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Original Editor of ICMagazine
Greetings all, I have to thank each and every one of you for the wisdom and insights you so freely share with each other, and for the others who take the time to visit here and read the thread.

This keeps me going in dark times...

When I do take the time to chant things seem to click into place. Then perhaps because of my own inherent laziness or sated state or other distractions I forget to chant!

Well, now that I have seen such a direct correlation between chanting and not I am vowing now to continue and not stop for any lengths of time, or intervals.

As I am "back east" now taking care of my Mom who has just returned home from hospital, and my Dad who wanders around in an Alzheimer's daze; there is no access to medicine for myself. I just chanted for an hour after getting them fed and put to bed. It was as good as getting high on weed, and healthier for my poor tired lungs.

A certain calmness filled me, and led me to get online, check the thread and see what's going on. It was a pleasure to read about "Deep Zange" by Richard Causton, as supplied by SoCalHippy.

Thanks for the inspiration! This is obviously something I need to work on as I deal with all the emotions and situations bubbling up from the past and with my family. Apparently and obviously I have some "Deep Zange" issues to deal with...probably true of any family.

So I just wanted to check in and say "High!" to everyone. And thanks again for being here!

Being here now...

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
You guys are putting big freakin smiles on my face! Thank you! SoCal, you need to stay close now! Desi, keep healing and growing spiritually.

I hope you begin to really search inside about the issue of receiving Gohonzon. There is a karma involved there I think. Why else would things be as they are? Please try applying the zange input from SoCal to see if some miracle can't occur to bring the Gohonzon into your present existence more quickly and without obstruction.

Scegy, Sleepy, Bud, Chris, Mrs.B, Easy (you OK?), and all of the rest of our missing friends--all my love and deepest respect!



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
PS: Right on Brother Chris! Use your time back there to take advantage of the situation and chant. Use the Law to teach you it's power as it relates to your parents.

Get your mom to chant with you. Shakubuku (explaining your practice and why you do it) her no matter what. Get each of them to say Nam-myoho-renge-kyo at least once!

The Daishonin says this is your filial duty and the most precious thing you can do to express your love toward them. You can bind your existences with theirs and lead them to enlightment in the future as you continue to lead yourself right now. Trust me and take advantage of the fact that they are both alive and you are there to do this for them.

Deepest respect,



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Foolish men are likely to forget the promises they have made when the crucial moment comes."

(The Opening of the Eyes - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol.1, page 283) Selection source: SGI President Ikeda's essay, Seikyo Shimbun, March 16th, 2009


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
To our fellow members who are in the midst of struggles to overcome adversity right now, let's put our whole heart into offering them all the encouragement we possibly can.
"The voice carries out the work of the Buddha."* Even a single warm, kind and compassionate word can ignite the light of hope in another's heart.

Daisaku ikeda

*The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings, page 4


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Thanks for the encouragement, I found it easy to get them to say Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. They think it's funny, but I am happy they pay some attention. It is a blessing to be here with them at the end of their days, and I plan to learn as much from this experience as I can.

Today I will spend more time with them talking about Buddha and thanks for explaining Shakubuku. This is much better than the Christian concept of proselytism!

I hope not to be one of those "foolish men (who) are likely to forget the promises they have made when the crucial moment comes."

So as the parental units sleep, I researched and read several websites with information about Shakubuku. I came upon the following writing at the Nichiren Buddhist Association of America Home Page...and thank them for the insight. I hope nobody minds me sharing this with the group...

~Nam Myoho Renge Kyo~

Shakubuku: In the Footsteps of Nichiren
By Marge Kirkpatrick

An understanding of shakubuku is critical to the correct practice of Nichiren Buddhism. It is one of the two basic ways of propagating Buddhism: the process of leading a person to the correct teaching by refuting his/her attachment to erroneous beliefs. (The second method is shoju - teaching without pointing out mistaken beliefs). Shakubuku involves a second element as well: conquering the mistaken views in one's own mind and bringing out the Buddha wisdom within. It is important to understand both points, for we must first shakubuku ourselves - confront our own doubts and misconceptions - before we can successfully shakubuku another.

Unfortunately, the practice of shakubuku is often misunderstood. Few seem to recognize that it is first and foremost an act of compassion. Shakubuku is an expression of our belief in the Buddha wisdom inherent in all things, in people's ability to tap that wisdom and, by so doing, to overcome suffering in their lives.

