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SoCal Hippy

Active member
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


Nam Myoho Renge Kyo is a chant or mantra. A mantra is a powerful phrase that is said with a certain concentration or intent. A mantra has meaning in and of itself, but the intention or concentration of the person who says it can make a big difference in the effect of the chant.

For example: Have you ever dated someone for a while and you were pretty sure that he or she loved you, and you loved that person too, but you hadn't told each other yet? You know that feeling? When you say, "I love you," it has the power to change your life in ways you probably can't imagine.

A mantra is like that. When you say it, it can fundamentally change your life.

Some people use "love" very casually. They say "I love this," or "I love it," or "Love ya." It doesn't have the same weight as when a person considers his or her feelings very seriously before saying "I love you."

Usually, the mantra Nam Myoho Renge Kyo is said over and over again. Maybe it would sound kind of crazy to chant "I love you I love you I love you" a thousand times a day.

It's not so crazy -- actually it's pretty common these days -- to hear cuss words out of someone's mouth a thousand times a day. "The f-ing this and the f-ing that." Sometimes, people repeat insults and complaints as if they are mantras. So, "chants" of one type or another are a part of everyday life.

Have you ever noticed that if you hang out with people who cuss a lot or use a certain phrase, after a while you end up using the same language? Sometimes it's really hard to break yourself of the habit. This is an unfortunate example of how a phrase can be engraved on a person's consciousness.

It's probably better to get in the habit of saying a phrase that has a more uplifting influence, such as Nam Myoho Renge Kyo.

Why chant the same phrase over and over?

Chanters repeat the mantra Nam Myoho Renge Kyo because, as mentioned, repetition engraves it in their consciousness (and their unconscious too.)

Since Nam Myoho Renge Kyo is such a great mantra, you might think that chanting it once or chanting it a thousand times would have the same effect. Well, not necessarily.

If you can say "Nam Myoho Renge Kyo " one time, but say it with profound faith, intention, concentration -- whatever you want to call it -- that one utterance packs a mighty wallop. But most of us are not at a place in our "spiritual development" where we can summon up such profound faith at any given moment.

When we chant, with each repetition of Nam Myoho Renge Kyo , we are rooting ourselves deeper in faith and deeper in the spiritual tradition of the Lotus Sutra.

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo is the heart and title of the Lotus Sutra. The Lotus Sutra teaches the enlightenment of all living beings. The Lotus Sutra's essence (Nam Myoho Renge Kyo ) is the teacher of all Buddhas, past, present and future. When we chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo we are strengthening our connection to and learning from the teacher of all Buddhas.

A very cool thing is that this great Buddha wisdom lives in each and every person. It is the essence of life itself. So we are not chanting to some god or imaginary power. We are chanting the name of our innate wisdom, compassion, courage and energy. We are calling it up. We are engraving it on our heart. We are becoming more and more in tune with it.

But why this mantra?

In many religious traditions, reciting a mantra is a well-established spiritual practice that has beneficial effects. There are lots of other mantras aside from Nam Myoho Renge Kyo . "Om mani padme hum" is a famous mantra, for example. Maybe "Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee..." also qualifies as a mantra.

Mantras are different in that they have different meanings and create different vibrations. A mantra is basically a vibration.

It is said that when you strike a tuning fork to make it vibrate, it can make other nearby tuning forks that are pitched to the same frequency start to vibrate spontaneously. It sets off a "chain reaction" of vibration because the forks are all tuned into the same frequency.

Similarly, the vibe we create when we chant triggers vibration not only in the depths of our life, but in our surroundings. As we tune ourselves more and more to the vibe of this Buddha wisdom, we resonate with the Buddha vibe that is in other people and in our environment. The vibration of chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo awakens innate Buddha qualities everywhere in a sort of chain reaction.

People have been chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo for centuries and there are lots of ways to explain it. While not everyone agrees on why it works, most chanters agree that it is a worthwhile devotional practice. The best way to understand it is to chant and see for yourself.

Nichiren describes the practice of chanting in his writings. A good place to start is On Attaining Buddhahood in This Lifetime.


You can chant alone, but it helps to have someone to chant with. If you want to find people who chant, check out www.sgi-usa.org.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Well done! Thank you PB! Very well done!

