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BabbaBud... You write very very well. Those kinda poems that make ya think! :D


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Im sorry i should mark each poem ......this has been taken from
the "Tao Te Ching "


opps.. I thought you wrote them!! lol..
alright, well how bout this...
Babba I love the poems you choose to share with us... :D


On Aid and Giving

On Aid and Giving

Wow! Turn my head away from the thread for a day and it fills up with postings. Good to see we're still here and motoring along.! :wave:

I, too, have mixed emotions when I see all the aid pouring in to help tsunami victims. It's absolutely wonderful to see so much food, water, medical treatment, shelter, etc... going to survivors of this disaster. And it warms me inside when I see scenes of children selling lemonade or an outpouring of compassion from a church as they raise money for other human beings; not specifically for Sri Lankans, Indians, Buddhists, Hindus, or any other sub-group, but simply for the sake of helping other human beings who are trying to survive on this same earth we all occupy.

But then I'm quickly cooled off when I see and hear how our media and political factions are using this disaster as an opportunity to fulfill their hidden agendas; those of making more money and obtaining more votes, power and influence. Why were these groups sitting on their hands during times of unspeakable violence and death in Rwuanda or earthquakes in China? There wasn't enough money, power, or headlines to be subsequently gained from it! I'm pleased seeing all the relief aid headed to the innocent victims of violence or nature, but quickly grow cynical when I see the "Aid Scoreboard" being updated each evening on TV and each morning in the newspaper. At the corporate and international level this is indeed a calculated and "Competitive Compassion", to borrow a term from PTDoobie.

In my opinion, the act of giving can be carried out in a cognitive or an intrinsic fashion. When I ask myself how much of this aid would exist if the governments and corporations giving it had to remain anonymous, sadly my answer is far, far less, if any at all. In this fierce political world, spearheaded by our own USA, you never get something for nothing. I have no doubt Washington and the Pentagon are already busy looking for the best spots in tsunami-torn countries to build a new air strip or military installation. Soon after that, our corporate world will be scoping out places there to build tax-free, low cost labor intensive factories and McDonalds franchises. The simpler worlds that once existed there will never be the same.

No, let our aid and compassion to the suffering be intrinsic rather than cognitive. Let it come quietly and effectively from the truly compassionate around the world, like the schoolchildren selling lemonade or the church seeking donations. Let it come from the heart, with no strings attached, and not from the spin doctors in our government and media. I'm sick of our newspeople sticking a "scorecard" in my face every day to tell me which countries and which corporations care the most!




Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
PS: Mrs. G --

PS: Mrs. G --

He's being modest, Babbabud DID write those poems; it was just that he did it in previous lifetimes.



WHoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Guys!

WHoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Guys!

But Thanks for clarifying for me that the political war is still alive and well. I was not talking about George Bush. I was talking about the average Joe Blow American , YOu Know AMERICANS! And have done alot of good things, and we have helped alot of people collectively. And I'm farther away from all the bullshit, I'm not a republican nor a democrat and I don't have if any faith in the American Government. They are going to do what they will at others expense. Thats the evil, Not everyone has good missions in life. But most Americans are good as all people are in other countries and I have to believe that because if not then this buddhism is crap. So I spend more time worrying about how I affect everyone around me and the causes I make than worrying about all the rest. THAT is what I'm suppose to be doing for Kosen Rufu, my part in the goal for World Peace. I can't do that and run with all that heavy political shit that weighs my heart, cuz you all just found out that what you think is the majority could do nothing to change it. I am not and will not be a part of all that political anger, it is counter-productive. I expect nothing from them then I'm not disappointed.
So.......how was ya'lls day? :friends: Southern Girl


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
SG - I was talking about Americans!

SG - I was talking about Americans!

You know, the all knowing and wise majority of the population?

"We as a country would have no debt if all the countries we have helped in the past made good on even 1/3 of what we have given to just about every country."

What is "made good"?

By the way, thanks for asking! I am having a great day on another wet and cold one over here. My kids are more beautiful than I can imagine.

What I said was not political in regard to either party. I was merely stating facts. You are one of the few that know where I really live. My democrats did more damage to the locals here then the republicans, although recent events are coming around to possibly change that status.

"But most Americans are good as all people are in other countries and I have to believe that because if not then this buddhism is crap."

Why? Is Mappo the "evil" Latter Day of the Law, just because of the governments that exist during this period? Doesn't the environment always reflect the karma of it's inhabitants? Frankly, this karma is reflected in many ways, in my opinion. Will the church that collected the $30K be giving it out to people with no missionary strings attached? No, "Here's some food, but before you eat it let's say grace?" Do people have to be "good" before we should encourage them to practice Buddhism? I don't think so.

