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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Thanks SoCal !!!

Thanks SoCal !!!

That was great! And it is so good to hear from you. Trust the new gig is panning out? Keep up causes like putting that together for the monthly World Peace Prayer, and I know you are going to get you where you need to be. STAY IN TOUCH!!!



Smiles on My Face

Smiles on My Face

Well here is the update for this week. I past all my tests and I begin Orientation on Monday. That means payday comes when the mortgage is due. I got approved for all 3 weeks of my unemployment from Florida, which is a first for me. I recieved all $1150 deposit for damages to my house in Texas. I got in the mail today the extra $127 I mailed to boards that had been returned and lost. $750 from the corporation I work for for relocation. And...........some "flowers" known to you as high time arrived today thru an old friend I haven't seen in 2 years unknowing that I had none. All that leaves is FEMA. I would say that is a double NamMYoHoRengeKyo. Take a deep sigh of relief and enjoy the next 2 days with no stress for the first time in 4 weeks. And a big Thanks to all that supported my life this past 4 weeks with your daimoku. I don't know if I would have done it without you.
I'm still chanting for you Gordy P. And I'm still waiting on that updated call PTB about the Doobie Brothers. And SoCAl I've wondered where the hell you've been. Haven't seen Natty in a while either. SG

Never Doubt the Power of NamMyoHoRengeKyo


New member
good to see you all

good to see you all

I have checked this forum many times, and never post before, and just want to say I am happy to be here, and keep it going passthedoobie:)




No Gordy P! I think that this time it is Bvlgari my favorite cologne that I'm getting low on. :) SG


Yes, Vanilla!

Yes, Vanilla!

SG, I was refering to your "Up to Ivan and Beyond" post a few days ago, when I mentioned vanilla. You've been walkin' through some huge piles of shit lately, but no one would know it to listen to you now, or smell that natural vanilla aura radiating out around you!

Sniff one of your newly received "flowers" for me, as I continue my fasting in search of bigger and better career opportunities. Hope to be joining you high on the mountain very soon!



Aspiring Higher

Aspiring Higher

Yes Gordy! I know what you were referring to, however, I felt that since I have entertained my friends and had to go to higher heights this time, I thought that maybe instead of Vanilla, I could aspire to be at Bvlgari.
And you to will be here with me. Remember, with heart and feeling,(comedy) not ego thinking.(tragedy) NamMyoHoRengeKyo, no such prayer goes unanswered.
Never Give Up No Matter What! I just refuse at this point to take no for an answer at this point in life. The powerful prayers are the ones that I have self confidence in. Those that I ask for with a sentiment of Well I think I should or It would be nice if..... Remember It is your Mirror. If your daimoku is full of I need help that is what is coming back at you. Like the Roar of a Lion!!
Love, SG (And there are days I would smack you with this piece of paper! ha ha)


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Off to Canada!

Off to Canada!

See you guys when I get back Tuesday night. SG, I will call you on the way to the airport. My Mom is having surgery Monday. Please all those that read this think of her and send her a moment of energy. A hello and happy Sunday to Yoda! What up dude? Gordy, I am so impressed to hear you express yourself so eloquently here! I love you stonegirl!!! Bye all!



Hello StoneGirl!

Hello StoneGirl!

Greetings! I thought that was you the other day but didn't want to go too far out on a limb. And happy to say, I'm finally happy to meet you. I've been hearing about you for the past 13 years. As a matter of fact, when PTB gets a little pompous about a certain personal situation, I just throw StoneGirl right back at him. And to add the Doobie boys & girl are quite adorable. You have done well. It has always been my prayer that some day we meet. Who knows? After all these years, maybe I'll get to meet SoCal and Gordy P. Love & Light to you all, SG


New member
thank you SG!

thank you SG!

I've heard so much about you too, I don't really have much time to write,+ I type slow.......and we are facing a lot of "changes"
I chain everyday for us,mom, and you all....... I know we are goona be fine, just like you SG:) , it the power of Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, and I will keep chanting till the day I die......
you are such sweatheart SG, you deserve everything you chant for


From the Land of the Past

From the Land of the Past

Hey there StoneGirl!

So nice to have you here with us. Now we've got someone who can validate some of the wild stories from PTDoobie. Ya know how he tends to exaggerate at times. ;)

Just want to let you know if there's ever anything you'd like to know about that Indiana guy of yours from age 10 to 19 (a boy's formidable years), I'd be more than happy to relate to you what REALLY happened during that time in his whirlwind life. I was right there for most of it. No, he actually didn't win the state cross-country championship or win the perfect attendence award at school. He sure made growing up in a small town a lot more exciting for me, though! Even in those early days, he was always searching for ways to get the most out of life. My best friend, then and now.

I'll PM you some old memories you can use to blow his mind when you think the time is right.

