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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"I believe, there is no room in politics for humanity, and no room in humanity for politics."

New Komeito Party of Japan being an exception I assume, Avid?




PassTheDoobie said:
"I believe, there is no room in politics for humanity, and no room in humanity for politics."

Now why didn't I think of that saying?!
Southern Girl


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Just to make sure, don't anyone attribute that quote to me!

Just to make sure, don't anyone attribute that quote to me!

Avid Learner said that, not PassTheDoobie. I couldn't disagree more! Seems as though we are batting 1000 SG! As far as I'm concerned THAT'S CYNICAL!

LOL! :wave:

You do know that the SGI has it's own politcal party in Japan don't you? It has for 50 years:

"Soka Gakkai in Japan started fielding candidates in local elections in 1955 and in national elections in the following year. The motivations for entering the political field were: (1) to protect the constitutional safeguard of freedom of religion and ensure that the state would never again use religion to infringe people's freedoms or justify war; (2) to represent ordinary men and women in a political system dominated by the interests of either big business or huge labor unions; and (3) to tackle government corruption and bring an ethical perspective into the Japanese political domain.

It is the explicit policy of Soka Gakkai International organizations outside Japan that they will not involve themselves in politics."

However, the SGI has shown what can be done. It is my optimism that tells me we WILL achieve this in the process of creating world peace through the propagation of the Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra.



PTD. When we talk about politics are we talking about people, and when we talk about people are we talking about politics?

I belive we cannot mix the two. One deals with individual interests, while the other deals in national interests. The komeito party is for Japan and is not for the world. Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism is for the world. There is a diffeence when we view life from this perspective, I believe. It is people that are important to me, not policies and politics.



Cracking up Laughing!

Cracking up Laughing!

Yeah we are PTD! LOL
I guess it depends on where you live and what religion is ruling you. Right now the Southern Baptists are running America and I don't find that too comfortable. Now if Nichiren Daishonin Buddhism was Uncle George's choice I would probably agree. We have been fighting religious wars since the beginning of time. So whether we agree or disagree it continues as it always has. Maybe if people functioned from that space instead of the lip service it would be good. I also know the history that I learned reading the human revolution, and it was General Macarthur who freed Pres Toda from prison and allowed them the freedom, which would be the beginning of that movement over there. (Ducking down, waiting for newspaper to hit me on head)! ha ha Southern Girl


Bodhisattvas of the Earth

Bodhisattvas of the Earth

SG. YOu are enjoyable.

I found this bit in a book I am reading, as well as a young man I am teaching Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism to currently.

"What the Lotus Sutra describes as a Bodhisattva of the Earth is a person committed to the work of restoring a sense of cosmology to contemporary society. In concrete terms, this means being a master of the art of dialogue and a standard-bearer of soft power. the Lotus Sutra summarizes the characteristics these bodhisattvas must have as follows:

Firm in the power of will and concentration
with constant diligence seeking wisdom,
they expound various wonderful doctrines
and their minds are without fear.
They are clever at difficult questions and answers,
their minds know no fear.
They have firmly cultivated a persevering mind,
upright in dignity and virtue. (LS, p. 233)

Fear builds barriers of aversion and discrimination in the forms of national boundaries or of exclusion and discrimination on the basis of race, religion, gender, social class, financial status or merely personal preferences. As Lippmann pointed out, to shore up and gloss over their prejudices, people with closed minds often stereotype others. This attitude reflects a mental indolence that stops us from cultivating mutual understanding and trust or developing the perseverance and determination required to engage in dialogue. As history teaches, it is only a short step from mental laziness to viloence. In praising the Bodhisattvas of the Earth for their total lack of fear, therefore, the sutra commends their efforts to transcend all discrimninatory barriers and their readiness to engage in dialogue without hestitation. The tone of this dialogue is modulated to suit the moods and needs of the occasion. Sometimes, their words can be like a healing breeze, sometimes like a rousing beat, sometimes like an awakening peal, and sometimes like a sword that slashes through delusion. Their efforts at dialogue are supported by their firm conviction in the fundamental equality of all people--that all people possess the potential for enlightenment.

A profound faith in humanity inspires the Bodhisattvas of the Earth to constantly dedicate themselves to dialogue in the effort to find common ground and harmonize different persepctives.

The following three traits summarize the character and mentality of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth:

To be rigoursly strict toward oneself, like a sharp autumn frost.
To be warm and embracing toward others, like a soft spring breeze.
To be uncompromising when confronting evil, like a lion monarch.

