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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Calling all Bodhisattvas of the Earth!

I never did a new thread before, but something really cool has happened as part of my experience at ICmag.com. I have found quite coincidently that there are folks here that share my philosophy of life.

So far it is me, Hitman, and VegasBuddha!

Is there anyone else?

Almost anyone reading this (I will asume) will not have a clue as to what the fuck I'm talking about. I'll cut and paste a post from another thread, and at least try and make an effort to explain it.

As always this is a forum. All comments are open, and remember most of all that we are all friends, embracing a common form of focus, participation, and expression.

Kosen Rufu is World Peace!



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
You can chant about anything!

You can chant about anything!

We have experienced something personally that has led us to believe that the ultimate Law of Life and karma is, cause and effect. There is individual karma and there is collective karma. Why do all of the people from varying backgrounds sometimes have collective fates (9/11 for example)?

We believe that the environment reflects the collective karma of those who inhabit it. We have come to accept a view, based on personal experience, that there is a means for individuals to change their Karma, and bring out their Buddha Nature. That is why we chant.

The belief is that the more people that chant, the more the environment of all living things is influenced as an effect of that cause. We are all devoted to achieve happiness in our daily lives and to hopefully express to society through our efforts, a reason to be curious about this NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO, and try it for themselves.

We believe at a point in time in the future, through the efforts of really nothing more than our daily practice, we can influence the numbers of people it will require to "Pacify the land, through the propagation of the law." Kosen Rufu. I.E.: If enough people chant, the ozone layer will heal, the droughts and floods will stop, the earth will become benign to it's inhabitants and people throughout the world will respect the sanctity of life, based on respect for the Buddha Nature in all things.

I never thought I would be discussing it in a reefer forum, but there you have it.



I hope you don't mind if I grab a seat next to ya under the Bo tree :cool:

In the past year or so I've become very interested with buddhism but there aren't eactly any monestaries nearby for me to go practice at lol

I'm reading "The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying" by Sogyal Rinpoche...so far it's incredible. I hope to be able to share a bit and learn a lot from you guys :)

Let us find our true Buddha Nature:D

peace n' love


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
An infinite universe has no beginning, nor does it end

An infinite universe has no beginning, nor does it end

Bodhi and phototropic,

Let's all sit under the tree together.

Prayer without action is idealism, and action without prayer is futile.

The difference between a common mortal and a Buddha, is that a common mortal is deluded, and a Buddha is not.

Eliminating delusion equals enlightenment.

What is the appropriate way to achieve this in Mappo?

(chanting what's beneath my name below)



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Ruff Ruff is much better than bow wow

Ruff Ruff is much better than bow wow

There is no question that there are times in everyday life when cranky is the only appropriate way to be!

Welcome to the tree!



Now this is so kewl. This reminds me of the medicanal herbs chapter of the Lotus Sutra.:eek:

It is my desire to bring happiness to everyone I meet. no matter what they may feel. At least we can start by sitting down and sharing together, dialogue. and a doobie

Nam Myoho renge Kyo, Like the beneficient rain for all life!



Try the book "the Buddha in your mirror", available at your local library or even bookstore. Great reading about how to practice without any monestary or priest. The Wonderful Law of Life resides within each and every one of us, and nowhere elses. That is alll tha is really needed. We liberated the Wonderful Law of Life from priestly control in 1991! Now anyone can chant NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO and receive GOHONZON and change their lives forever throught the three existences of past prtesent and future: yes Virginia we believe we live eternally!



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
'67 is almost pre-pioneer!

'67 is almost pre-pioneer!

Thank you VB! We need you to keep an eye on the thread so thanks for jumping in to express yourself. Next week I finish my first full thirty years, but Dude! You be reachin for 40! So happy to have connected with you brother.




I started when I was 11 or 12 yrs old. It made snese than and it makes sense now! Thanks for the props. It does not matter how long you practice, The Dragon King's Daughter became enlightened in an instant! She is an example for all humanity! Enlightenment is only one thought away!

It makes sense to see Nichiren practitioners in this forum, Buddhism is daily life and daily life is Nichiren's Daishonin's Buddhism. The two can not be seperated.

So here we are sitting under the Bodhi tree sharing our first dubbie together, cough, cough. Nice to meet you!:wave:

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, like the roar of the lion!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Your words are pure and without error

Your words are pure and without error

Dude! Thus I heard!

Thanks and let me PassTheDoobie back to you Pat. That is the whole point isn't it? Faith in Nam Myoho Renge Kyo is action. Action is ALWAYS louder than words. What you said about the Dragon King's Daughter is the truth and basis for this forum.

Let's all sit here together and encourage each other in getting to that one thought in this lifetime, fullfilling our missions as jiyu-no-bosatsu (Bodhisattvas of the Earth). cough cough

It is so nice meeting you too!



That is so true, regarding the Buddha's actions. The rason for the Buddha's advent in his lifetime was his behaviour. Our behaviour as human beings is what is most important. It is through our individual behaviour the eternal Buddha; Myoho Renge Kyo; is expressed.

Thus the Buddha's words, "Though I appear to enter extinction, I am always here." becomes true through our individual thoughts, words, and most importantly actions!

What we do helping others achieve that same one thought, "What can I do to help others achieve the middle way, just as I have" is the eternal question we answer with every thought, word, and action.

"Life springs forth when the causes and conditions for life exist" Hence a young seedling grows up to be a new mother or just another poor male plant destined to be discarded instead of being good genetic material.

