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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"A blue fly, if it clings to the tail of a thoroughbred horse, can travel ten thousand miles, and the green ivy that twines around the tall pine can grow to a thousand feet.

(On Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol.1, page 17) Selection source: "Kyo no Hosshin", Seikyo Shimbun, October 9th, 2008




Yesterday I did not post because when I chanted in my home in the morning and looked at my Daily Wisdom (Selected Nichiren Daishonin Quotes), I noticed that the quote that I read (at home on my daily calendar) on my altar, and the one I read online were incredibly different. In fact, the Gosho quoted on the SGI-USA website (google search "sgi daily wisdom" pick the 2nd entry that appears) was misrepresented by another quote from another Gosho in its stead. So of course, without further ado, the correctly transcribed Gosho Quote for the day!

"And yet you say that, without inquiring into what is right and what is wrong, you will follow your parents' orders; without attempting to determine what is correct and what is erroneous, you will obey the words of the sovereign. To a fool, such conduct may appear to be loyal and filial, but in the opinion of a wise person, there can be no greater disloyalty, no greater departure from filial piety."

(WND, 123)
Conversation between a Sage and an Unenlightened Man
Recipient unknown; written in 1265

I discussed this discrepancy with our Zone YMD leader today, he could barely understand what I was trying to say because of all the contempt I held behind my words. Truthfully, I've been fighting some deep sansho-shima and overcoming these strong devilish forces is gonna take more courage than I ever had to bring to the table... Look at the quote that the SGI-USA website wrote for yesterday:

From the Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
Friday, October 10, 2008

The moon appears in the west and sheds its light eastward, but the sun rises in the east and casts its rays to the west. The same is true of Buddhism. It spread from west to east in the Former and Middle Days of the Law, but will travel from east to west in the Latter Day.

The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 401
Conversation between a Sage and an Unenlightened Man
Recipient unknown; written in 1265

Clearly, this second passage indicates something I'm not really ready to digest, but I do accept because they are the Daishonin's Golden Words. Honestly, standing up for what I believe in has been beneficial and at the same time caused me some friction. I was recently told that I would possibly be promoted the Region level as a JuniorHigh & HighSchool leader (since I'm close with the youth), when I was told this it came with the caveat that my monthly Gosho Study meetings are not following the Living Buddhism Lectures from President Ikeda and should only be labeled a youth meeting since I'm still in youth division (I open my meetings to everyone).

I've developed an open meeting format that in my humble opinion really creates a more opening/welcoming and beneficial setting instead of the standard lecture followed by Q&A during the regular monthly study meetings. When I discussed my motivation behind these Gosho Study meeting with the Zone leader he clearly indicated that President Toda did the same thing, so I smiled since I do it because of this thread and the participants therein.

Unfortunately, I was also told/encouraged to try and keep my study within the specified guidelines and per my wife "we were told to take advantage of the time, to take advantage of President Ikeda's guidance through his interpretation of the Goshos while he is still alive." {I WENT TO THE CULTURE CENTER TO GET A GOHONZON TO BRING NICHIREN HOME! Everything else comes after!}

I told him I'm never trying to reinvent the wheel and only practice correctly without constraints or limitations. He gleefully suggested we meet on a weekly basis and study The Human Revolution. I didn't have the time to protest and suggest we stick with The Goshos. The conversation ended abruptly when a meter maid (police officers) was spotted outside the restaurant writing tickets and luckily we did not get any! Musta been the deep conversation.

So, I'm doing school, work and for the next two months I'll be stepping up as the Soka Group Chief while our regular Soka Group Chief goes to his home country to visit his family for a wedding. Every monthly World Peace Prayer Meeting since we became a region I have been there supporting and doing everything possible to help despite not wearing the Soka group uniform. I mention not wearing the uniform because I would never encourage someone else to do something I wouldn't do. I have alot of responsibility and I'm just try to avoid slandering more than I do while being as honest as possible. That is why I came here like this, because where else can I go?