Only a person embodying these traits can be a master of dialogue." (For the Dake of Peace, Daisuku Ikeda p.58)

You can purchase this book at the sgi-usa.org bookstore online. I am sorry this book, "For the Sake of Peace, Seven Paths to Global Harmony, A Buddhist Perspective by Daisuku Ikeda" is only available from Middlway Press and there is no online printed version avaiabale, to my knowledge.

I always enjoy Presidents Ikeda's perspective on things!



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Dude what in the world are you asking me?

Dude what in the world are you asking me?

:wave: "PTD. When we talk about politics are we talking about people, and when we talk about people are we talking about politics?"

Ya got me there! I have no fucking idea what you are talking about! LOL

Duh? :confused:

But as far as this: "I belive we cannot mix the two. One deals with individual interests, while the other deals in national interests. The komeito party is for Japan and is not for the world. Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism is for the world. There is a diffeence when we view life from this perspective, I believe. It is people that are important to me, not policies and politics."

The national interest is the collective indivuals interest, in my opinion. Ultimately they are the same. The SGI made the 'no politics outside of Japan' pledge in order to chill out any adversarial situation for propagation by SGI members from their local goverments in the more than 100 countries that this buddhism is practiced, within that lay organization.

Of course Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism is for the world, but the world is constructed of countries and those countries are all defined by being governments. So I think that it is rose colored glasses to think that Kosen Rufu could EVER be accomplished without ultimately the peoples will being reflected in the embracing of this concept by their governments. The Komeito will be the blue print for that ultimately, in my opinion, many years from now.




Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Like I said: Whenever it advances U.S. interests

Like I said: Whenever it advances U.S. interests

Macarthur didn't do that like some freedom fighter for gods sake. He did it to fuck the authority of the emperor who was deified in the Shinto religion. We established freedom of religion for self-serving purposes in Japan after the war. It dilluted the emperor's authority on his former subjects. He was left uncharged of war crimes in order to not create unmanageable hostilty from the occupied public which had been taught and instructed to worship him.

Take the glasses of soon please.



No Glasses ON!

No Glasses ON!

Being one who looks for the good, no matter what the intent, the result was That Pres Toda was freed and they continued meetings and SGI grew and grew and it got here to God Forsaken Fort Worth,Texas, and I got shakabukued, Got a Gohonzon, Met you PTD, and everyone in here, AND Gordy P! And so it goes.....

I never deny the things that you say because I KNOW you research it all and there is truth. And it takes people like you in society to bring the otherside out to the forefront to be thought and pondered. Bless your Heart! So I have the choice.

When I first started chanting, Mr Ohara told me I was as a beautiful rose but with too many thorns. I had the anger, pounding of fists, voicing the unfairness of life, and revealing the indignities. But I was looked at as being hard and distrusting of everything and everyone. I pull those shades off when it is necessary, but it is best for MY soul to keep them on. I cannot look at people as a whole in mind set of political & material driven rulers of EVERY country. Those people who were freed at that moment did not care what got them out. They were out. Their own country did not treat them any more so.

I also think that we have gotten too far away from Buddhism in here. There is more participation with the teachings and questions than all of this. Which is my point. You cannot change the world until we are changed individually. The heart is the correct action. My humble opinion not meant to challenge anyone. :wave: (Means Smile on my face. It is hard sometimes in here because we cannot see the face or body language. Some of our statement so strong they are misinterpreted from the heart which they come. Why that trip to Vancouver should still be in progress)

And I enjoyed the quote from book you offered to the thread Avid.

Southern Girl


By the Way!

By the Way!

Speaking of participation......
Where is SoCAl....GordyP.....NattyGurrl....Hittman??????? I sure do miss everyone SG


Bubblegum Specialist
Lets make more Buddhas...

Lets make more Buddhas...

Hello my friends. Lots of wisdom always to be found here as my chanting proof continues to amaze me.

I realize that any nice person can be informed of a truth and become a bodhisattva. Exploring buddhism isn't new to me but practicing it is. Today the news came that yet another popular mag wants to do a piece on one of my strains. Not the High Times one...

Without trying people are messaging me asking for my help and advice. I am telling them about chanting and the Lotus Sutra. Some are chanting.

My meditating Buddha statue for our altar is coming today and we feel something big happening. It is easier and easier for me to sing the word and this morning Mrs. BOG noticed I was chanting to the tune of the "Beverly Hillbillies". :D Is that bad?