Shakubuku is neither aggressive nor abusive - but because it challenges people's beliefs - is often viewed as "threatening." And not just by the person being shakubukued, but by the person doing the refuting as well. For one thing, too many of us lack the faith to put our own beliefs on the line by pointing out the errors in someone else's. For another, we think it impolite or "politically incorrect" to question or challenge something (anything?) someone else says or believes. But that kind of thinking leaves us all in a muddle. What if Galileo had been afraid to say that the earth is NOT the center of the universe? Or if Darwin had lacked the courage to publish his theory of evolution?

When a scientist puts forth a new hypothesis, it is treated with healthy skepticism. Others poke and prod and turn it upside down. Numerous minds examine the hypothesis from all angles to see if it makes sense and actually works. If it passes the test of scrutiny, eventually it becomes accepted. Then all new hypotheses must fit in with it, too, or present evidence that this new piece of the puzzle actually changes the entire picture.

Nichiren believed religion, too, should be verifiable. He sought to eliminate both the "blind faith" approach and the "I like it therefore it must be true" approach to religious belief. To that end, he devised the three proofs and encouraged people to apply them to their own religious convictions. (First is documentary proof - or a written record of correct practice. Second is theoretical proof - is it consistent? Does it make sense? And finally and most important - actual proof: does it work?)

But Nichiren didn't stop there. He used his own life to test the Buddhism of the Lotus Sutra. If you read The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin you will see that his life was a grand experiment, an expression of his beliefs, and a test of their validity. You will see, too, that - like all of us - he had moments of self-doubt. But always - always his life validated his belief in the Lotus Sutra: his high life condition and abiding wisdom. His overwhelming compassion - even for those who would harm him. His persecution - as predicted in the Lotus Sutra. The timely meteor that halted his beheading. The fulfillment of his prediction of the foreign invasion of Japan. His survival and eventual pardon from two exiles. Each incident strengthened his faith; each furthered his Buddhahood.

But how do we know what worked for Nichiren will work for us? The only way, of course, is by trying it. Indeed, the only way to prove that Nichiren Buddhism actually works for anybody and everybody who practices exactly according to the Lotus Sutra is to have everybody and anybody practice exactly according to the Lotus Sutra. Obvious? Then why do so many refuse to even try shakubuku? Why have some sects gone so far as to deny not only the necessity and but even the significance of shakubuku? Are they afraid of success? Or of failure? Regardless, if we give in to fear, how can we truly be a part of Nichiren's grand experiment? How can we lift religion from the darkness of unprovable dogma into the critical light of verification?

Not convinced? Still feel more comfortable in telling yourself shakubuku is not necessary to teach Buddhism, that all you need is shoju? Know this. Nichiren is exceedingly clear on the point that in the Latter Day of the Law, confronting false doctrines and challenging slander are critical elements in our journey to Buddhahood. If you lack the courage and compassion to practice shakubuku, you will never attain enlightenment. Period. If you read Nichiren - and I mean all of Nichiren - not just a few isolated sentences or paragraphs or goshos; if you read Nichiren - you can't help but see the importance he attaches to the practice of shakubuku nor, I believe, understand why he believes it so critical. Read Nichiren, dear reader, and see for yourself.

Is Nichiren's understanding of correct practice 100% on target? I don't know. Not yet. But I do know this - so far, so good. Not only has chanting improved my life condition, but - once I got up the courage to practice shakubuku - the direction and scope of my entire life began to change. I saw beyond my imagined limits, beyond the fears and frustrations of the lower worlds. The closer I follow in Nichiren's footsteps, the stronger I become, the more manifest my Buddha wisdom, the more rewarding my life. Which is why I have the faith to keep going, to follow this path that Nichiren so lovingly laid out.

Again, dear reader, don't just take my word for it. For without action, it's all meaningless. Without action, it's no more than an interesting philosophical debate. Have the courage to follow your faith, to point out the errors in others' beliefs when confronted with them (such as their dependence on a supreme being), and see how quickly your own life grows and blossoms. Dare to follow in the footsteps of Nichiren. You won't be disappointed.

But until you have sufficient faith that the wisdom of Shakyamuni and Nichiren is also in you and in everyone you teach, you won't have the courage to question faulty teachings. You won't have the courage to stand up for Nichiren Buddhism as more than just "another religion," but as one that actually works to end suffering. More than once I have been told, "there are many truths" as an excuse for not practicing shakubuku. But what does this saying really mean? That everything is true? That contradictory beliefs (such as our present circumstances are the result of divine whim rather than cause and effect) can be true? If that were the case, wouldn't "truth" then be meaningless?