Weird and Fish, thanks for the ever-present GOOD VIBE!

Sister T, thanks for hanging here because you bring sunshine where ever you're at!

Bud and SoCal! Connected way back, we were all going to school at the same time in LB Ca!

Much love to Scegy! And Bonz!


And Easy and DG and Sleepy!

Chris you are in my thoughts and prayers. I know we'll hear from you again soon. Please?!

Mrs. B, I'd love to see your throbbing heart in here more often!

swampdank and Lapides, dudes are you still hanging in there?

Forest, I'm proud to know you dude. You're a stand-up person. Folks like you are rare.

ellipsis, the connection is a feeling that is unmistakable.

And there are so many others (Hitman! BOG! Delta! Tree! Always! Wamen! Fallen! Flo! N. Accumbens! Caille! Bruja!). From the bottom of my heart, I hope you are all doing well!

Bowing in humble obeisance,



My Friend got his Gohonzon last night!

My Friend got his Gohonzon last night!

My good friend Alex, finally received his Gohonzon last night! It was insane how many obstacles he had over the course of the last six months since he attended his friend meeting after I introduced him two years ago during the office prayer group where I would just start chanting after the other finished their christian prayers to Jesus and God. So last night, Alex fell asleep on the way home on the train and called me to say that he was going north and the next stop was about a half hour away from our town! So I immediately called the guy who was bringing the Gohonzon for Alex and asked him where he was and he was relatively close to this place (SOOOOO MYSTIC)! So then I coordinated my friend to pickup Alex and they made it to the meeting.

Guess what my friends.... We had 10 youth division members in attendance last night and only one Women's Division. it was like a mini-Rock The Era! I've attended a meeting everyday this week from Sunday to last night! Two meetings at my house and two strong YMD recieved Gohonzon this week. This is nothing short of an utter and incredible victory! I'm so pleased I was able to create momentum during this crucial time in August. I still want to help at least one more friend get their Gohonzon this month so they could start Chanting at home and making the impossible possible!

I met a guy on Wednesday that was Shakubukued by none other than Ted Osaki himself! I chant for Mr. Osaki and Mr. Tony Matsuoka everyday because they introduced and nurtured Thomas who took care of me and Babbabud (and many others). I also chant for Babba and Tom everyday - and I do include the other members of this thread, even though we didn't meet YET! We're family and I have no doubts about that!

Thank you everyone for pumping me up with your great posts and giving me rocket fuel to propel myself through this world known as The Land of The Eternally Tranquil Light! It is truly my honor to kibitz with yall on a regular basis and this latest victory is another medal of honor for The Chanting Growers Movement!

Boo-yah Devil of the Sixth!



Bodhisattva of the Earth
Heya Easy!!! I see you bouncing off obstacles and pushing evil down and lifting all the good up. You've been walking and running up that mountain of faith a long time. You are an eternal inspiration to all of us. You are MR. POSITIVE and I'm so grateful to know you bro.




Josei Toda is my Mentor in Faith and my teachers post on this thread!

Josei Toda is my Mentor in Faith and my teachers post on this thread!

"Our lives are eternal, without beginning or end. We appeared in this world with a mission to spread the seven characters of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo to all humankind. I myself awakened to this reality. Seen in this light, we ourselves are the true followers of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth."

(Human Revolution, Volume 1, page 178)

"The Buddha is filled with compassion, but it is hard for us to show compassion. So we must have courage instead."

(For Today & Tomorrow, page 246)

"Be courageous in faith! No matter what other people may say, advance boldly! Lead confident lives! Make courage the Gakkai's eternal emblem!"

(For Today & Tomorrow, page 56)

"Don't be impatient. Since you have embraced the Gohonzon, your situation will definitely improve. There's no need to worry. Sure there will be hard times, times when you feel like crying. But as long as you have the Gohonzon, your life will become bright and joyful."

(For Today & Tomorrow, page 386)


3rd-Eye Jedi
"Our lives are eternal, without beginning or end. We appeared in this world with a mission to spread the seven characters of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo to all humankind. I myself awakened to this reality. Seen in this light, we ourselves are the true followers of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth."

I felt as if this particular statement defines the ultimate expression of being my heart so desires me to be.

