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Make sure to protect others that chant. We should always be there for each other!

Make sure to protect others that chant. We should always be there for each other!

To all our fellow members and friends
who are struggling to find employment
amidst the harsh realities of the times --
never retreat from the battle front!
As long as you have the spirit to never be defeated,
you will surely break through any wall that stands in your way.

Tuesday, January 18th, 2011
"The deeper the roots, the more prolific the branches. The farther the source, the longer the stream."
(On Repaying Debts of Gratitude - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol.1, page 748)


Ode to 2011

Ode to 2011

Is anyone else starting this year off with a bang!This is going to be the best year yet for us. I'm really hoping to do more shakubuku than ever and hoping to attend some meetings with my friends from the thread this year. Let's meet at my place in the spring for some chanting sessions :)

This is going to be the best year ever! Keep up the chanting and all the good work.

Also please chant for our friend Mr. John Kasahara. Thank you so much!

When we try to greet someone with a nice warm smile
it makes it easier to make a connection with them
and to open up their hearts.
It's by taking the initiative to say "hello" and begin a conversation
that new friendships are born.
Come, let's take that first courageous step forwards!

Thursday, January 20th, 2011
"Although I and my disciples may encounter various difficulties, if we do not harbour doubts in our hearts, we will as a matter of course attain Buddhahood."
(The Opening of the Eyes - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol.1, page 283)
Selection source: "Kyo no Hosshin", Seikyo Shimbun, January 20th, 2011

Wednesday, January 21st, 2011
"As Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) wrote, 'Patient, cheerful, and kindly.'Actually, this is the way to reap the fruits of happiness, even in adversity."
SGI Newsletter No. 8143, The New Human Revolution--Vol. 24: Chap. 1, Ode to Mothers 22, translated Jan. 18th, 2011


"A hundred years of practice in the land of Perfect Bliss cannot compare to the benefit gained from one day's practice in the impure world. Two thousand years of propagating Buddhism during the Former and Middle Days of the Law are inferior to an hour of propagation in the Latter Day of the Law. This is in no way because of Nichiren's wisdom, but simply because the time makes it so. In spring the blossoms open, in autumn the fruit appears. Summer is hot, winter is cold. The season makes it so, does it not?"
On Repaying Debts of Gratitude (The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 736)


Things work out better for me when...

Things work out better for me when...

I chant first and medicate later....


Bodhisattva of the Earth
Right on brother! I hope evrything is going good for you and your family Easy. Has anyone heard from T?

I'm waiting on a thyroid cyst (nodule) biospy result, the middle of this week. These cyst are usually non-cancerous, so still you know I'm chanting. I hope your mom is better?

Love you bro!:tiphat:



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Im chanting for and with you Desi :) Had most of my thyroid removed at the age of 11.
Nam myoho renge kyo
Nam myoho renge kyo
Nam myoho renge kyo


Hey Desi and Bud,

I'll be sending you daimoku all week for a speedy recovery and a good result. My mother isn't doing so great, the cancer level has not dropped enough so she is still doing chemo intravenously and not ready yet for the stem cell transplant.

I'm very faithful in the efforts we are making as as the premier cause for world peace in our country. We have a challenge and that is to support the SGI as best we can because the organization needs the chanting growers as much as the SGI needs us. We are two, but not two.

I'm so glad to hear from both of you. Been reading the echoes lately and I appreciate each of you for taking time to lay it out. Dynamic Dialog is very Delicious!

Wishing yall a great week. Much love to all!



Monday, January 24th, 2011

Monday, January 24th, 2011

The Daishonin states,
"Fortune comes from one's heart and makes one worthy of respect."*
Those who always have a sense of appreciation and gratitude
never reach an impasse.
By praising and encouraging each other,
let's continue to make great progress together.

*"New Year's Gosho" - WND-I, page 1137

Monday, January 24th, 2011
"Therefore, those who become Nichiren's disciples and lay believers should realise the profound karmic relationship they share with him and spread the Lotus Sutra as he does."

(Letter to Jakunichi-bo - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol.1, page 994)

Selection source: "Kyo no Hosshin", Seikyo Shimbun, January 24th, 2011

January 24th-30th, 2011
Just a simple word or two to acknowledge someone
will often open up the door to friendly relations.
Warm encouragement given to one person
causes a wave of development of many other capable people.
Today again, let's take one more step forwards!


Reports of Snow south of Atlanta, GA! Winter will soon turn into Spring!

Reports of Snow south of Atlanta, GA! Winter will soon turn into Spring!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011
When one person of earnest commitment stands up, the path will open without fail. I call on you to be a single lion than a thousand sheep. Lead a life committed to fulfilling your vow.

Words Of The Week
Week of January 24, 2011
A word of encouragement will open the door to friendship. When we encourage even one person, we can create a momentum for the development of capable individuals. Today, again, lets' advance one step.