I am not and was not being adversarial! But if you start singing the praises of the self-induced hypnotic drone of the American propaganda machine, I have to say something in response. In my opinion, the viewpoint you are expressing is a sincere one, but lacks historical and realistic objectivity. It is the opinion and self-image Americans have of themselves that keeps them from truly being what they could be to the rest of the world, in my opinion. Americans are people. No more, no less. Different maybe, but certainly no better, no worse. This moment is just a point in time, as we have defined it. History shows the world is changing all the time. And it is changing now.

No king lives forever.

"And I'm farther away from all the bullshit" When you speak in terms of fact, this term is not applicable. Please refute what is being said before you label it.

And if you could hear me speaking instead of just reading this, you would know that I am not being pissy. I am not putting any opinion down. I am reflecting on a problem that I see, that as you said, I have no control over. I too, try and "spend more time worrying about how I affect everyone around me and the causes I make than worrying about all the rest." That doesn't mean that those people that additionally reflect on worldly things, are wrong or misguided in doing so, does it?

Are you aware that the American government last year gave over ONE BILLION dollars to faith based groups?

If the American people are not reflective of a government that they elect, then what does accurately reflect who they are? They money that they donate? After the process was turned into an olympic competition? Give the money! Give more! We have! But don't turn that act into point of self-agrandizement. Giving money doesn't make you good! My new country has given twice the money per capita that America has. TWICE! Does that make us better or more generous? Japan has committed THREE times the amount per capita of the U.S. Are the Japanese superior? I don't think so.

My point is nothing more than I don't attach a collective value to the acts of many at a moment in time, as being reflective of anything more than a moment in time. As usual, the tendency will be for Americans to assume that they are the most wonderful, caring the most, giving the most. With the biggest economy in the world, that might be the least that they can do.

I will say it again, more clearly. Americans have been responsible for the deaths of almost as many innocent people as killed in the big wave, in the name of eliminating the potential threat of death of Americans via terrorism. The polls say the majority of Americans support this postion. To me that says it all. In my opinion, it will take more than money to show how wonderful the American people really are.



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Mrs G!

Mrs G!

You know what you believe. And now we do too...

Once you acknowledged you chanted Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, you acknowledged yourself to be a Bodhisattva of the Earth. So deep down you DO know what you believe. I think that is what draws you to this thread.

Nothing else! :wave:

Thanks for stepping up to the plate and speaking from your heart!


Hey Ms G!

Hey Ms G!

By the way, Ms.G, is the name chosen for me when The horrid day comes that I am a Grandmother. That way they don't have to say the word. So I already have an affinity for your nickname.

Please don't ever feel like you can't say what you want. As you see, I get slammed on a regular basis, however, I have my opinions too and believes. The things I sometimes say are taken incorrectly and talking on a puter instead of face to face makes a big difference. But its ok. That is what we are here for. To toss things around, put your opinion out there and see where it goes. And for some us to share how are belief gets us through and inspite of our differences of opinion, are one common goal, itai doshin, is what ties us together. We will probably find, should we all truly come together, how different we really are but with strong enough common grounds to stay together and encourage.

As we have discussed, there is alot of evil as well as good. There would be no live lessons without the bad. Which was the point of my comment that not all have good missions. I do not believe that you have to be good to be a buddhist, because a couple of us would never have made it. It is actually the hardships and adversities and poor choices that we overcome that encourages. Which is another case in point in why we all have to be different. How can you touch the masses if you are all from the same walks of life.

You are correct I think when you say alot is bad. But I donot surround myself with those people, hang where they hang and expose myself to as little of it as I possibly can. I wear tinkerbell eyes because I see enough misery 12hr out of everyday that I work. I see the anger in the way that people drive. I do not watch the news, especially local. And the reason you think so much is bad, is because that is all that is ever shown.

I am a die-hard optimist. I have to be. It is what has gotten me through so much shit. Alot of people give from there heart. And it doesn't matter what faith base that it is, as long as it is helping. Every church know to man, including buddhists have give money to funds. I don't think they have to say hale Mary's prior to getting a bottle of water. The State of Texas has an account being sent from collections of establishments all over the state, I don't think they have to be a Texan to be helped.

There is good and evil in all, and you have to believe or see the good somewhere in everybody, or how can we say that we are bodisattvas of the earth, here in mappa, to fight for Kosen Rufu. I myself, have to work at it everyday. I really hate to hear everyone be so cyanical. Sounds like there is no hope and that is where this buddhism would be crap.

So I love you all. And always look forward to seeing anyone in here. I have received a benefit or dream of a lifetime in here. I just can't see life as some of you do, and that's ok. Southern Girl


Forgive the Typos!

Forgive the Typos!