I haven't missed Gongyo since Gohonzon sent me a message via my buddy T, "to keep making the cause everyday", and with a higher life condition as a result of that, I've been dealing well with these little hiccups much much better. Much love to all and I'll keep you updated.

Like the Roar of the Lion, Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!
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Bodhisattva of the Earth
You are a young Lion that roars like a huge Sabbertooth! There ain't nothing you can't do, and me, all of us either. It's just realizing the truth. It's day by day we grow stronger in our convictions and faith.

Keep on trucking bro,......you keep pulling and we'll keep pushing!......"riding that train, piling all the love & pain, never stopping for loss, only gaining in life, and being happy no matter what, we are on a good ride for life."

Respect to all!.........Desi!

SoCal Hippy

Active member
Take these teachings to heart, and always remember that believers in the Lotus Sutra should absolutely be the last to abuse one another. All those who keep faith in the Lotus Sutra are most certainly Buddhas, and one who slanders a Buddha commits a grave offense.

The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 756
The Fourteen Slanders
Written to the lay priest Matsuno Rokuro Saemon on December 9, 1276

SoCal Hippy

Active member
Daily Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda
Saturday, October 11, 2008

It is important to have a sufficiently elevated life-condition so that you will be able to calmly accept whatever happens in life, striving to put problems into proper perspective and solving them with a positive attitude. Happiness blossoms forth from such a strong and all-encompassing life-condition.

Wisdom for Modern Life by Daisaku Ikeda
Saturday, October 11, 2008 (Buddhism Day by Day)

It’s valuable to look for the strengths in others-you gain nothing by criticizing people‚’s imperfections. In fact, it is helpful to take a step back, for even a moment each day, and try to consider the feelings and positive qualities of others of whom you are critical.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
SoCal, you sure have been tuned in brother!..... Your piece on "The Middle Way," p.597 is a great post, as so all of your posts are. The wisdom posts are my favorite!

Have a good day bro!........Desi!


Thank you very much! I feel great today, and am having a mini-meeting right now. I'm very fortunate to have access to so many valuable and important inputs to continually lead me everyday towards faithful living. Faithful in the sense that I'm using this practice to my best ability everyday and really be able to use how Nichiren's, Ikeda's, Toda's, Tom's, Socal's, Everyone of Interest's wisdom to support myself and inspire others for same.

My region ymd leader is enjoying the thread and really excited about the messages I've been sharing from our recent conversations here. He is actually considering returning to college, WHOA! I'm so glad a diligent practice reverberates into other peoples lives. I get proof everyday, thank you so much!

Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! (try it more and more!)


Yesterday and today I was reviewing some old world tribunes from the past couple years and noticed the huge emphasis President Ikeda has been making on raising capable leaders and entrusting the SGI to the youth. I have really been in some sort of rhythm with that since I began to chant and study simultaneously. My purpose in life is becoming clearer and I have to continue to protect those people I introduce to the practice through my daimoku and continue to involve myself in my purpose of supporting our Buddhist members in my area.

I'm thrilled to be sharing all this with everyone, I really do feel great to reaffirm such great things because my vision for my future is getting clearer. I really want to support this organization since I consider myself to be fully invested mind body and soul. Like I said, the best is yet to come!

From the Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
Monday, October 13, 2008

The present age has developed exactly as the Buddha predicted it would, and Nichiren may be the person of wisdom whom the Buddha described. Though some people wish to help me, either their determination is weak, or, though firmly resolved, they are unable to act on their intentions. Thus, you are one of the very few whose action match their will. You surpass others in your resolve, and it is because of your devoted support that I have been able to survive.

The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 753
Propagation by the Wise

Written to Shijo Kingo on September 6, 1276
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SoCal Hippy

Active member
This Gohonzon also is found only in the two characters for faith. This
is what the sutra means when it states that one can "gain entrance
through faith alone."