One should not be intimidated by the fact that so many hold such beliefs. Nor does the truth of a belief depend on whether it has been held for a long or short time. The point is simply whether or not it conforms with the text of the scriptures and with reason.
The Tripitaka Master Shan-wu-we
(The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 168)
It really is useless to try and recreate the practice of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism based on chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! Go ahead and try to intellectualize it or create your own synthasis if you want to waste time and continue to suffer. Just by Chanting daimoku to the Gohonzon you will turn the poison in your life into medicine. By pretending you got it all figured out and attempting to go forward without the Gohonzon, you are missing the most critical piece! Faith is the foundation and developing your faith by chanting is a simple recipe! When you take the Torah, Koran or Bible and try to interpret those texts against Nichiren Daishonin's life and teachings you end up wasting your time and go in metaphorical circles. There is not daimoku in any of those three doctrines and please note that they are not congruent with the daimoku of the Lotus Sutra.

Over the past year some folks wanted to try and synergize monotheism with Buddhism on this thread and it just didn't make any sense to me in in the end. Its like taking the Hinayana teachings and wacking them up against the Mahayana teachings and finding psuedo-equivalence. This practice of purely chanting the phrase Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! is absolutely what it took for me to accomplish over 60% of a list of goals I created throughout 2007. The other 40% were goals for friends that have not chanted or are wishy washy with their daily practice. All the goals I needed to accomplish came to fruition and the goal for the exact type of home I was looking for down to the rooms and bathrooms became a reality! This year, I'm aiming further than before! I'm starting to chant to invent things that will help us achieve kosen-rufu in America.

I'm chanting to be successful in Business and to get a raise. I've been interviewing with one of the largest companies in the world in their industry and almost got this job. Please send me some daimoku so I can make this happen and use this next job to advance kosen-rufu. Currently I'm working for one of the 50 largest companies in america and I like it, but I know my future lies elsewhere. Eventually I want to create a way for people to have public transportation to go to local community centers to chant. I need people to advance kosen-rufu on their own so that I could continue to work in conjunction with the pioneers in American Kosen-rufu. Please send some daimoku to our friend Mr. Kasahara who has been ill but is recovering.

A few years ago before really getting involved in this thread, I had a bunch of plants and no way to generate income. Lost and insecure. Now, I'm much more confident that my direction in life is opening up the path to achieving advancement for kosen-rufu so that many more Americans will become happy through our assiduous practice!

Fear no1 my friends! We are the emissaries of the Buddha himself and are also endowed with the Buddha's magnificent qualities! I've seen many come into the thread and claim good vibes and good fortune from chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!, but very few embrace the Gohonzon and really start their practice. Get over your fundamental darkness and take pride in being a chanting grower! Only you can change the environment and create the good causes that need to take place for the advancement of the Chanting Growers Movement!

Stop idling and start Acting! If you don't want to take action, keep chanting for me to pick up the slack for you so that we could all joyfully advance in life knowing "Easy is holding down the Kosen-rufu fort and I'm supporting him with daimoku everystep of the way!" With or without Thomas, this thread is alive everyday. I hope my brother T is ok and I hope this message finds you well!

Much love,


3rd-Eye Jedi
the moment a person chants nam myoho renge kyo they have embraced the lotus sutra

this thread is a thread for growing and chanting and that practice served you well until you recieved your gohonzon

let address the christian faith discussion in the thread

the only mention of christianity was after you revealed my faith after i spoke to you in PRIVATE because as I was doing my own discoveries I shared them with you for more insight and left it outof the thread because I didnt think it was appropriate

after you outed me to little skunk ay i smiply shared the common parralells in the practices in regards to cultivating fatih

WHY DID I DO THIS ? I gave that answer also

it was to create TRUE kofu-rosen, to reveal a basic compnent of practice that was the foundation for every true buddha has before his proper lifetime

and that is to be a compassionate selfless giver who has no bias, who wishes for everyones happiness equally, the never dispariging bodhisattva

and how can christian or buddhist or jew or anyone else who believes in peace and harmony and the human revolution through understanding and ausidious practice not find real estate in their reason to let go of the impermenant differentials and embrace the eternal commmonality in our humanity?

did the never disparigning bodhisattva judge those he met? or did he simply, compassionately and without bias wish for thier happiness?

which buddha was able to be buddha without compassion and understanding?

now what i find most disconserting that this thread is a chanting growers thread, not a formal thread of nichiren practice

it is to introduce us to the myoho renge and let us see the cause and effect of our own being on your own happiness

the dynamic led to the wonderful teachings of nichiren

the gohonozon, nichirens life documented, the living testimony of nam-myoho-renge-kyo, was his gift to us all

for me personally i wish to undertand its contents before recieving one to practice in font of


I will answer from the heart of the never dispparaging bodhisattva as I understand it

and my answer is why not?