Hope ya'll forgive the typos. This is after 12hrs of work and 2 hours on the phone. I hurry and click so I won't lose it and find I reread after I send! :wave: SG


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
The more you say, the less I understand what you are saying...

The more you say, the less I understand what you are saying...

"As you see, I get slammed on a regular basis"

If that is what you thought of my response, I sincerely apologize. I wasn't speaking just to your post but also to others that preceeded it, and I feel terrible that you took it so personally. I am very sorry!

"Every church know to man, including buddhists have give money to funds. I don't think they have to say hale Mary's prior to getting a bottle of water."

No they wouldn't be asked to say Hail Mary's. The Catholics are actually pretty laid back and usually follow the federally mandated rules. It's the Evangelical's that seem to have that problem. And it DOES happen. All the time! Do your research and don't assume everyone is as good a person as you. They do it with sincere conviction in their hearts, but they DO DO IT.

And regularly!

And now, there's no one to say "Don't do that!" anymore.

"There is good and evil in all, and you have to believe or see the good somewhere in everybody, or how can we say that we are bodisattvas of the earth, here in mappa, to fight for Kosen Rufu. I myself, have to work at it everyday. I really hate to hear everyone be so cyanical. Sounds like there is no hope and that is where this buddhism would be crap."

This all started with me reacting to your implication that everyone in America was so wonderfully caring by how much money they were giving. There's nothing cynical in what I said except my acknowledgement that I was cynical of the West's "sense of morality or of their true caring for the poor and the suffering." Are you saying that now you see some new hope for Kosen Rufu as coming from the donations that America is making to the tsunami victims?

Part of practicing Buddhism is the effort to see the good in people and not the bad, because they (all of us) inherently possess both. That doesn't make the person that we endeavor to see the good qualities in a good human being. Whether they are or not, as a Bodhisattva of the Earth, you are supposed to have the compassion to try and encourage them to embrace the Law of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. It has NOTHING to do with whether they are good or bad, or at least it shouldn't.

Don't forget that Shakyamuni, in a previous lifetime deemed offerings of mudpies to be more valuable than gifts of gold. As Avid is so fond of reminding us (because it is so important and true), "It is the heart that is most important." The heart is not necessarily qualified by dollar signs. A former girlfriend of mine named Cherie, was the most charitable donator of money I have ever known. You know who I am talking about. I hope this finally helps you understand the point is was making in my previous posts.

I was not being cynical. I was stating information that I come by from making a huge effort to be informed. The things I said were based on information that I sure did not just make up. What did I say though, that makes it seem like there is no hope? It's only me talking and Mrs. G saying she agrees. How did everyone get cynical to the point that we made it sound like there is no hope?

I'm sure Mrs. G didn't mean anything that way, and I know I did not. I am sure she joins me in saying we are sorry if you took it that way.



Nope I wasn't Mad!

Nope I wasn't Mad!

Dear Big Brother,
I guess I should have separated my responses because what I said to Ms. G, had really nothing to do with the conversation going on. I just wanted her to know that everyone in here is full of opinions and hers were welcome. You and I have been sparring for 15 years and this thread is not going to change that. And maybe my timing of comments with what was going on was incorrect.

NO, I do not think that giving money to the victims of the east have a thing to do with Kosen Rufu in the sense that you said. I actually humored at the thought that we had a war going on and then we have this movement of good doers all at the same time and how silly it is to be doing one and the other at the same time.

The last comment of mine that you addressed for me was focused at how much we are in mappo, how important the movement of kosen rufu is and how with our different walks of life and daily lifes (and opinions)that together we can make a difference.

Sweetie, Thank about where I am. Thank about me standing at the courthouse square and saying all that has been said in here and at the end say, Now let me tell you about NamMyoHoRengeKYo. After they tarred and feathered me and hung me on the flag pole, how many do you think would be chanting. I have had to approach the world around me with different eyes and thoughts. And I fight the influence of it daily. As millions do. So you have to remember that some of my thoughts and upbringing come from southern, military brat living in the heart of Texas. You have a daily influence of being in an asian country and see the world from another viewpoint that alot do not see. I am the otherside trying to come to the middle. Thats all. It doesn't make anything right or wrong or good or bad, just is!

So I'm good, continuing forward and continuing to be your baby sister, PTD as I have been for a long time. Southern Girl


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Very well said!

Very well said!

And exactly correct. Let me apologize for misunderstanding. It was my interpretation of what you were saying, and now obviously not what was being said. That's why we've sparred all these years, anyway isn't it? Trying to make our points to one another when the other isn't quite understanding what is being conveyed? Thank you for your patience, and than you for your explaination.

WOW! Love is powerful thing isn't it?



