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I invited over 50 members for my first toso in our new home tonight. I gotta go rush over there and get ready, but please know that I'm always holding up the Chanting Growers Banner High and Mighty! With Pride and Conviction that kosen-rufu is just beginning in the West, Central, and East American territories!

Keep plugging into the thread my friends, I still read every page and every post and the momentum lately is nothing short of awesome (great work to all involved). Sorry I haven't connected my internet yet, but I've got that in the pipeline and should be posting regularly again soon.

One of the greatest honors of my life is to know that I'm one of you Chanting Growers. I will always cherish this thread and its members (including all the newbies) because we are kindred spirits of the same mind as Nichiren Daishonin himself (alive and well in my living room enshrined in my humble altar)! The Nam-myoho-renge-kyo Thus Come One is receiving a lot more daimoku these days in my neck of the woods! And the proof is most certainly my life and those around me renewing their vows for kosen-rufu and preparing to Rock the Era!

Keep up the great work and I look forward to jumping back into the conversations and shakubuku shortly! MUCH LOVE TO ALL and especially my benevolent and compassionate teachers (all the Chanting Growers).

Love you all very much,


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam myoho renge kyo

Wooooooooooop !!!!!!!!!! So great to see you post up Easy. I just got home from camping and I cant think a better welcome home then to open this thread and see your post. Ive called all the numbers I have for you guys !!! So glad to see you are present and all things are good !! Wooooooooop !! Please call and update your numbers when you have time :)
What a great time camping ... out boat camping ... had an absolutely fabulous time. Lots of Daimoku here and you can really see it in the life condition... we are feeling great and thoroughly sunkist !!
Thanks for all the great post everyone !!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam myoho renge kyo

Easy I hope everything went great for your Toso and Daimoku was abundant. So great to hear you guys are moved in and just about settled. Awesome your already having a meeting !! Keep up the great work for Kosen Rufu brother we all need more good Buddhas like you !!

Nam myoho renge kyo


Hey Bud (and the rest of the family):

Thanks for the two great posts! I checked out the pics on the boat and it sure does look like my favorite couple of love birds had a jolly good time! Just reading your post was strong positive energy for us! I'll call you tonight when I get home.

So last night we had our first meeting which was a Toso I've been wanting to have for the success of the Rock The Era youth festival here in America. So far two out of the three territories in our vast nation had great festivals and the last one is schedule for July 25th. I'm supporting all the youth division (and all the SGI members world-wide) with my daimoku from yesterday until to the 25th. To support this awesome cause, we had 12 people show up at the meeting last night! I was soo happy because we even had a guest show up :)

You know I started practicing after seeing BOG's signature between 2001-2004 saying things like "Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!" and then Babbabud, my dear brother, said to me "hey bud, I could send you the Gongyo book we do and a set of beads so you could start chanting at your place". I'm so glad I took Bud up on that offer and then came to this thread to hang with him, PTD, Socal, and company. My life keeps going up and up, and I'm really using my Buddhist practice to continue to secure victory after victory. This Buddhism is about winning in life my friends and with this practice I feel that I'm doing just that.

I was exiled and banned from various communities throughout my teenage years and during my early adulthood because I never liked following the crowd and knew in my heart that for everything in this world there was a variation just for me. The truth is - I found something universal and worthy of all my respect and that is the Gohonzon. You see, I was chanting at home for a few months before I even went to a meeting asking to get my Gohonzon. The improvements in emotional stability, work, personal and social life was enough to get me motivated to go get my Gohonzon - but definitely not even close to what I have today. Today I chant, study and share this practice with everyone. I actually read every post on this thread and haven't been cultivating medication for almost a year. I only seem to have to work, work and work, but I always make time to chant, attend meetings, support any member and tell others about this practice.

I started going to school after dropping out of high back in 2007. This December I'm graduating from my undergraduate university which I'm currently attending on a scholarship that I earned because of my high GPA. I'm also enrolling in Business school for my MBA over the next couple months and will start that degree in January. Next August I will also be starting Law School and after all is said and done, my experience will still begin on this thread and the folks I will help as a result will hopefully number in the millions. I got a big mission now that I practice in accordance with Nichiren Daishonin's intent and President Toda's guidance as per PasstheDoobie's tutelage close to my heart.