How easy it is to fill the heart with joy if we are chanting and in the moment. This is a time when we dont think of horrible things and like the green meadows and the waters that restoreth my soul is chanting.

Now something I have learned is the only thing Buddha wished to do. He saw the universe as perfect as I did and that does make you wonder why Earth is like it is. We can't compare Earth to anywhere else so perhaps it seems normal but Buddha came to earth to change only one thing.

I told you that you can't just change things but Buddha had a plan, has a plan to make the earth peaceful. Do all worlds evolve from a violent jungle up eventually to a place of peace? I find our world an abberation actually not the norm. A place where somehow evil got hold and deluded but was it evil or just ignorance?

There is no devil. We should make the earth more peaceful somehow right?

What else matters? Unfortunatly politics and military policy dictates the hell this world is placed in. We can't cause more chaos and confusion so we spread the truth few can seem to see. You can't fight your way to peace and peace isn't an anti-ballistic missile or a nuke to kill civilians.

When will someone in America say let's negotiate for peace with our enemies? Have no American's ever thought of this like me? Well 49 % did actually. The corrupt political systems steal human dignity and capitalism is inherently wrong as it has been known. The workers dont get 50% but more like 10% of the profits and then the stock holders get all the profits. This is unjust at its core and some systems could make things fairer enhancing the chances for peace.

So Tom, I understand and I swear we see eye to eye as does SG. Don't worry because we do agree. The question is what to do now? We can chant but can't we chant to make the things we work for to come true and be something good? I don't want to be some kind of false prophet and never have but I have that passion you guys feel too and I have always known who I was.

Meeting you all has been shocking. :eek: BOG

I plan to bring some guests. The ufo stories may be of topic Ms. but maybe later. I did see them again in 1974.

not bad looking for a male eh? :D
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Something to Share with you

Something to Share with you

I do not normally share my "stuff" I write in journals, however, this is something I wrote as a member of Dallas West Headquarters and was presented to Pres Ikeda on May 3, 1993. It came up in a conversation and I was looking for it today, not really remembering how it went just the jest. After reading what Bog wrote(Thanks for understanding, Bog), I thought it needed to be put in here. Maybe it will better say what I feel in my heart.

In the world of reality and logic, People lose their hopes and dreams,
Overwhelmed with emptiness, loss of control.
Their lives lose the power of magic.
Take a chance and let go of your fears,
Release social inhibitions and cry joyful tears,
To find yourself and long last dreams of who you are and what you want to

Come with me to the world of Fantasy,
The land of enchantment--fantasia.
To a place, beautiful, quiet and serene, where gentle breezes blow,
Through willow trees iridescent green.
The leaves are crystal prisms--nature's windchimes,
Drawing your attention to rays of projected sunshine.
Rainbow of red and blue, making shades of purple
that paint the cosmic sky.

The eagles fly free, the Phoenix soar, over patchwork of wheat and rye.
Ponds of water transparent blue,
In the moonlight reflected as mirrors, to yourself be true.
How do I know this?
I have lived in Fantasia and dremed of you.
For you to be here with me.
To respect and love, laugh and play, comfort me in my pain and tears
Through our long journey of future years.

I'll never give up my hopes and dreams of future time together,
Here in Fantasia my unconditional love for you can storm any weather.
I took a chance and let go of my fears,
And now I cry only painful tears,
For now I know who I am and what I want to be.
Only to awake not in Fantasia, but the world of reality.

And this is where I stay! This is where I want to be. This is why I wear my glasses SG


Rose Colored Glasses

Rose Colored Glasses

PTD. Perhaps you see me looking at the world through rose colored glasses, and that is fine for your opinion. My opinion of me is I see the world as it can be and do not question the ability of each individual person to make a difference towards world peace.

One person standing up alone can make a difference in the world. When one person stands up alone for the peace and the happiness of other people, first one, and than another stands with them. Nichiren Daishonin stood alone on the beach of Tatsunacuchi, and he was joined by Shijo Kingo in 1271. Josei Toda stood alone and he was joined by young Daisaku Ikeda in 1947.

If Kosen Rufu is going to occur, politics and politicians will not be a part of that, as history has alrady shown, they are advesarial to the people's true happiness and freedom. Even you stated McCarthey's intent was to control the will of the people of Japan after the war. Kosen Rufu will be the will of the people, not the will of the government.