As We ALways Are

As We ALways Are

LOVE is more powerful than respect, Big Brother! SG :friends:


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Hey Marley! So happy to see you here man. It's been a while so I wasn't sure if you were still with us. A belated Happy New Year to you!

Don't be a stranger!


Bubblegum Specialist
Forgive my absence but I had the Tsunami flu. It comes fast and unexpectedly, it devastates you as it comes and as it goes and then its over as quick as it came but it leave you in the trash wondering what truck hit you. :D I think it was due to the sufferring the Tsunami caused having to be felt by all of us somehow.

Tom, I am probably just as cynical as some people would call it as you. But, most Americans need the delusion that all the killing done is for the best and recently I had an arguement with a family member about the futility of war. I am agains them you see but my nephew seems to think nuking Japan was justifiable. Perhaps he thinks that under similar circumstances it would be ok to do it again. To intentionally kill 100,000 civilians seems a crime to me. Rationalize it as you will but I bet Southern Girl sees what we mean. She isnt a believer in the American way but like myself she sees americans as mostly good people as I have.

It's getting harder since the election though and the divided nation is ready to go to war. We have nothing to say to each other from left to right anymore because we arent listening. I am a democrat who sees all the flaws in our system and our system has failed for sure. All the outcomes of bad govt are coming to us now and the rest of the world doesnt owe us shit really.

Forget all debts and start over would be my advice to the world but this pole shift cant be stopped now. The world is in for it and the Tsunami was just the beginning. The weather is going nuts now like in the movie, "Day after Tomorrow". Watch that movie and the truth is told about the salinity of the oceans and the impending doom as the pump stops leading to a new ice age. The shit is hitting the fan and democrats wont have any solutions.

Liberal ideas always win in the end because change always comes eventually. We created HIV to avoid mass extinction all at once but it didnt work fast enough so chant and be happy. The end is coming and this is the divine intervention we seek.

What are we called if we die for the enlightenment of others? I hope there are some others left but I volunteer to do whatever would please the sky brothers who come to save some of us. I like to believe in the goodness inherent in most people too but that wont change our karma after what we have done to ourselves, the animals, the forests and the planet. She is alive and she won't be killed.

So on that happy note I rejoin you and say that my book is coming along fast and that I have new great news! :D

High Times approached me for Pix of the Month and 3 strains will be featured in the photo feature with my descritions. See what chanting can do?

We can call in the Mother Ships when the time comes and have our people ready. I know they exist and I haven't told you all I have seen as far as the ufo's either.

Southern Girl did feel you disagreed with her Tom and that can make me cringe but I understand why and how it happened in this format. We all love each other and agree on the important things and who the hell cares how each person deals with the incongruities of this chaos in which we live. Love, BOG


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor

Actually, "Southern Girl did feel you disagreed with her Tom" is a correct statement. The points made initially that I reacted to morphed into something different from where it started, so as long as we weren't going to address them here, I did so via PM.

I just cringe now, because I KNOW, soon, sometime in the future, the first time that Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, or India, do not tow the self-serving U.S. point of view, all you will hear is: "And that's the thanks we get after all we did to help them! Those ungrateful people!"

And super congratulations on the High Times benefit! Way to go dude! We are all proud to call you a friend!


Clearing to All

Clearing to All

I guess now is as good as a time as any to get a point out here since we have all become closer through time and starting to learn one another.

I am not ignorant to what goes on in the world and go through phases of oversaturating myself with hours of negative news. But I truly believe that is in large doses is bad for your soul. And I will admit to having a child like view of people and the world and look at it through rose colored glasses, but there is just so much of children washing away in the water that I can view, mothers killing their children, husbands killing their wifes, robbing, stealing, raping, killing, fighting, power money! It becomes totally nauseus to me.
I will always believe that people are good and that is what we say that we believe in buddhism, there is good and evil even in the enlightened ones. A balance that always remains. So I choose to focus on the positive and not the negative.

I like others struggle with what we grow to know to be correct and true vs what we were raised and taught to believe is true. Tommy and I were raised and influenced under completely different views. Our fire and passion happen too many times focus on the opposites of an issue which makes us be a devil's advocate to one another. And you will all see us spar again and again. And you WILL see me disagree with him and him with me, but please all know he is my older brother in the truest sense of the word and our interaction with one another. And I would pull out some nasty scorpio stuff on anyone who hurt or threatened him. So please do not read more into what is there that is not or you will be cringing alot Dear Bog! Southern Girl


In following the Tsunami issue, Colin Powel feels this can help US image to the world, Navy carrier asked to not hold training mission in Indian Ocean and to please leave. US Marines asked to put down their arms while performing International Aid. I believe, there is no room in politics for humanity, and no room in humanity for politics. I consider myself a Global Citizen.

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