In the final analysis, then, shakubuku is simply an act of truth finding. It's about recognizing that we come to truth from a myriad of directions and with our own circus carts of karmic hindrances. Many of us think we have a handle on the important truths of life, and to some degree, many of us probably do. But our understanding is like that of Shakyamuni's five blind men "seeing" their first elephant. One feels the tail, and says an elephant is like a snake. Another touches a leg and compares it to a stout pillar. A third grabs the tusk, and likens it to a plow…. Each, of course, thinks only he has it right and that the others are deluded.

I like this analogy a great deal. For it not only points out the difficulty in not being able to see the entire picture, but it also shows that partial truths can be more dangerous than outright fallacies. For, like the blind men, we all know what we felt/saw/heard… so why bother with anything else? Especially if it contradicts what we have already accepted. (How incredibly naïve and complacent we are in our beliefs - even if they don't work. Even if they don't make sense. Even if the world is crumbling around us because of them.)

The more I chant and study Nichiren - the more insight I gain into the Lotus Sutra - the more clearly the puzzle pieces of my life, of all life, fit together. Little by little the outline of an elephant emerges - a huge, incredible elephant - as preposterous as such an animal might sometimes seem.

But, you may say… what if, by putting our Buddhist beliefs on the line, we find out some of them are wrong? Well… what if we do? If they are, isn't that important to know? How else can we check and, if necessary, correct our path? We must have the courage to ask the tough questions - not just of our friends and those we teach, but of ourselves; the courage to challenge accepted "truth" - including our own; the courage to be willing to use our very lives as a verification of Buddhahood and as a tool for kosen rufu.

Look at the world today, my friends, and consider. Dare we not confront false beliefs? Dare we not use our lives as vehicles to end human suffering? Dare we not have the faith to follow what we claim to be our convictions? If we lack the courage and compassion to act today, dare we even think what tomorrow might bring?



I'm good! I chanted for 35 minutes and then later on quickie 5 minute gongyo with the wife yesterday after I got the message! Forgot to post after, Tom no kidding I fell off the wagon this entire past week and half from starting the job, yesterday was the first full time session (past 30 minutes) I had during the week and honestly I felt great today! The reminder got me off my ass and planted in front of Gohonzon. Thanks I really needed that, you are clearly my MyohoBrotha From ANOTHA MOTHA! I got called for another job today that pays even better than the current gig. This job is great, awesome experience and brilliant challenges for me to better myself.So feel I gotta give back more to my friends and family and focus my energy more on what I really want and need like a house. I did back out of Area (Region) leader stuff, sticking to Chapter level activities because mostly I'm not ready for more responsibility and I really dig my chapter which keeps me local. Going on three years next week wow I really cashed in big time and President Toda's guidance about how much fortune you accumulate after seven (7) years is almost scary, lol groovy to say the least. Which of course reminds me, the dedicated pupil I try to be with love and respect, MORE DAIMOKU! MORE DAIMOKU! MUGI WASSHIN! FUCK THE BULLSHIT I'M GONNA GITERDONE! I introduced a co-worker already to Buddhism and a classmate tonight! These are things that keep me going while I'm busy with work and school. See my capacity for retention and expansion continues to expand another proof among the many! I just gotta keep cool, the yoga I've been doing has been helping with stress (mostly self-imposed)! Hahaha

SOCAL YES SIR! Babba and Mrs.Babba :) a super big hug to my dear brother and dear sister love you guys thanks always for the support and love we know we could never replace the place you have in our hearts for anything in the world, you are both two most sweet and awesome buddhas! Both of you are so precious and really please me to know your saying "What's up BUd!!!!! muah!" :) THANK YOU SO MUCH! Desi, love the baby picture that is a delicious baby you got there pleased to read so much goodness, I know you can do everything immediately with your faith, bring Gohonzon home! Scegy Bonno Soku Bodai, watch your back brother and keep on chanting more and more I support you! Chris buddy, let's help you get to a chanting meeting locally and chant in front of Gohonzon, you will probably find me there chanting my ass off itching to pass the friendly guest a nice joint!

Peace to all and to all "continue to strengthen your faith! How should you continue to strengthen your faith? By chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!"


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Even if you are not the Venerable Mahakashyapa, you should all perform a dance...When Bodhisattva Superior Practices emerged from the earth, did he not emerge dancing?"