I know this is the correct teaching because in all of Nichiren's letters - I have not found one contradiction or bit of misinformation. I just keep digging deep into the well of wisdom and pull amazing things out of my life. My determination n now is for all the chanting growers that do not have a Gohonzon, to recieve a Gohonzon by the end of the year. You can do this by going to local meetings in your area and meeting some of the most righteous people I've ever known, aka The Bodhisattvas of the Earth. To find you local meeting use this link: http://www.sgi-usa.org/sgilocations/

I hope to post more regularly soon and I'll keep chanting for every Chanting Growers success everyday.

Thank you,


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"When creating something new, there are times when it is necessary to have the courage to unhesitatingly discard what has already been done, no matter how much effort has been put into it."

SGI Newsletter No. 8030, The New Human Revolution--Vol. 23: Chap. 3, Courage 46, translated July 6th, 2010


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"If Nichiren's compassion is truly great and encompassing, Nam-myoho-renge-kyo will spread for ten thousand years and more"

(On Repaying Debts of Gratitude - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 736) Selection source: President Ikeda's selection of Gosho lines dedicated to all SGI members, July 12th, 2010


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Many congratulations upon your spectacular victory. Thanks to the joint efforts of each and every member, the castle of Soka is now firmly established. Please make sure to take good care of yourselves. Let's now move forwards by making every effort to live healthy and long lives.

Daisaku Ikeda

* Japan had elections for the Upper House of Parliament on July 11th. The New Komeito party, supported by the Soka Gakkai, was able to secure a remarkable victory winning 13.1% of the votes cast in the proportional representation system.

** The New Komeito, is a party originally founded by the Soka Gakkai in 1964, but later separated as an independent entity, although Soka Gakkai provides electoral support. The New Komeito is committed to protecting human rights, including freedom of religion, and protects the interests of non-union labour and people who work in small and medium-sized companies that makes up a large segment of the Japanese public.

For more reading:

Political Involvement and Persecution

Founding the Komei Party


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Arouse deep faith, and diligently polish your mirror day and night. How should you polish it? Only by chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo."

(On Attaining Buddhahood in This Lifetime - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol.1, page 4) Selection source: "Myoji no Gen", Seikyo Shimbun, July 12th, 2010


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Iron, when heated in the flames and pounded, becomes a fine sword. Worthies and sages are tested by abuse."

(Letter from Sado - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol.1, page 303) Selection source: "Kyo no Hosshin", Seikyo Shimbun, July 8th, 2010


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"The first step towards peace and compassion begins with the courage to uphold the truth of Buddhism, no matter what. Mr. Toda often used to say, 'We can substitute courage for compassion. The courage to speak the truth is the equivalent of compassion.' Our personal human revolution is overcoming our cowardice and courageously initiating a struggle.'"

SGI Newsletter No. 8031, The New Human Revolution--Vol. 23: Chap. 3, Courage 47, translated July 6th, 2010


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
By the way, the 13th was our six year birthday!

Happy Birthday Chanting Growers!

Bowing in humble obeisance,



Six years already! Ok folks, let's figure out where we're meeting in the next life...

We had a great meeting and I even got one of my friends to sign up for the Rock The Era youth activity after this toso supporting this event. I'm thrilled that kosen-rufu is already accelerating in my neck of the woods! BOOOYAH devil of the sixth heaven!

Speaking of the old fundamental darkness, I've had a few karmic 'hiccups' as of late and let me tell you all how grateful I am that I just renewed my practice and vow to kosen-rufu because I need the protection and good vibes from the shoten-zenjin! When am I not pushing myself to the max and incurring the wrath of those non-practitioners manifesting the same negativity I strive on a daily basis to conquer?! I guess I'm becoming more like Nichiren everyday and really standing up for the Buddha in my Mirror and the other Buddhas in my life.

What a pleasure to post and now I gotta run home to water my vegetables! Keep up the great work and let's aim for at least another 3-6 years!

Thanks to all for the well wishes, I'm so pleased to be sharing my dynamic relationship with the Gohonzon throughout the world! Even those against us will become enlightened because of the "poison drum relationship". Otherwise, if they attack or attempt to harm any of the Buddha's and Bodhisattvas then their heads will be split into seven pieces... same goes for you Mark!
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