regards to Kosen-rufu and that is a promise to all participants in this online icmag Chanting Growers movement. With a Master like Nichiren I'm certain that nothing will obstruct me from doing more shakubuku and chanting more than ever. I really sent a lot of prayers to Mr. Tony Matsuoka and Mr. Ted Osaki before and after the meeting because I'm so grateful they told Thomas what I needed to hear in the present (not too long ago). I'm even more grateful for the advancement in my practice attributed to a strict study of the Gosho, of Josei Toda's Lectures on the Lotus Sutra and Daisaku's references to each of the former.

The thread has really helped me achieve a sustained amount of real happiness for a prolonged period of time. During my first four and half years with Gohonzon I was lacking the sustained longevity of the good vibes (beyond a day or two) resonating within my heart today. I've got loads of serious karma to overcome, but that okay because I'm posting!

This thread is a Treasure and the value it brings to my life is completely beyond appreciation with written words. I send a big hug to each chanting grower and reiterate my undying appreciation for each of you!


SoCal Hippy

Active member
Faith in this sutra means that you will surely attain Buddhahood if you are true
to the entirety of the Lotus Sutra, adhering exactly to its teachings without
adding any of your own ideas or following the arbitrary interpretations of

(WND, 1030)
Letter to Niike
Written to Niike Saemon-no-jo in February 1280

SoCal Hippy

Active member
Since I have realized that only the Lotus Sutra teaches the attainment of
Buddhahood by women, and that only the Lotus is the sutra of true requital for
repaying the kindness of our mother, in order to repay my debt to my mother, I
have vowed to enable all women to chant the daimoku of this sutra.

(WND, 931)
The Sutra of True Requital
Written to the lay nun Sennichi on July 28, 1278

SoCal Hippy

Active member
Life is a process of ongoing challenge. Those who lead lives of boundless
challenge realize boundless growth. In a time of tumultuous change, what people
need most are the vitality to challenge their circumstances, the wisdom to open
the treasure house of knowledge, and to strive ceaselessly to create value.

Daisaku Ikeda

SoCal Hippy

Active member
Believe in the Gohonzon with all your heart, for it is the robe to protect you
in the world after death. No wife would ever leave her husband unclothed, nor
could any parents fail to feel pity for their child shivering in the cold.
Shakyamuni Buddha and the Lotus Sutra are like one's wife and parents. You have
helped me and thereby saved me from disgrace in this life; in return, I will
protect you from disgrace in the next. What one has done for another yesterday
will be done for oneself today.

(WND, 994)
Letter to Jakunichi-bo
Written to Jakunichi-bo Nikke on September 16, 1279
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