Nichiren was persecuted by the Japanese government for his revolutinary view towards individual happiness. Shakyamuni was persecuted for the same reason. T'ien-t'ai, and Dengyo all persecuted by the government of their time for the same reason. History is repleat with those of Buddhist and non-buddhist origin fighting for the will of the people. No government has fought for the true happiness and freedom of the people.

The only period in history known to be ruled with Buddhist understanding was King Melinda. His influence lasted a total of one hundred years. It will not be the will of the government that frees people from their suffering it is the will of the Buddha that frees the people from their suffering.

Only individuals with true heart will stand up and propogate the five or seven characters of Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. The Bodhisattvas of the Earth! Just as BOG has shown in his example of sharing the Wonderful law of Cause and effect with first one person and than another. it is only in this way Kosen Rufu will occuur. Governments will have no control of the will of the people at that time.

BOG. Keep on keepin on. Sharing is caring! The reason for the Buddhas advent is his behaviour. The voice does the Buddhas work.

SG. Beautiful.

PTD. I can see clearly now the rain is gone!

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, Like the Roar of the Lion. What illness can therefore be an obstacle!



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Hey guys, this is getting to be a little bullshit to me

Hey guys, this is getting to be a little bullshit to me

SG and Avid!

Everytime I say something, you guys morph your comments to undeniable truths and make it seem (to me at least), that I must be on the opposite side of the points you are making. I never said "Avid, you see the world through rose colored glasses." But I am glad to hear you've come in out of the rain.

SG. I am done. You are making statements that are your opinions. Continue. Please just don't include Buddhism as their basis, because a lot of people assume you represent the Law in the things that you say. In some cases you are being more objectionable than you know. Please just be careful; and remember that there are MANY non-Americans reading this thread, whether you are aware of that or not. It is wearing me out to try and present a broader picture of the facts, and so I'm going to stop. America is the most wonderful, greatest, rest of the world couldn't do without her country on the planet! Happy now? Can you hear the Star Spangled Banner playing in the background?

Please understand (everyone else) that there is nothing in Buddhism that says that governments are not going to be elements of world peace. "Nichiren was persecuted by the Japanese government for his revolutinary view towards individual happiness." is a factually inaccurate statement. That is not an opinion but a historical fact. Nichiren remonstrated with the Government to make his Buddhism the state religion. He was looking to government to be a part of the Kosen Rufu he was trying to achieve during his life-time. He was persecuted because he insisted the government STOP ALL SUPPORT of other temples, and due to the influence of these temples on the government to get rid of him since he was a huge threat to them. It had nothing to do with "revolutinary view towards individual happiness". Also, Nichiren was not alone at Tatsunokuchi; Shijo Kingo was there with him.

Let's all continue to remember to TRY and acknowledge when what we are saying is just our opinion, and not directly attributable to the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin.

T :wave:


Here I am, S.G.

Here I am, S.G.

Got called out by our attendance-taker and had to show my face. Those were beautiful words, S.G., and really gives me pause to examine just what good these politics vs. society exchanges are leading to. Shouldn't we accept (even embrace) the greedy clue-less asshole with the same happiness and passion we would give a Buddah? Isn't this something Nicherin spoke of to his diciples (I'm asking, here)?

I found an insightful part of the Lotus Sutra which somewhat reminds me of this separation of our political "camps", and how we should remember the Laws Nicherin gives to us all. This is from Chapter 5, on the Parable of the Medicinal Herbs:

"Kashyapa, it is like the plants and trees, thickets and groves, and the medicinal herbs, widely ranging in variety, each with its own name and hue, that grow in the hills and streams, the valleys and different soils of the thousand-millionfold world. Dense clouds spread over them, covering the entire thousand-millionfold world and in one moment saturating it all. The moisture penetrates to all the plants, trees, thickets and groves, and medicinal herbs equally, to their big roots, big stems, big limbs and big leaves. Each of the trees, big and small, depending upon whether it is superior, middling or inferior in nature, receives its allotment. The rain falling from one blanket of clouds accords with each particular species and nature, causing it to sprout and mature, to blossom and bear fruit. Though all these plants and trees grow in the same earth and moistened by the same rain, each has its differences and particulars."