Thank You






I wish you lived close by so we could chant together. I know how hard it is to have a very different view than many around you and still have enough heart to accept the Gohonzon. I have had such a hard time with different people that just don't rub me the right way and definitely make me feel uncomfortable. When it comes to getting what I want and what I need,u the trick for me is the old "opinions are like assholes and everyone has got them" approach.

You see I went to my first Buddhist meeting with two cherries for eyes and I swear I had the worst cotton mouth ever! You know when the top lip rolls up past your gums and your mouth feels like its becoming a piece of fabric? That was me at my first meeting because I just wanted to get a Gohonzon and go home. I had no real desire to get "in too deep" and the folks there were really happy, engaging and really excited.

I mean I still meet really really excited and animated people that sometimes make me feel uncomfortable, but I trust these SGI members. In fact, if you go to SGI metings - you're also invited over to every meeting in my house and I'll accept you no matter what! I can be direct with these SGI members and tell them that they have to leave after the meeting and to not come over unannounced, but now I just end my meetings on time and let everyone leave at their pace (which is quick) because we are doing kosen-rufu. There is tons of mutual respect between people around me because I stood up for myself and demonstrated that I'm in command of my ship and have been studying vigorously on this thread which I do not neglect to mention every chance I get. I never let others dictate my emotions, thoughts or sentiments - those are mine which I may or may not share with others.

In my old growhouse- I had members come over and I think that was part of my protection. It is so hard when a couple people become "clingy", that come over and try to be there "too much", but for me its really my constantly changing perspective on life and my environment attributed to my improving karma. Like Weird recently said "haramony with nature" is derived from Chanting to Gohonzon who has the mercy to keep sending us all messages and protection so we could get the job done. I know that the Gohonzon is the real deal and I won't let anyone get in my way for realizing the full potential of the fusion of my life with the Gohonzon.

You know, Mentor and Disciple is big talk at some of the meetings, but that to me is just really guidance so we don't fall off. It's funny how in America the sgi uses expedient means like the historical Buddha to get the message across and sometimes I interpret the guidance to be "not for me". However, I need to constantly remind myself that what makes sense to me doesn't mean it will make sense to someone else and the real deal is can I cope with something that makes another happy, but doesn't appeal to me? YES I CAN AND YES I DO! I accept homosexuals, other nationalities, other religions, none of the above, etc. because I let the members, President Ikeda, everyone in good faith no matter what into my life. That was not always the case, even when my Gohonzon was enshrined and I actually had to let three people in my house so close to my plants I was nervous and upset that one was of a different sexual orientation and the others had parents that where from a different land. Those who are not interested in acting in good faith, abiding by my expectations and requirements go away because I'm totally protected.

I've said some inflammatory things here, but I'm really posting a private message in public to you Desi because I feel that there are more people on this forum like Desi and Me that could appreciate some tidbits in this. Desi your praise and friendship over the years has had a serious impact because you know I truly care for you and Ann. You know that I chant for you and I chant for others. I know that together in prayer we are unstoppable!

Big hug,
Your brother in FAITH


One good turn deserves another

One good turn deserves another

I felt as if this particular statement defines the ultimate expression of being my heart so desires me to be.

Thank You




Thank you very much and I was just paraphrasing something you recently posted in my last post as you wrote this one :)

Have a good one my friend! Be well and keep chanting abundant daimoku!


3rd-Eye Jedi
I don't know why I am sharing this but it is important for me to do so

I had the epiphany that human nature is not a conspiracy, and while it seems quite obvious to me, so many people today seem to be in discord, believing the slights they suffer from another man are part of a supreme conspiracy.

To me it seems that attributing a grand plot behind the nature of our brother only seeks to further the divide between us all, weakening the bond between us all.

When I stopped giving my brothers and sisters the power (and perhaps a curse) of a connection greater than mine I was far easier to see the connection that made us all equal.

When we allow ourselves to be equal in nature (all of our nature) and our brother.sisters worse actions are not a grand judgement upon ourselves but merely a reflection of where in the learning process of life they are in.

When we can see our brothers.sisters from this perspective we can more easily bridge the divide by seeing the part of life they are living in.