(Great Evil and Great Good - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 1119) Selection source: "Myoji no Gen", Seikyo Shimbun, March 18th 2009


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
(remembering each and every day in prayer: Velma, Jolene, Mrs.G's mother, Southern Girls father, Albert Alonzo, and Johnny in NY)


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam myoho renge kyo
So cool to see this wonderful thread become a sticky!! Always staying on top where we can find it easily. Much respect to our wonderful host for allowing this to happen. Thanks so much for the protection this thread is allowed on this site which many of us think of as home. Woooop !!!
Some awesome post from some awesome Bodhisattvas of the Earth !
Nam myoho renge kyo


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!

This thread has become my constant companion...and I read it with glee every day!

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo...

Today was really GOOD. After chanting for a full hour I felt so calm even my parental units noticed. They both asked if I had been smoking pot. Truthfully, I have not been for awhile now, and I did feel as high as a kite! The best part was the calmness with which I was able to deal with their insanity today, as if it was all normal (which it is).

Babba - I am glad you don't mind me sticking this thread. After years looking for this place it seemed like a good idea at the time...through the amazing grace of GN I was able to do that without asking permission. Thanks Gypsy!!!

I was also thinking that perhaps more growers would notice this thread, read it a bit, and want to join in chanting.

Thomas, thanks for the shakubuku insight. I don't even have to say anything. Just be myself and let others see.

:) I spoke with BushyOldGrower recently, and to the Mrs. - they expressed their love and admiration for all of you. If they weren't so far out there without decent internet they would probably be here all the time, but I believe they are with us always as whenever we get together we have a good chanting session.

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


Active member

Myoho, u've unleashed hell again:)

"Bonno Soku Bodai" i started looking for that phrase and it's meaning and i found out it kinda means to satisfy your earthly desires and i think you were implying not to get involved in something with that girl right? to be careful? i am doing my best trully, there are greater worries

I found something that deeply disturbs me in a way, because SGI is in a way organized like a monarchy and it gives a lot of political power/money/etc to just a few people at the top.
I'm really afraid of history repeating itself, but again The Lotus Sutra has the Highest value for me in all this and i deeply believe in it, so the main reason for my fear is basically my own fear of not being able to see the truth and do the right thing.

I don't believe in any kind of power over nation and other people
I don't believe in wars as they are politically charged and not for the good of the people at all
I don't think any kind off GOVERMENT, rulers etc. or something would exist if people had faith in themselves and in eachother, that is the Kozen-rufu for me, when the people will accept Lotus Sutra or any kind off good teaching in their life, that says what sutra says so good!

Just so there is no mistake in why i didn't joined the SGI, but i did for the good reasons, and i will fight against any other doing if i see it, that's my vow! as any Christian, Jew or others should do in their religions if they see wrongdoings.

This globalization and etc. is getting to me sometimes, sets my fears in motion. But i know that people were driven in wars by fear, that's why i wanna do it right this life, and i trully want to see the potential good that can come out of all the religions(people) in the world, Buddhism can be the trigger, but can also be the Atom bomb if missused. So i invite you all to send good daimoku towards all the senseis of the world that are challenged by Earthly Desires day by day.



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam myoho renge kyo

Nam myoho renge kyo

From "The Essentials for Attaining Buddhahood", in The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 746.

Is not the meaning of the sutra and the commentary that the way to Buddhahood lies within the two elements of reality and wisdom? Reality means the true nature of all phenomena, and wisdom means the illuminating and manifesting of this true nature. Thus when the riverbed of reality is infinitely broad and deep, the water of wisdom will flow ceaselessly. When this reality and wisdom are fused, one attains Buddhahood in one's present form.

Nam myoho renge kyo


Dearest Scegy,

This note is only for you and should be public because it will clarify my intention beyond the words I said after reading your messages recently. Please feel free to reread our posts from January 2007 through January 2008, you will see how I exactly ran the course of dude who was making causes to screw up his practice. These causes were to let the devil of the 6th (my fundamental darkness) keep stressing certain things that most likely were neutral to begin with but quickly became negative in my view{I reference that time frame because I have abundant time to post}. Thomas always stressed to me "it is all neutral brother, its more were you take it or perceive it to be". Also Thomas has always told me before, during and after any Bigger than average event, "watch your back"! This is sound advice in my opinion and the best I can share with you!

Scegy, I wanted you to bone this new chick because I imagined her to be very attractive and someone who would chant with you sooner than later! :yes: I'm not trying to make a practice outta boning eligible women because I'm taken and looking forward to getting married this summer. But I tell all my guy friends to be cool and not really try and bang every chick they see so they could focus on other things too, hahaha! Seriously the members are all precious we just have to keep treating everyone else as best we can, because I sure do fuck up alot and need all the help I can get!