nichiren warned about slander against those embrace the lotus sutra and I like to take it a step furthur

we are all meant to be enlightened in our own manner, reach our greatest potential in a very individual way as relative to our life and our understanding of the world around us

nichiren tells of the dragon queens instant enlightenment as a way to illustrate that we all will be called and embrace nam myoho renge kyo in our own accords and own ways and this is IMHO to remind us that we should should not limit anothers potential by judging their practice of nam myoho renge kyo but by simply offering sincere encouragement that they find happiness, which will lead them to reach buddha potential

is that not why nichiren asks us to chant for the happiness of others through nam myooh renge kyo ?

and in its perfection, evoked with full faith and true compassion what can that simple chant not do?

there are no bounds to that simple chant for me, and i beleive this was as nichiren meant it to be understood, that the seed of nam myoho renge kyo is as great as the tree of nam myoho renge kyo

and because it is a practice that grows and radiates from a simple chant what part of that journey is less sacred or important than the other ?

even the slanderers of never dispariging bodhisattva are guarenteed to achieve budhahood so does this not mean they are as sacred as buddha even as slanderers?

so if even a slanderer of the never dispariging bodhsattva are sacred are not all people who even chant nam myoho rnge kyo with little faith sacred?

if we are all sacred and all given the same potential and life a cycle of perfection until we reach it are we not all equally sacred?

where in anyones emerging practice of embracing humanity in accordiance to any one docdrines does that person benefit by judgement, how does it bring kofu rosen and how is it compassionately shining a light for others?

we cannot all be enlightened by the testimony of truth that is the law of cause and effect in our lives if we are finding ways to draw boundries in value

i have faith that the truth wil be revelaed to us all and i have greater faith that it will come in hand with peace and understanding

nam myoho renge kyo

nam myoho renge kyo

nam myoho renge kyo


I actually had Mr. Wags in mind when I referred to Christianity and some other one post wonders that popped in out throughout the last year or two. Weird, I don't think you are the only religious Christian on this thread. This is just a simple clarification.

Good luck on your search man.


I regret to inform you that Mr. John Kasahara has passed away. He was a great friend to many people in the United States and I personally know and appreciate him, his wife and great son. They have all been very inspirational to me and many people. Mr. Kasahara is a founding member and pioneer for kosen-rufu in America. I appreciated all the words he shared with me because I always see PasstheDoobie in great teachers like Mr. Kasahara. The conviction and direct heart to heart guidance always hits the spot and thats why I look forward to embracing the next Mr. Kasahara. All these great people we encounter, I strongly believe, do come back to our lives somehow someway.

My mother is getting more depressed and more withdrawn, but I am still hoping to make a breakthrough and get her to chant again and hopefully receive her Gohonzon. I've seen some serious karma change really quickly when people take up this practice and she could still turn her cancer into "medicine" for others and herself. The best going for us is our daimoku and collective efforts for kosen-rufu. I sincerely hope and trust everyone is doing well! Please make sure to get your annual check ups and physicals. Let's be healthy and be mindful of each others heal too so that we could keep pushing harder and further each day and always advance!

Much love to all!!


3rd-Eye Jedi
Easy, may all of the poisons in your life, the life of your mother and the lives of all those you love be turned into the most profound of medicines

nam myoho renge kyo

nam myoho renge kyo

nam myoho renge kyo


Much love to you all....although not always about here in the thread, I do read, and am still chanting...have had many ups and downs over the last several months, mostly some health related downs....but chanting for some balance to return. Feeling much better compared to a few months ago. :yes: Plus, I have a tendency to get too many plates spinning at once. :tongue:

Haven't seen Thomas about here lately???

Easy....read about your mom...and chanting for her!
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!!!

Easy....Mr. Kasahara (someone I never had the pleasure of meeting) sounds like he devoted much and his words will live on! Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!!!

My deepest respect to you all!

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!!!


Thank you both!

Please remember to always send prayers to PasstheDoobie the founder of this thread who greatly reveres and appreciates Nichiren Daishonin's life embodied in the Gohonzon. He really showed me through his life that badass mofos can attain enlightenment in this lifetime and pointed me towards Ikeda guidance to read all of Nichiren's Writings.

The connection I have with the Gohonzon now enables me to chant more than before and I wish I could join all of you each day in a nice chanting session. I usually chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and recite Gongyo from 6am-6:35am and I do try to make the cause to chant as often as possible from 7pm to 8pm as often as possible. Feel free to join me!

The power is in our daimoku, everyday we begin anew; and each moment after this is the next best chance to continue to vigorously advance.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam myoho renge kyo
Chants for all

Nam myoho renge kyo
Nam myoho renge kyo
Nam myoho renge kyo


Thomas sending lots of love to you and hope to read your posts again, soon.
Not chanting but finding my way back.

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!
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