(WND, 832)
The Real Aspect of the Gohonzon
Written to Nichinyo on August 23, 1277

SoCal Hippy

Active member
The Gohonzon encompasses the entire universe. Therefore, we who
believe in and chant daimoku to the Gohonzon can live out lives with
the greatest serenity and composure. Please be confident that through
faith in the Mystic Law we can definitely lead a wonderful and
unsurpassed existence.

Daisaku Ikeda

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

SoCal Hippy

Active member
Today there are people who have faith in the Lotus Sutra. The belief of some is like fire while that of others is like water. When the former listen to the teachings, their passion flares up like fire, but as time goes on, they tend to discard their faith. To have faith like water means to believe continuously without ever regressing. -Nichiren

From the Writings of Nichiren Daishonin

SoCal Hippy

Active member
“Life loses its dynamism from the moment we lose the passion with which to live it. No matter what our age, we cannot afford to let the flame within our heart grow dim. We do not become unhappy because we grow old. We become unhappy only when we grow ever more unwilling to change as we age.”

Daisaku Ikeda


Active member
It's really hard out here but I'll continue to chant. Life's complicated. Can't ever get a handle on it. It's always changing and if it ain't changing fast enough we change it ourselves. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo is all there is. I need massive amounts of daimoku. I need to chant for peace of mind so I can unscramble all of this mayhem.



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Happy Gohonzon Day !!
Nam myoho renge kyo

3 years since I recieved Gohonzon. Time flys....

Nam myoho renge kyo
Nam myoho renge kyo
Nam myoho renge kyo


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam myoho renge kyo

Nam myoho renge kyo


Selection Source: SGI Newsletter No.7640, LEARNING FROM THE GOSHO:
for Attaining Buddhahood" The Great Path of Mentor and Disciple--
Working Together for Kosen-rufu to Enrich Humanity with the Wisdom
of the Mystic Law, from the Aug. 2008 issue of the Daibyakurenge,
the Soka Gakkai study journal

"The most profound life is one that is dedicated to pursuing a
shared ideal with one's mentor. The loftier the ideal, the more
valuable and enduring a legacy such a life can create and leave

"To realize happiness for oneself and others--this is the eternal
ideal of all humankind. It represents the ultimate wisdom waiting to
be found in the depths of each person's life. It is the genuine
yearning that underlies all of life's workings. At the same time,
there is no goal that is more difficult to achieve. This is because
the dark clouds of ignorance and greed blanket our lives and obscure
the sun of wisdom and idealism."

"The Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin provides us with the philosophy
and practise for realizing genuine happiness for ourselves and
others. Its driving spirit is to undertake this difficult challenge
and never give up trying to achieve it. And the mentor-disciple
relationship lies at the very heart of the human network and the
united efforts that are so vital to succeeding in this endeavour."

"To live in accord with this path of mentor and disciple is to lead
an unsurpassed life committed to opening the way to peace and
happiness for all humanity."

"To bring the 'nourishment of wisdom' and the 'moisture of
compassion' to the 'parched fields' of people's lives that have been
devitalised by greed, anger, and ignorance and restore them to 'lush
green fields'--this is the vow of mentor and disciple in Buddhism.
And in one respect, improving the human condition in this way could
be called a fervent wish of all humankind."

"With the Gohonzon that embodies the life of Nichiren Daishonin as
our 'reality' and faith in Nam-myoho-renge- kyo based on the Gohonzon
as our 'wisdom' (in accordance with the principle of 'substituting
faith for wisdom'), we can achieve the same state of fusion of
reality and wisdom (or enlightenment) as the Buddha. All that we
require is the strong faith to withstand and repel obstacles and
devilish functions that are a manifestation of darkness or
ignorance. All that we require is persistent faith that never wavers
under any circumstances.