Hope your travels bring you and the kids to the midwest someday so I can meet you and bounce a baby or two on my knee. My two girls are both now in their twenties and a bit too old for that stuff (at least from Dad) anymore. Sure miss those days when they were growing up. No doubt I'll get the chance again in a future lifetime, though.

Know that I'll be chanting for your Mom and the entire Doobie family, now that SouthernGirl and PTDoobie convinced me to start up again. You keep us posted now, gal!



New member
thanks GordyP

thanks GordyP

Trust me, I know PTdoobie very well........
and I'd love to meet you, I think it's much easier for you to treaval than me bring the dooibe brothers to you, so welcome to Asia, our new place will be ready by Jan. hope you can make it here, I am working right now, got to go here talk to you soon

take care you all


Hey Guys and Girls!

Hey Guys and Girls!

Hello Everyone!
Well I guess as I promised PTB, I will be a little more detailed on what has just happened. There has been so much that if I detailed everything I would get booted. But I need to show the timing of all of this.
I went to my orientation yesterday. Of course it is strange to be in the same house with the same job doing the same things. I started my job in Florida on Oct 18, 2002 and now back Oct 18, 2004. Something I noticed yesterday on my paperwork. There were more people in orientation than I have ever seen. While talking with some of the people I found out that a hospital that has been in business for 100 years went out of business 2 days after I arrived here. The point is there is 300 people out of job, so can we say how lucky I was to even have one. The timing of everything for me has been 11th hour stuff. And I found out that I will be making $9/hr more than I was in Florida. And they are paying for my continuing education that was set to cost me $5000. Now it isn't.
Sometimes our sincere prayers are answered in ways that we can't see. WE see it initially as something really bad. And even tho it might not be our way of doing it the end result is better than what we thought it to be. I think that is why they say when you chant don't chant for the way there just chant for what it is you seek. You may be eliminating 100 other quicker ways to get you there. I would never have planned this way. However, because of the shock of it all and the timing and desires of my chanting I have just gone with it. Remember that when you are chanting. Have faith and I have to remind myself of that everyday. Trust in NamMyoHoRengeKyo.
StoneGirl, SoCAl, and Gordy P you are family by proxy. You all will always be in my prayers. Love, SG


PTD Feelin' Left Out (Wah-Wah!)

PTD Feelin' Left Out (Wah-Wah!)

Hey Dip-shit,

Check out the PM I just sent your way. It's all about YOU, YOU, YOU!



New member
back here again

back here again

Kind of miss you all(SG ,Socal, GordyP,PTD):)
I had very busy day(again) , but I am going home early today to see "the Doobie brothers". and I have a few"big" things to chat about, really hope I can type fast to tell you all the details, maybe PTD can help me out here, so please chat for me my brothers and sister. take care you all



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
We are ALL family

We are ALL family

And we get together when we each read this thread and visit this site (no matter whom we are or where we are). My stonegirl is the most incredible person I have ever met in my whole life. What an honor to be your children's father! My pride and joy is beyond description for the special significance of how SG and GordyP and SoCal have become friends from three different parts of the country, after being my friends for so many years.

For you to chant Gordy, is the answer to years of concern and prayer. (And thanks for the PM dick-wad! How could you blackmail me like this after all these years? How could you possibly remember the words? And yes, I rememered them too, singing right along and laughing out-loud 'till I cried.)

But I am finding I have LOTS of old friends, though some of them may be chronologically karmically linked at a later date in time. I met such a friend on this last trip. But due to his notoriety, I'll let him reveal himself, if he is so inclined, just as all who read this do so of their own volition.

Hey there dear friend! I trust you are home well and safe when you get the chance to read this. My next entry, on the ten mystic principles, will be done so in dedication to you. Stay warm in your cave.

And my mom's surgery went very well, thank you!!!!!


(PS: when stonegirl wrote 'chat', I am sure she meant 'Chant')
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Glad to see you back PTB!

Glad to see you back PTB!

So I take it that Daddy Doobie has returned and sounds as tho he had a good trip. Anxious to hear about that at another time. And we know exactly what StoneGirl meant Dad! We have done fine in that department in your absence as I'm sure you have seen.
Gordy P! Are you so absorbed with chanting that you can't talk with me anymore? How are things going for you?
And I have to add another benefit that came today at another yet 11th hour. I was in orientation today and wrote 10/20/04 all day and realized that all my bills were due tomorrow. I panicked a bit in the car coming home and immediately said to myself, NOWAY do not go there! Just chanted in my head. Came home to find out that today $1005 was deposited into my account for the relocation. Thank You Thank YOu Thank You! I have never in my practice had so many benefits one after another and I'm sure it is attitude.
Thomas use to get mad at me but it is like being "Tinkerbell". You just have to believe and have faith. Sorry Thomas! It works for me. And I love finally getting to connect with StoneGirl after all these years and connecting with your buddies. It is a very comforting feeling. Love to you all, SG
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