I want us to dream big and let those earthly desires equal enlightenment! I have years invested in our bond and constructive growth. Human revolution brother is what's happening! Brother you and I have come a long way and this is documented in several places for a while now. I am grateful for Nichiren Daishonin's life and how he helped me get the Gohonzon in my living room through President Makiguchi, President Toda, President Ikeda, Tony Matsuoka, Ted Osaki, T, Mr.&Mrs. Babba, (and so on, through you). Now we do Mugin Wasshin! Mugin Wasshin is doubt-free faith and we have purpleurkle belts.

We are exclusively shakubukus from this thread which defined Bonno Soku Bodai for the first time in our young lives and it does not mean anything without abundant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!
Daimoku then action, Daimoku then action, Daimoku then action, Daimoku, Chant Chant Chant! More and More! Join others!

I'm so happy for you Scegy, I cannot emphasize the power of our collective practice of Buddhism is the potent catalyst ever. Freedom is good but having a plan and developing hour after hour in front of Gohonzon is the powerful tele-conference with Nichiren Daishonin himself right in your living room. Tap into the source of your Gohonzon everyday, the Gohonzon in the Butsudan is also a Metaphor for Gohonzon within You. Peace, all your acts for you kosen-rufu begin from our lives and our progress is amazing.

You have introduced many people to the practice through the proof in your life as have I. I have been very happy to share my Buddhist practice at my new job and it feels great! The power of this practice resonates in my life, I have a huge midterm tomorrow so I must study. I'm glad :laughing: we are fighting together and must certainly share some tea, smoke and daimoku!

The best is yet to come for all of us, even those that seem to be left in the dust. Sometimes the seeds we plant are too fresh to geriminate with some people, ahahahaha. You know what I mean, let it simmer (cook slow). I look forward to more and I promise to also bring it!

My friend, my Gohonzon birthday is next week its going to be 3 years with Gohonzon! I never felt this good ever!


P.S.- My girl said its sweet! Very Nice!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam myoho renge kyo

Nam myoho renge kyo

Great to see all the Bodhisatvas dropping in and posting up. Bonzo where you at buddy ? Would be great to hear from our buddy Bonzo. Had a great Friday nite phone call from our good friend Thomas. Seems he has a broken computer and looks like it wont be fixed till the begining of this next week. Thought it would be good to drop in and share this news. I hope you all are doing well. The encouragement we recieve from this thread is immeasurable... thanks for being here every time I come looking for you guys :)
Nam myoho renge kyo


The strength we gain from one moment or one day of practice is greater than fistfuls of vitamins and mega-doses of steroids. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! is the strength and the call to arms for our faith.

I made a silly cause by encouraging my friend Scegy to bone someone and then today I have a girl all over me seemingly looking to give me what I was secretly hoping for my friend. Karma is constantly changing but our faith must always remain resolute and steadfast. The key for me in this life to walk through all the doors that appear is my faith in Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! and the power that comes from it.

I'm just growing spiritually everyday because even the constant challenge to make sure I chant everyday is a serious task. It takes preparation, strength, patience, confidence, and the will to overcome our fundamental darkness and keep the daimoku flowing. CHANT CHANT CHANT is what I'm saying!

Chant in the morning Chant in the Evening Chant in between those daily chants and keep the daimoku flowing. Keep the positive energy eroding the negative waste! Let you body resonate with the healing vibes from our daimoku and get to where you want to go! Chant then Action! Chant then take more action! Chant then take even more Action! Keep the Focus on your chanting and make sure the quality of that daimoku is there!

The Rooster crows in the morning, the birds chirp amongst each other, the dog barks at the mailman, and we chant for enlightenment! Only with faith in ourselves can we develop a state of life capable of not being defeated! I admire each of you who take part in our daily practice with me. Although I get nervous when it comes to being a leader, sometimes I just stand up naturally and do what needs to be done! Wouldn't you?

So lets keep chanting and keep it moving! It is whatever you need It to be!

Thank you so much Babba!


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Thomas, I hope your computer is fixed very soon...

Myoho, thanks for the story, we are of the earth, and chanting amongst all the creatures is the way to go.

And Babba...going now to chant, back later.

Nom Myoho Renge Kyo


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam myoho renge kyo
How interesting that I got up this morning and started surfing around on the net and next thing I knew my monitor died. Just went dead... but it has been acting funny lately. But all the better to see you all with... now I have a larger one and can see more clearly. I dont get glasses... just buy a larger monitor. I know some of you guys understand this :) Glad to see you guys posting up and chanting. Im trying a new chair in front of my Gohonzon .... maybe it will keep me there longer :)
Nam myoho renge kyo
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