Though we all came from widely varying backgrounds and experiences throughout these lifetimes we're now sharing, don't the Laws of Nicherin Buddhism apply to us all equally, regardless how we've come to feel about politics, society, cynicism, etc... from our environments and upbringings? Doesn't this Law apply to the deluded unknowing simple minded equally as much as it does to knowledgable and wise practitioners: to the good as well as the evil, to the hindu as well as the Southern Baptists, to Americans as well as Asians? Aren't we all living and growing on "the same earth and moistened by the same rain"? Though we all live under the same dense cloud of rain and are refreshed from the same water, the same Law, Nicherin was quick to point out differences and particulars will remain to exist within us and between us. (What a drab, boring world if it weren't that way), but still, it can create occasional confrontations. Our latest confrontation on this thread appears to be somehow twisted up with international politics . . . but it really isn't doing that much for me because I know nothing will come of this which will help us better realize the learnings offered by Nicherin. So how bout we change the subject?

My Two Cents Worth,

GordyP :wave:


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
When The Harmony Is Lost

When The Harmony Is Lost

When the harmony is lost
Then come clever discussions and
"Wise men" appear

When the unity is lost
Then come "friends"

When the session is plunged
Into disorder
Then there are "doctors"

Taken from the "book of change" aka "The Tao Te Ching"


Harmony is Here

Harmony is Here

So happy to see you SoCAl and GordyP! Thought we had lost you.
Always enjoy you Bog and happy to see you back Avid Lerner.

I am so sorry that you feel the way that you do and take what is said the way that you do. I have NEVER made myself look like the learned historian in here and everything I write is MY OPIONION and when not I state that. And I'm sorry that I cannot get up on that political soap box with you, I will never be there with you. It is not my space at this point in my life. However, I do want to make one point very clear to you and hopefully to all those who are not American who come in here.
I AM an AMERICAN. I love America. I hope that anyone in here who sees this knows that we here in AMERICA are not the angry controlling steamroller we are seen as by alot of people. There are thousands of people coming into this country daily for a better life than where they came from and grateful to be here. There are people who hold duel citizenships. This is not a horrid place. No horrid than any other country who is represented by people they did not put in office. I do not know how much simpilier to put it. And tho the world as a whole sucks, I strive and work at finding the good in people and situations in every place and around me. And that is the point. I have tried and explained why I see things the way I do.
What I do know is that I get strength and happiness from this Nichiren Daishonin Buddhism. I get benefits in my life and meet some great people because of it. It has guided me and my children. I have been able to show actual proof in here and those around me. And that is the gift I thought that we were in here to share with one another. It has sounded like to be a buddhist or practice this buddhism we have to be on some sort of polictical ban wagon, when infact it is the opposite. Most find peace in this. So with a smile on my face, truly, I too am done with this. It is not what I want to talk about and I think it counterproductive to what we strive to do in here.
So I am with Bog on this one. So what do we do about it? Where do we go from here? How do we as individuals continue and strive to obtain KosenRufu?
How do we make it better? I love you Thomas. Southern Girl


How the Hell?

How the Hell?

Okay BOG, I'll bite. Just to let you know you didn't slip it by me earlier, How-The-Hell can you fit Nam-myoho-renge-kyo into the theme to The Beverly Hillbillies?! You know you had everyone on the thread trying to do it as soon as they read it! Best I can figure, you must have to stuff all the extra sylables into the "renge" portion of the chant. :chin:

When my grad school-aged daughter was home for the Christmas holiday, talk somehow turned to movies and I discovered to my horror she had never seen one of my "must see" flicks, To Kill a Mockingbird. I immediately drove to BlockBuster and rented it for her to watch with me at my home. So after she watches it, all the time listening to me going on and on about it, she tells me she's gonna buy me a W.W.A.D. bracelet to wear. I asked what that meant and she explained how many Christians she's met are wearing a "What Would Jesus Do" (W.W.J.D.) bracelet. Then she said my bracelet should remind me to ask "What Would Atticus Do?", and thus the W.W.A.D. for me.

I tell that story only because after reading BOG's account of how he chanted daimoku to the theme of The Beverly Hillbillies, at first I had a moment of mixed emotion (most likely due to my Christain upbringing in a Christain community). But once that moment had passed, a big question filled my head: What Would Nicherin Do? I mean, of course, what would Nicherin be thinking about, receiving these sacred words in such a form. Until convinced otherwise, I'm got to believe Nicherin is cool with Jed and Granny and thoroughly enjoys and commends your spirit in practice! :yes:

Whatever floats yer boat
Right-On, BOG




Go9rdyP. Nichiren taught Nam Myoho Renger Kyo exists within all entities, including the Beverly Hillbillies. How about chanting to Jazz. I do that all the time. The Mystic Law has a rhythm that is a part of music, art, the cosmos.

I think Nichiren would smile.

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