"Mr. Toda said: 'The Gohonzon [Nam-myoho-renge- kyo] is the
fundamental entity of life that powers change in the universe. By
achieving the fusion of reality and wisdom in our lives [by chanting
Nam-myoho-renge- kyo with faith in the Gohonzon], we can change our
lives and bring forth benefit.' The beneficial power of the Gohonzon
is infinitely profound and immeasurable. The Buddhist Law is
eternal, boundless, and untrammeled. By chanting to the Gohonzon and
taking action based on faith in the Mystic Law, we can bring this
inexhaustible wisdom to well forth in our lives. Thus, there is no
way that we can ever be truly deadlocked in life."

"An important reason why fighting against evil in Buddhism is a part
of our Buddhist practise is that if we fail to do so, we become
accomplices to evil. In relation to this frightening reality, the
Daishonin cites the Great Teacher Nan-yüeh, who says that those who
turn a blind eye to evil will fall into hell along with those people
who actually commit that evil (WND-1, 747). 'Failing to do good is
the same as doing evil'--this is the undying credo of Tsunesaburo
Makiguchi, the founding president of the Soka Gakkai."

"Evil friends function to intensify others' ignorance or darkness--
that is, heighten the workings of the three poisons of greed, anger,
and foolishness in their lives. That is the fearful nature of such
negative influences. Allowing evil to go unchallenged, therefore,
ultimately spells suffering and pain for many people. As long as
Buddhism is a philosophy that teaches the inherent dignity of human
life, it is crucial that its practitioners fight resolutely against
those tendencies that promote disrespect for human life,
discrimination, and the destruction of life."


"Make every possible effort for the sake of your next life. What is most important is that, by chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo alone, you can attain Buddhahood. It will no doubt depend on the strength of your faith. To have faith is the basis of Buddhism."

The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 832
The Real Aspect of the Gohonzon

Faith is what I have.




Babbabud said:
Happy Gohonzon Day !!
Nam myoho renge kyo

3 years since I recieved Gohonzon. Time flys....

Nam myoho renge kyo
Nam myoho renge kyo
Nam myoho renge kyo

Congrats my brother. So much has happened to us and our families since you received Gohonzon. I have seen the actual proof in your life and am impressed with your progressive victories. Let's keep going into the next set of flesh and bones!

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Hitman said:
It's really hard out here but I'll continue to chant. Life's complicated. Can't ever get a handle on it. It's always changing and if it ain't changing fast enough we change it ourselves. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo is all there is. I need massive amounts of daimoku. I need to chant for peace of mind so I can unscramble all of this mayhem.


As I continue to chant for you Hit, please send some daimoku towards my friend Lee. He needs actual proof and a job, a job which he almost has.... I know when we're dealing with Sansho-shima head on we have to stand firm and unite in prayer with others towards victory. Nothing that is worthwhile comes easy to me in my life, and be assured, daimoku is on the way for you my brother!


"Do not these interpretations make clear that, among all the teachings of the Buddha's lifetime, the Lotus Sutra is first, and that, among the teachings of the Lotus Sutra, that of women attaining Buddhahood, is first? For this reason, though the women of Japan may be condemned in all sutras other than the Lotus Sutra as incapable of attaining Buddhahood, as long as the Lotus Sutra guarantees their enlightenment, what reason have they to be downcast?",."

The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 930
The Sutra of True Requital

SoCal Hippy

Active member
Belated Congrats! Bud on your 3 year Gohonzon Birthday. Time surely does fly.
What tremendous growth you have shown in this short amount of time.

Hit, you are right when you say 'Life is complicated'....that is the time to substitute Faith for Wisdom. Trust the Gohonzon. Mugi Wasshin (doubt free faith) Chant lots of Daimoku as I will for you and all Chanting Grower Bodhisatvas. The crucial moment is the time to win and show the actual proof guaranteed thru chanting. You can do it! Without the effect of suffering in our life, how can we bring forth Buddhahood? The Lotus Flower only blossoms from a dirty, murky filthy swamp.

I have my own crucial moments at this time and will chant with you all.

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
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