Maybe people and plants are the same, just as all life is the same?



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Pat you really wacked me with that one

Pat you really wacked me with that one


"What can I do to help others achieve the middle way, just as I have" is the eternal question we answer with every thought, word, and action.

I've come back and read that post three times now and have not been able to respond. I must acknowledge that you have generated one of those "THINGS THAT MAKE YOU GO HMMMMMMM...."

The responsibility of Bodhisattvahood is not a light one, is it. It is serious as a heart attack shit. The mercy of the Gohonzon astounds me! I am moved to a moment of joy that brings a tear to my eye. I must say you nailed me.

My focus on my responsibility as a Bodhisattva of the Earth has got to get larger. I must take this opportunity to stop incorrect actions and take the correct ones. I have tremendous good fortune to know, in a short time, good friends that I feel so grounded with.

Thanks Pat!



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
The flow of energy ... here.... it ... is . nameless , timeless.. float ....beyond fear.... float.... beyond desire ... into this mystery of mysterys ... through this gate of alll wonder


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
With all due respect my Babbabud brother

With all due respect my Babbabud brother

Strictly a personal experience rather than opinion...

But I don't believe it to be nameless. It may be known of by many names (like us here), but in truth it has but one. It was the name given by the NameGiver at a time in the remotest past, and is known to all Buddha's throughout the Universe. Some may be not be able to reveal it due to the time, but all know it by It's True Name. Kumarajiva revealed it in the title of his translation of the Lotus Sutra.

Nichiren Daishonin was the first to express it correctly in this current time period of Mappo. It has been bestowed upon the entire world and the disciples of Nichiren have been propagating it steadily since it's first invocation. I am a laid back dude, but the truth is the truth, and sometimes you gotta say it.

I wish all the people reading this could take the time to experience it just once. It is so profound it will make the hair stick up on your arms, give you chills and bring tears to your eyes. It ain't just me. I know that for a fact.

When I have fear I substitute the Daimoku for that fear. And in my experience, Earthly Desires Equal Enlightenment as an expedient means of communicating to the Universe, my desire to achieve enlightenment in this lifetime.

Or at least that is what I am supposed to be doing! For some reason, I find myself not doing what I am supposed to be doing. Sometimes. For that reason I say to Pat once again. Thanks Dude! You nailed me!



Shakyamuni buddha reffered to the One Truth as Emptiness, Chi-i understood this emptines to be the ten suchnesses; nyozo ze so..., Nichiren Daishonin understood this to simply be the title of All the Buddhas wisdom; the Lotus Sutra; Myoho Renge Kyo. To embrace this One Great Vehicle Or the One greart Ox cart like a parent embraces a child is Nam, ergo the Law that has remained nameless throughout the three existences; past, present, and future; now has a name, Myoho Renger Kyo Thus Come One teacher of all.

To embrace this one great Buddha called lfe, is to add Nam to this One Great buddha's name; the heart of the Lotus Sutra; the daimoku of the Lotus Sutra; as Nnichiren Daishonin; the True Buddha of the Latter Day Of the Law teaches.

Nam Myoho renge kyo. Contained within this one simple phrase are all the 84,000 teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha, as well as all the benefits of all the Buddha's of the Three existences.



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
grinnning and nodding in agreement

grinnning and nodding in agreement

Thus I Heard, brother. Thus I Heard. That was more very on the money stuff there Pat!

You be a happnin heavy ass mofo. Keep it goin.



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Lay an explaination of the ten factors of life on them!

Lay an explaination of the ten factors of life on them!

What are these ten suchnesses; nyo ze so?

"The true aspect of all phenomena can only be understood and shared between Buddhas. This reality consists of the appearance, nature, entity, power, influence, internal cause, relation, latent effect, manifect effect, and their consistency from beginning to end." This passage provides a theoretical basis for the principal of replacement of the three vehicles with the one vehicle taught in the theoretical teaching (first half) of the Lotus Sutra. Since the ten factors are common to all life and phenomina, there can be NO FUNDAMENTAL DISTINCTION BETWEEN A BUDDHA AND AN ORDINARY PERSON.

(lifted without permission from the Dictionary of Buddhism)



I smiled when I read your reply regarding how to open the way for others in thought, word, and deed.

I figured it out real simple one day. I was reading President Ikeda's guidance one day, He said, "When we support women, women support others." as well as "Please protect our beautiful, hard-working women's division with your daimoku."

I figured it out. All I had to do was to support the women's division in my area, with my thoughts, words, and actions.

The Women's Division does all the hard work in the SGI, so why not support and protect them with my practice, and watch my practice grow, just like I watch my ladies grow, through my daimoku for others, including my ladies in the box. smile.

I believe we have a karmic relationship with women. All women. Hence female plants are more important than male plants, more men grow pot than women. yet more women grow garden's and nurseries than men. Quite intersting when you start to think about these things.

In growing female plants we learn how to care for women. Not too much of anything or too little of anything, either will smother and kill the plant. Women are the same I believe.

So I think women have a more profound role in our society than we are willing to admit or foster support for. That is why to me the SGI-USA is the place to be in the 21st Century.

So all I have to do is chant nam myoho renge kyo for the happiness and success of all women. Be there when they ask me to. Leave when they do not want me around, and think well of them all the time, no matter what! This way I can fulfill the Buddha's wish and my Vow at the same time," How to open the way for others with my thoughts, words and deeds."

Just my thoughts about my practice of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism.

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