Either we have traveled the road before them or they have traveled the road before us, but regardless we are now part of the same road, the same process of learning and the same unity regardless of the path that led us here

peace and love peace and Love

I guess I have been catching alot of this vibe lately and I need to reinforce in myself that in all ways and all manners that the perceived truth of my brothers is not necessarily that of my own

nor does it have to be


SoCal Hippy

Active member
To be fearless no matter what happens -- that is the root of true happiness. To
move forward resolutely regardless of what lies in store -- that is the spirit,
the resolve, that leads to human victory. But if we allow ourselves to be
disturbed by petty criticism and slander, if we fear pressure and persecution,
we will never advance or create anything of lasting value.

Daisaku Ikeda

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


ICmag's Official Black Guy
It is said that when you strike a tuning fork to make it vibrate, it can make other nearby tuning forks that are pitched to the same frequency start to vibrate spontaneously. It sets off a "chain reaction" of vibration because the forks are all tuned into the same frequency.

Similarly, the vibe we create when we chant triggers vibration not only in the depths of our life, but in our surroundings. As we tune ourselves more and more to the vibe of this Buddha wisdom, we resonate with the Buddha vibe that is in other people and in our environment. The vibration of chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo awakens innate Buddha qualities everywhere in a sort of chain reaction.

People have been chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo for centuries and there are lots of ways to explain it. While not everyone agrees on why it works, most chanters agree that it is a worthwhile devotional practice. The best way to understand it is to chant and see for yourself....


I think everyone should try it one day....:laughing::joint:


3rd-Eye Jedi
I find the doctrine of chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo both simple and profound. As I see it it is like the Ying.Yang. Two separate entities that exist in one.

Let me blend some biblical parables and marijuana cultivation to paint a picture that came to me when I first came to understand the meaning of chanting Buddhism.

In the bible I read Christ said faith is like a mustard seed. It starts small and yet attains tremendous size. My mind understood the irony of a statement that was both simile and metaphoric, but my heart could not identify it as being real, I could not feel the so called seed of faith that would mark my spiritual beginning

Years later after encountering a measure of success in making breeding and growing my own medication and having gained a measure of healing and spirituality I looked down at the tiny seeds of a strain I had bred knowing the promise they held.

The parable of the mustard seed came to mind and I was humbled.

The world marijuana opened to me is far more profound and spiritual than I had imagined existed, and I knew nothing of this promise when I started.

So in chanting the words and posing the question to by those who know not what it means or to encourage the ears of those who do we both plant a seed and water a tree and in doing so the two are one

even if you dont feel it the profound meaning is never lost when it is said

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


3rd-Eye Jedi
As promised I was walking the path that was tread before

As promised I was walking the path that was tread before

and I found this simple, succinct and quite powerful :)

Titled the truth lies within you

Hi everyone! It was a long weekend. I have been trying to think of something to add to VB's last post. I just spied it a few moments ago; It is the bi-line of the Basics of Buddhism by Pat Allright.

"If you wish to free yourself from the sufferings of birth and death you have endured through eternity and attain supreme enlightenment in this lifetime, you must awaken to the mystic truth which has always been within your life" Nichiren Daishonin

The Truth is that we each have the potential of enlightenment / Buddhahood within our lives. This Buddha state, the highest of the ten states, is characterized by boundless wisdom and infinite compassion. It is achieved through the Bodhisattva practice, the ninth of the ten states. This state is characterized by compassion in which one dedicates oneself to saving others.

In the current time of mappo, the Latter Day of the Law, the correct practice to achieve enlightenment as Bodhisattvas of the Earth, is teaching to all that will listen, the great law of Myoho Renge Kyo. As the Daishonin further states:

"While deluded one is called a common mortal. but once enlightened he is called a Buddha....Nam Myoho Renge Kyo."


Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

SoCal Hippy

Active member
Thanks PB4 for your continuous gosho study efforts!

Thanks PB4 for your continuous gosho study efforts!

Let's read the Gosho regularly. Even just a little is fine. Even a single sentence. Just opening the Gosho is a start. At any rate, let's strive to read the Daishonin's writings. It's important to have the spirit to study the Gosho, to open up the Gosho. Even if you forget what you've read, something profound will have been engraved in the depths of your life.

Daisaku Ikeda


Trying to have a good day
No more shall you take things second and third hand

Nore shall you accept the opinions of ghosts

You shall see things from all sides

And filter it with your SELF.
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